Petr Viktorin wrote:
I'm splitting up ACI work into several designs to make it more manageable.

This one is about
- Moving ACIs out of $SUFFIX
- Storing all ACI data in the permission entry
- Permission flag system for ensuring backwards compatibility

Summary of the backcompat story:
- Attributes, rights, etc. of new permissions may not be modified or
read on old servers (not possible since the ACIs aren't in $SUFFIX)
- Old permissions convert to new ones when they're modified on a new server
- Any server can assign (or remove) both old and new permissions to

There is a bit of shuffling in API/CLI option names, since the API
option name needs to match the LDAP attributeTypes.

The WIP design document is here:

Data in the permission entry

I think the schema needs to be described better. I'm assuming that ipaPermTarget is the equivalent of current targetgroup option? And targetfilter is the equivalent of current filter option?

If you are placing the ACI into the container based on type, then you probably don't need the filter within the ACI (it is implicit).

In general I think some examples would be helpful.

Modifying and Upgrading Permissions

Under what conditions would there be an old or a new permission and no associated ACI?

Option/Attribute mapping

Performing a search on the filter is a good idea but realize that it has its limits. It is possible to create a legal filter that makes no (or little) sense.

If type is only going to specify the location of the ACI then perhaps it shouldn't be in the mutually exclusive list.


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