Ade Lee wrote:
Attached a new patch to address some of the concerns below, specifically
I created a new base class DogtagInstance, in which much of the common
CA/KRA code is placed.  I'm sure we could go further in reducing
duplication, and I'm open to further suggestions and refinements.

I did not tackle the packaging and spec file dependencies, because I'd
like some clearer direction on how we want to proceed here.  In any
case, I think the splitting of the ipa packages into ca and possibly kra
packages should be a separate patch.

As before, with this patch you can:
- install a ca and drm using ipa-server-install
- install a ca and drm replica using
    ipa-replica-prepare <hostname>
    ipa-replica-install --setup-ca --setup-drm <replia file>

You need to use a PKI build from the 10.2 (master) branch).  One such
build is given below:

The terms KRA and DRM tend to be used interchangeably. Should we pick one?

Need to bump the version number in install/conf/ipa-pki-proxy.conf so that upgrades get the new LocationMatch.

ipa-replica-install still uses the if/then to set the value of enable_drm when it can be reduced like you did in ipa-server-install.

In ipa-server-install you have an extra comment, probably left for yourself: # code to create drm here

In there are a few direct references to DRM in comments and output. doesn't need to override

I also don't think you need the explicit definitions for enable, start_instance, etc. Those should be inherited from the DogtagInstance class, in both and

I think spawn_instance should take an option to add things to nolog in case there are server-independent things we don't want to log.

I don't want to pile too much on, but it seems to me that if we are going to copy in default.conf then we can do away with realm_info completely and just use default.conf. Both would need to be supported for a while though. Martin, what do you think?

I still have quite a bit of functional testing to go. I've only installed a fresh standalone master. Still need to do upgrade and replication testing.


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