On 13.5.2013 15:23, Lukas Slebodnik wrote:
On (06/05/13 14:03), Petr Spacek wrote:
On 18.4.2013 11:04, Petr Spacek wrote:

Clean up PTR record synchronization code and make it more robust.

PTR record synchronization was split to smaller functions.
Input validation, error handling and logging was improved

Tbabej's GCC cries about uninitialized variable 'ptr_a_equal', but we
weren't able to find any real error.

This version of the patch contains a workaround for the GCC oddities.

Petr^2 Spacek

From 5e6abb29df58ce00ecf7045254dfc7fb09fc4650 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Petr Spacek <pspa...@redhat.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2013 16:10:09 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Clean up PTR record synchronization code and make it more

PTR record synchronization was split to smaller functions.
Input validation, error handling and logging was improved

Signed-off-by: Petr Spacek <pspa...@redhat.com>
src/ldap_helper.c | 507 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
1 file changed, 342 insertions(+), 165 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ldap_helper.c b/src/ldap_helper.c
--- a/src/ldap_helper.c
+++ b/src/ldap_helper.c
@@ -2830,35 +2830,360 @@ cleanup:

+#define SYNCPTR_PREF    "PTR record synchronization "
+#define SYNCPTR_FMTPRE  SYNCPTR_PREF "(%s) for A/AAAA '%s' "
+#define SYNCPTR_FMTPOST ldap_modop_str(mod_op), a_name_str
+static const char *
+ldap_modop_str(unsigned int mod_op) {
+       static const char add[] = "addition";
+       static const char del[] = "deletion";
Declaration(definition) of string should be consistent everywhere in the source 
Please change "char _name[]" to "char * _name"
Sorry for nitpicking, I know that semantically is it the same,
but in the other places in source code, strings are
defined like "(const)? char *".
If you don't believe me, you can run next command :-)

     grep -Rn -E 'char.*=.*"[^"]*"' <path_to_bind-dyndb-ldap>


+static isc_result_t
+ldap_find_ptr(ldap_instance_t *ldap_inst, const char *ip_str,
+             dns_name_t *ptr_name, ld_string_t *ptr_dn,
+             dns_name_t *zone_name) {
+       isc_result_t result;
+       isc_mem_t *mctx = ldap_inst->mctx;
+       in_addr_t ip;
+       /* Get string with IP address from change request
+        * and convert it to in_addr structure. */
+       if ((ip = inet_addr(ip_str)) t) == 0) {
If the input is invalid, INADDR_NONE (usually -1) is returned.
For details: man inet_addr

+               log_bug(SYNCPTR_PREF " could not convert IP address "
+                       "from string '%s'", ip_str);
+       }

Thank you for catching this! Nobody noticed it for one and half year :-)

In any case, this code can't handle IPv6 addresses. We will triage it tomorrow: https://fedorahosted.org/bind-dyndb-ldap/ticket/118

Fixed patch is attached. The new version includes also typo fix: " could" => "could".

Petr Spacek
From 9642cc19136ae69d0ac161f97d01f0e26fe6c772 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Petr Spacek <pspa...@redhat.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2013 16:10:09 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Clean up PTR record synchronization code and make it more

PTR record synchronization was split to smaller functions.
Input validation, error handling and logging was improved

Signed-off-by: Petr Spacek <pspa...@redhat.com>
 src/ldap_helper.c | 507 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 342 insertions(+), 165 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ldap_helper.c b/src/ldap_helper.c
index af630e53dde36c3eec4d1a286cb096bcd8f3b0ca..b8d79de15d2f4ba5784bb314fc52cc8eae74a700 100644
--- a/src/ldap_helper.c
+++ b/src/ldap_helper.c
@@ -2830,35 +2830,360 @@ cleanup:
 #undef SET_LDAP_MOD
+#define SYNCPTR_PREF    "PTR record synchronization "
+#define SYNCPTR_FMTPRE  SYNCPTR_PREF "(%s) for A/AAAA '%s' "
+#define SYNCPTR_FMTPOST ldap_modop_str(mod_op), a_name_str
+static const char *
+ldap_modop_str(unsigned int mod_op) {
+	static const char *add = "addition";
+	static const char *del = "deletion";
+	switch (mod_op) {
+	case LDAP_MOD_ADD:
+		return add;
+		return del;
+	default:
+		INSIST("unsupported LDAP mod_op" == NULL);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+static void
+append_trailing_dot(char *str, unsigned int size) {
+	unsigned int length = strlen(str);
+	if (str[length] != '.') {
+		REQUIRE(length + 1 < size);
+		str[length] = '.';
+		str[length+1] = '\0';
+	}
+static isc_result_t
+ldap_find_ptr(ldap_instance_t *ldap_inst, const char *ip_str,
+	      dns_name_t *ptr_name, ld_string_t *ptr_dn,
+	      dns_name_t *zone_name) {
+	isc_result_t result;
+	isc_mem_t *mctx = ldap_inst->mctx;
+	in_addr_t ip;
+	/* Get string with IP address from change request
+	 * and convert it to in_addr structure. */
+	if ((ip = inet_addr(ip_str)) == INADDR_NONE) {
+		log_bug(SYNCPTR_PREF "could not convert IP address "
+			"from string '%s'", ip_str);
+	}
+	/* Use internal net address representation. */
+	isc_netaddr_t isc_ip;
+	/* Only copy data to isc_ip stucture. */
+	isc_netaddr_fromin(&isc_ip,(struct in_addr *) &ip);
+	/*
+	 * Convert IP address to PTR record.
+	 *
+	 * @example
+	 * ->
+	 *
+	 * @todo Check if it works for IPv6 correctly.
+	 */
+	CHECK(dns_byaddr_createptrname2(&isc_ip, 0, ptr_name));
+	/* Get LDAP entry indentifier. */
+	CHECK(dnsname_to_dn(ldap_inst->zone_register, ptr_name, ptr_dn));
+	/*
+	 * @example
+	 * owner_dn_ptr = "idnsName=100.0.168, idnsname=192.in-addr.arpa,cn=dns,$SUFFIX"
+	 * owner_zone_dn_ptr = "idnsname=192.in-addr.arpa,cn=dns,$SUFFIX"
+	 */
+	char *owner_zone_dn_ptr = strstr(str_buf(ptr_dn),", ") + 1;
+	/* Get attribute "idnsAllowDynUpdate" for reverse zone or use default. */
+	CHECK(dn_to_dnsname(mctx, owner_zone_dn_ptr, zone_name, NULL));
+	return result;
+ * Check if PTR record's value in LDAP == name of the modified A/AAAA record.
+ * Update will be refused if the PTR name contains multiple PTR records or
+ * if the value in LDAP != expected name.
+ *
+ * @param[in] a_name     Name of modified A/AAAA record.
+ * @param[in] a_name_str Name of modified A/AAAA record as NUL terminated string.
+ * @param[in] ptr_name   Name of PTR record generated from IP address in A/AAAA.
+ * @param[in] mod_op     LDAP_MOD_DELETE if A/AAAA record is being deleted
+ *                       or LDAP_MOD_ADD if A/AAAA record is being added.
+ *
+ * @retval ISC_R_IGNORE  A and PTR records match, no change is required.
+ * @retval ISC_R_SUCCESS Prerequisites fulfilled, update is allowed.
+ * @retval other         Errors
+ *
+ * @code
+ * ** A record deletion **
+ * ; nsupdate command:
+ * update delete www.example.com. IN A
+ *
+ * ; PTR update will be allowed if the zone contains following data:
+ * www.example.com.		A
+ * 	PTR	www.example.com.
+ * ; PTR update will not be allowed if the zone contains following data:
+ * www.example.com.		A
+ * 	PTR	mail.example.com.
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @code
+ * ** A record addition **
+ * ; nsupdate command:
+ * update add www.example.com. 3600 IN A
+ *
+ * ; PTR update will be allowed if the zone does not contain A and PTR record.
+ *
+ * ; PTR update will not be allowed if the zone contains following data:
+ * 	PTR	mail.example.com.
+ * @endcode
+ */
+static isc_result_t
+ldap_sync_ptr_validate(ldap_instance_t *ldap_inst, dns_name_t *a_name,
+		       const char *a_name_str, dns_name_t *ptr_name,
+		       int mod_op) {
+	isc_result_t result;
+	isc_mem_t *mctx = ldap_inst->mctx;
+	char ptr_name_str[DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE+1];
+	isc_boolean_t ptr_found;
+	dns_rdata_ptr_t ptr_rdata;
+	char ptr_rdata_str[DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE+1];
+	isc_boolean_t ptr_a_equal = ISC_FALSE; /* GCC requires initialization */
+	ldapdb_rdatalist_t ldap_rdlist;
+	dns_rdatalist_t *ptr_rdlist = NULL;
+	ISC_LIST_INIT(ldap_rdlist);
+	REQUIRE(mod_op == LDAP_MOD_DELETE || mod_op == LDAP_MOD_ADD);
+	REQUIRE(a_name_str != NULL);
+	/* Find PTR entry in LDAP. */
+	ptr_found = ISC_FALSE;
+	result = ldapdb_rdatalist_get(mctx, ldap_inst, ptr_name,
+				      NULL, &ldap_rdlist);
+	if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS && result != ISC_R_NOTFOUND) {
+		log_error_r(SYNCPTR_FMTPRE "failed in ldapdb_rdatalist_get()",
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	/* Find the value of PTR entry. */
+	if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
+		result = ldapdb_rdatalist_findrdatatype(&ldap_rdlist,
+							dns_rdatatype_ptr,
+							&ptr_rdlist);
+		if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS && HEAD(ptr_rdlist->rdata) != NULL) {
+			if (HEAD(ptr_rdlist->rdata) != TAIL(ptr_rdlist->rdata)) {
+				dns_name_format(ptr_name, ptr_name_str,
+				append_trailing_dot(ptr_name_str,
+						    sizeof(ptr_name_str));
+				log_error(SYNCPTR_FMTPRE
+					  "failed: multiple PTR records under "
+					  "name '%s' are not supported",
+					  SYNCPTR_FMTPOST, ptr_name_str);
+			}
+			dns_rdata_tostruct(HEAD(ptr_rdlist->rdata), &ptr_rdata,
+					   NULL);
+			ptr_found = ISC_TRUE;
+			/* Compare PTR value with name of the A/AAAA record. */
+			if (dns_name_isabsolute(a_name) &&
+			    dns_name_isabsolute(&ptr_rdata.ptr) &&
+			    dns_name_equal(&ptr_rdata.ptr, a_name)) {
+				ptr_a_equal = ISC_TRUE;
+			} else {
+				ptr_a_equal = ISC_FALSE;
+				dns_name_format(ptr_name, ptr_name_str,
+				append_trailing_dot(ptr_name_str,
+						    sizeof(ptr_name_str));
+				dns_name_format(&ptr_rdata.ptr, ptr_rdata_str,
+				append_trailing_dot(ptr_rdata_str,
+						    sizeof(ptr_rdata_str));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (mod_op == LDAP_MOD_DELETE) {
+		if (ptr_found == ISC_FALSE) {
+			log_debug(3, SYNCPTR_FMTPRE "skipped: no PTR records "
+				  "found", SYNCPTR_FMTPOST);
+		} else if (ptr_a_equal == ISC_FALSE) {
+			log_error(SYNCPTR_FMTPRE "failed: "
+				  "existing PTR record '%s' contains unexpected "
+				  "value '%s' (value '%s' expected)",
+				  SYNCPTR_FMTPOST, ptr_name_str, ptr_rdata_str,
+				  a_name_str);
+		}
+	} else if (mod_op == LDAP_MOD_ADD && ptr_found == ISC_TRUE) {
+		if (ptr_a_equal == ISC_TRUE) {
+			log_debug(3, SYNCPTR_FMTPRE "skipped: PTR record with"
+				  "desired value is already present",
+		} else {
+			log_error(SYNCPTR_FMTPRE "failed: "
+				  "existing PTR record '%s' contains unexpected "
+				  "value '%s' (value '%s' or no value expected)",
+				  SYNCPTR_FMTPOST, ptr_name_str, ptr_rdata_str,
+				  a_name_str);
+		}
+	}
+	result = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
+	ldapdb_rdatalist_destroy(mctx, &ldap_rdlist);
+	return result;
+static isc_result_t
+ldap_sync_ptr(ldap_instance_t *ldap_inst, dns_name_t *a_name,
+		const char *ip_str, int mod_op, isc_boolean_t delete_node) {
+	isc_result_t result;
+	isc_mem_t *mctx = ldap_inst->mctx;
+	char **vals = NULL;
+	char a_name_str[DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE+1];
+	ld_string_t *ptr_dn = NULL;
+	struct dns_fixedname ptr_name;
+	LDAPMod *change[2] = { NULL };
+	dns_name_t zone_name;
+	ldap_cache_t *zone_cache = NULL;
+	settings_set_t *zone_settings = NULL;
+	isc_boolean_t zone_dyn_update;
+	dns_name_init(&zone_name, NULL);
+	dns_fixedname_init(&ptr_name);
+	CHECK(str_new(mctx, &ptr_dn));
+	/**
+	 * Get string representation of PTR record value.
+	 * @code
+	 * a_name_str = "host.example.com."
+	 * @endcode
+	 */
+	dns_name_format(a_name, a_name_str, DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE);
+	append_trailing_dot(a_name_str, sizeof(a_name_str));
+	result = ldap_find_ptr(ldap_inst, ip_str, dns_fixedname_name(&ptr_name),
+			       ptr_dn, &zone_name);
+	if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
+		log_error_r(SYNCPTR_FMTPRE "refused: "
+			    "unable to find active reverse zone "
+			    "for IP address '%s'", SYNCPTR_FMTPOST, ip_str);
+	}
+	CHECK(zr_get_zone_settings(ldap_inst->zone_register, &zone_name,
+				   &zone_settings));
+	CHECK(setting_get_bool("dyn_update", zone_settings, &zone_dyn_update));
+	if (!zone_dyn_update) {
+		char zone_name_str[DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE];
+		dns_name_format(&zone_name, zone_name_str, DNS_NAME_FORMATSIZE);
+		log_error(SYNCPTR_FMTPRE "refused: "
+			  "IP address '%s' belongs to reverse zone '%s' "
+			  "and dynamic updates are not allowed for that zone",
+			  SYNCPTR_FMTPOST, ip_str, zone_name_str);
+	}
+	result = ldap_sync_ptr_validate(ldap_inst, a_name, a_name_str,
+					dns_fixedname_name(&ptr_name), mod_op);
+	if (result == ISC_R_IGNORE)
+	else if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+	/* Fill the LDAPMod change structure up. */
+	CHECKED_MEM_GET_PTR(mctx, change[0]);
+	ZERO_PTR(change[0]);
+	/* Do the same action what has been done with A/AAAA record. */
+	change[0]->mod_op = mod_op;
+	char *attr_name;
+	const char *attr_name_c;
+	CHECK(rdatatype_to_ldap_attribute(dns_rdatatype_ptr, &attr_name_c));
+	DE_CONST(attr_name_c, attr_name);
+	change[0]->mod_type = attr_name;
+	CHECKED_MEM_ALLOCATE(mctx, vals, 2 * sizeof(char *));
+	memset(vals, 0, 2 * sizeof(char *));
+	change[0]->mod_values = vals;
+	CHECKED_MEM_ALLOCATE(mctx, vals[0], strlen(a_name_str) + 1);
+	memcpy(vals[0], a_name_str, strlen(a_name_str) + 1);
+	/* Modify PTR record. */
+	CHECK(ldap_modify_do(ldap_inst, str_buf(ptr_dn),
+			     change, delete_node));
+	CHECK(zr_get_zone_cache(ldap_inst->zone_register,
+				dns_fixedname_name(&ptr_name), &zone_cache));
+	CHECK(discard_from_cache(zone_cache, dns_fixedname_name(&ptr_name)));
+	if (dns_name_dynamic(&zone_name))
+		dns_name_free(&zone_name, mctx);
+	str_destroy(&ptr_dn);
+	if (change[0] != NULL) free_ldapmod(mctx, &change[0]);
+	return result;
 static isc_result_t
 modify_ldap_common(dns_name_t *owner, ldap_instance_t *ldap_inst,
 		   dns_rdatalist_t *rdlist, int mod_op, isc_boolean_t delete_node)
 	isc_result_t result;
 	isc_mem_t *mctx = ldap_inst->mctx;
 	ld_string_t *owner_dn = NULL;
 	LDAPMod *change[3] = { NULL };
-	LDAPMod *change_ptr = NULL;
 	ldap_cache_t *cache = NULL;
-	isc_boolean_t zone_dyn_update;
 	isc_boolean_t zone_sync_ptr;
-	ld_string_t *owner_dn_ptr = NULL;
-	ld_string_t *str_ptr = NULL;
-	ldapdb_rdatalist_t rdlist_search;
-	dns_rdatalist_t *rdlist_ptr = NULL;
 	char **vals = NULL;
 	dns_name_t zone_name;
-	struct dns_fixedname ptr_name;
 	char *zone_dn = NULL;
 	settings_set_t *zone_settings = NULL;
 	 * Find parent zone entry and check if Dynamic Update is allowed.
 	 * @todo Try the cache first and improve split: SOA records are problematic.
-	ISC_LIST_INIT(rdlist_search);
 	dns_name_init(&zone_name, NULL);
-	dns_fixedname_init(&ptr_name);
 	CHECK(str_new(mctx, &owner_dn));
 	CHECK(dnsname_to_dn(ldap_inst->zone_register, owner, owner_dn));
@@ -2876,7 +3201,8 @@ modify_ldap_common(dns_name_t *owner, ldap_instance_t *ldap_inst,
 	if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
 		if (result == ISC_R_NOTFOUND)
-			log_debug(3, "active zone '%s' not found", zone_dn);
+			log_debug(3, "update refused: "
+				  "active zone '%s' not found", zone_dn);
@@ -2898,7 +3224,7 @@ modify_ldap_common(dns_name_t *owner, ldap_instance_t *ldap_inst,
 		/* for now always replace the ttl on add */
 		CHECK(ldap_rdttl_to_ldapmod(mctx, rdlist, &change[1]));
 	CHECK(ldap_modify_do(ldap_inst, str_buf(owner_dn), change, delete_node));
 	/* Keep the PTR of corresponding A/AAAA record synchronized. */
@@ -2910,169 +3236,20 @@ modify_ldap_common(dns_name_t *owner, ldap_instance_t *ldap_inst,
 		CHECK(setting_get_bool("sync_ptr", zone_settings, &zone_sync_ptr));
 		if (!zone_sync_ptr) {
-			log_debug(3, "sync PTR is not allowed in zone '%s'", zone_dn);
+			log_debug(3, "sync PTR is disabled for zone '%s'", zone_dn);
-		log_debug(3, "sync PTR is allowed for zone '%s'", zone_dn);
+		log_debug(3, "sync PTR is enabled for zone '%s'", zone_dn);
-		/* Get string with IP address from change request
-		 * and convert it to in_addr structure. */
-		in_addr_t ip;
-		if ((ip = inet_addr(change[0]->mod_values[0])) == 0) {
-			log_bug("Could not convert IP address from string '%s'.",
-			        change[0]->mod_values[0]);
-			result = ISC_R_FAILURE;
-			goto cleanup;
-		}
-		/* Use internal net address representation. */
-		isc_netaddr_t isc_ip;
-		/* Only copy data to isc_ip stucture. */
-		isc_netaddr_fromin(&isc_ip,(struct in_addr *) &ip);
-		/*
-		 * Convert IP address to PTR record.
-		 *
-		 * @example
-		 * ->
-		 *
-		 * @todo Check if it works for IPv6 correctly.
-		 */
-		CHECK(dns_byaddr_createptrname2(&isc_ip, 0, dns_fixedname_name(&ptr_name)));
-		/* Find PTR entry in LDAP. */
-		result = ldapdb_rdatalist_get(mctx, ldap_inst, dns_fixedname_name(&ptr_name),
-									  NULL, &rdlist_search); 
-		/* Check the value of PTR entry. */	
-		if (mod_op == LDAP_MOD_DELETE && result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
-			result = ldapdb_rdatalist_findrdatatype(&rdlist_search, 
-			                                        dns_rdatatype_ptr, &rdlist_ptr);
-		}
-		if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS && result != ISC_R_NOTFOUND) {
-			log_error_r("can not synchronize PTR record, ldapdb_rdatalist_get");
-			CLEANUP_WITH(ISC_R_FAILURE); /* Synchronization required: report error. */
-		}
-		/* 
-		 * Do not overwrite old record and delete only existing record. 
-		 */
-		if ((result == ISC_R_SUCCESS && mod_op == LDAP_MOD_ADD) ||
-			(result == ISC_R_NOTFOUND && mod_op == LDAP_MOD_DELETE)) {
-			log_debug(2,"Can not synchronize PTR record for A/AAAA one (%s) - record %s.",
-			        str_buf(owner_dn), 
-			        ((mod_op == LDAP_MOD_ADD)?"already exists":"not found"));
-			result = ISC_R_SUCCESS; /* @todo: More checks for ADD operation. */
-			goto cleanup;
-		}
-		/* Get LDAP entry indentifier. */ 
-		CHECK(str_new(mctx, &owner_dn_ptr));
-		CHECK(dnsname_to_dn(ldap_inst->zone_register, dns_fixedname_name(&ptr_name),
-				    owner_dn_ptr));
-		/*
-		 * @example 
-		 * owner_dn_ptr = "idnsName=100.0.168, idnsname=192.in-addr.arpa,cn=dns,$SUFFIX"
-		 * owner_zone_dn_ptr = "idnsname=192.in-addr.arpa,cn=dns,$SUFFIX"
-		 */
-		char *owner_zone_dn_ptr = strstr(str_buf(owner_dn_ptr),", ") + 1;
-		/* Get attribute "idnsAllowDynUpdate" for reverse zone or use default. */
-		dns_name_free(&zone_name, mctx);
-		dns_name_init(&zone_name, NULL);
-		CHECK(dn_to_dnsname(mctx, owner_zone_dn_ptr, &zone_name, NULL));
-		zone_settings = NULL;
-		result = zr_get_zone_settings(ldap_inst->zone_register, &zone_name,
-					      &zone_settings);
-		if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
-			if (result == ISC_R_NOTFOUND)
-				log_debug(3, "active zone '%s' not found", zone_dn);
-		}
-		CHECK(setting_get_bool("dyn_update", zone_settings, &zone_dyn_update));
-		if (!zone_dyn_update) {
-			log_error("dynamic update is not allowed in zone "
-				  "'%s'", zone_dn);
-		}
-		/* 
-		 * Get string representation of PTR record value.
-		 * 
-		 * @example str_ptr = "host.example.com." 
-		 */
-		CHECK(str_new(mctx, &str_ptr));
-		CHECK(dn_to_text(str_buf(owner_dn), str_ptr, NULL));
-		/*
-		 * Delete only when PTR record's value == A/AAAA record's key.
-		 *
-		 * @example
-		 *
-		 * www.example.com. 			A
-		 * ; PTR record can be synchronized.
-		 * 	PTR		www.example.com.
-		 * ; PTR record can NOT be synchronized.
-		 *	PTR		not.valid.com.
-		 *
-		 */ 
-		if (mod_op == LDAP_MOD_DELETE) {
-			CHECK(ldap_rdata_to_char_array(mctx, HEAD(rdlist_ptr->rdata), &vals));
-			if (vals != NULL && vals[0] != NULL && strcmp(vals[0], str_buf(str_ptr)) != 0) {
-				log_debug(3,"Cannot delete PTR record, unexpected value found "
-					"(expected \"%s\")\n", str_buf(str_ptr));
-				result = ISC_R_FAILURE;
-				goto cleanup;
-			}
-		}
-		/* Fill the LDAPMod change structure up. */
-		char **vals = NULL;
-		CHECKED_MEM_GET_PTR(mctx, change_ptr);
-		ZERO_PTR(change_ptr);
-		/* Do the same action what has been done with A/AAAA record. */	
-		change_ptr->mod_op = mod_op;
-		char *attr_name;
-		const char *attr_name_c;
-		CHECK(rdatatype_to_ldap_attribute(dns_rdatatype_ptr, &attr_name_c));
-		DE_CONST(attr_name_c, attr_name);
-		change_ptr->mod_type = attr_name;  
-		CHECKED_MEM_ALLOCATE(mctx, vals, 2 * sizeof(char *));
-		memset(vals, 0, 2 * sizeof(char *));
-		change_ptr->mod_values = vals;
-		CHECKED_MEM_ALLOCATE(mctx, vals[0], str_len(str_ptr) + 1);
-		memcpy(vals[0], str_buf(str_ptr), str_len(str_ptr) + 1);
-		/* Switch pointers and free the old memory. */ 
-		free_ldapmod(mctx, &change[0]);
-		change[0] = change_ptr;
-		change_ptr = NULL;
-		/* Modify PTR record. */
-		CHECK(ldap_modify_do(ldap_inst, str_buf(owner_dn_ptr),
-				     change, delete_node));
-		cache = NULL;
-		CHECK(zr_get_zone_cache(ldap_inst->zone_register,
-					dns_fixedname_name(&ptr_name), &cache));
-		CHECK(discard_from_cache(cache, dns_fixedname_name(&ptr_name)));
+		result = ldap_sync_ptr(ldap_inst, owner, change[0]->mod_values[0],
+					 mod_op, delete_node);
-	str_destroy(&owner_dn_ptr);
-	str_destroy(&str_ptr);
 	free_ldapmod(mctx, &change[0]);
 	free_ldapmod(mctx, &change[1]);
-	if (change_ptr != NULL) free_ldapmod(mctx, &change_ptr);
-	ldapdb_rdatalist_destroy(mctx, &rdlist_search);
 	free_char_array(mctx, &vals);
 	dns_name_free(&zone_name, mctx);

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