On 11/20/2013 09:15 AM, Derek Moore wrote:
> Perhaps whoever wrote these: ?
> http://www.freeipa.org/page/OpenShift_Broker_and_IPA_DNS_Server_with_Dynamic_Updates_with_GSS-TSIG
> http://www.freeipa.org/page/OpenShift_Broker_Apache_%2B_mod_auth_kerb_for_IdM
> I've tried to hit up openshift devs on IRC, but like oVirt they are
> very US business hours oriented, which is when I'm usually working and
> not tinkering on the fun stuff.

This was written by a person who is no longer working on the project.
However I am not quite sure I understand what you are looking for?

At some point, several month ago we did integration with OpenShift
making Kerberos work, integrating DNS and other things.
The pages you mention are the ground work. It was sort of testing
integration waters. Things might be a bit broken now as OpenShift is
moving fast. We have plans to get back and correct things however first
of all would be important to understand your interest and use case.

> On Wednesday, November 20, 2013, Petr Spacek wrote:
>     On 15.11.2013 18:30, Derek Moore wrote:
>         Is there an opportunity to also bring in OpenShift Origin, in
>         particular
>         Broker, which also uses its own BIND with dyndb and/or nsupdate?
>         Maybe they don't care as much since they use a limited subset
>         of BIND only
>         for namespace and app subdomains.
>     Generally, I don't see a reason why not. Do you have any pointer
>     to the right mailing list or particular person? It would help me a
>     lot because I know next to nothing about OpenShift.
>     Thank you!
>     Petr^2 Spacek
>         Knot DNS looks cool, hadn't heard of these guys yet.
>         On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 9:48 AM, Petr Spacek
>         <pspa...@redhat.com> wrote:
>             Hello list,
>             as you may know, we don't have any tests for
>             bind-dyndb-ldap/DNS in
>             FreeIPA. It seems that we have a chance to change that now.
>             The LinuxAlt conference 2013 brought the information that
>             Knot DNS [1]
>             developers plan to write a new test suite for their
>             server, but as usual,
>             resources are limited and nobody really want to spent time
>             on tests :-)
>             This resulted in the idea of test-sharing between Knot DNS and
>             bind-dyndb-ldap/FreeIPA. I think that this would be
>             beneficial for both
>             sides.
>             We can mutually re-use tests from the other project, so
>             overall cost of
>             test-development will be lower for both sides.
>             The only technical obstacle is that we need to design/to
>             bend testing
>             framework from Knot DNS, so it will be able to run the
>             same set of tests
>             against BIND with bind-dyndb-ldap.
>             It seems feasible after a quick look. We just need to
>             allocate some time
>             for initial discussion/framework design/bending and then
>             we can add tests
>             incrementally, as our schedule allows.
>             Current 'test suite' is a part of Knot DNS git repo, and I
>             think that it
>             can stay in this way. The idea is to:
>             - clone the repo
>             - set few environment variables (to direct tests to local
>             BIND)
>             - run the tests
>             That is it :-)
>             It would be great if we could spend some time on this now.
>             We need to
>             discuss it and prepare the testing framework.
>             We risk that Knot DNS guys will go ahead and design the
>             framework in a way
>             which will not fit to our needs if we will wait too long.
>             [1] http://www.knot-dns.cz/
>             [2] https://gitlab.labs.nic.cz/labs/knot/tree/master/tests-
>             extra/functional
>             The bonus part: A wiki page about current functional tests
>             for Knot DNS:
>             https://gitlab.labs.nic.cz/labs/knot/wikis/functional-testing
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Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager for IdM portfolio
Red Hat Inc.

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