
   Thanks for all you feedbacks and help about which attributes to
   preserved and how to limit authentication (simple and krb) to Active
   accounts, here are my understandings:

    1. Staging (container: cn=staged
       plugins scoping Staging:
         * ipa_pwd_extop (kerberos keys  generated)
       In order to prevent simple bind, there is pre-bind plugin or cos
       (nsAccoutLock: True).

         * provisioning constraints - no constraint when creating an entry
           but to be activated the entries in that container must have:
             o   'uid' RDN
             o have OC: posixaccount, ipaObject (MUST: cn, uid,
               uidNumber, gidNumber, homedirectory, ipaUniqueID)
         * ipa stageuser-add <login>
           It creates a stage entry with

               uidNumber: -1
               gidNumber: -1
               ipaUniqueID: autogenerate
               description: __no_upg__
               manager: checks that the DN is an active user
               userPassword/krb keys: if userPassword is set, krb keys
               are generated

         * ipa stageuser-add <login> --from-delete
           It possibly updates (MOD-delete) the deleted entry to delete
           the attributes:
             o userPassword
             o krb keys

           Then it moves (modrdn) the deleted entry to staging
           container where

               uidNumber: <unchanged, so it is preserved from the
               prevous active account>
               gidNumber: <unchanged, so it is preserved from the
               prevous active account>
               ipaUniqueID: <unchanged, so it is preserved from the
               prevous active account>
               description: __no_upg__ (to show there is not managed group)
               (Deleted entries have no userPassword nor krb keys)

         * ipa stageuser-activate <login>
           To be activated an entry must have:
             o 'uid' RDN
             o have OC: posixaccount, ipaObject (MUST: cn, uid,
               uidNumber, gidNumber, homedirectory, ipaUniqueID)
           It adds in the active container, a destination copy of a
           stage entry where

               uidNumber: <unchanged> (if it was '-1' DNA generates it)
               gidNumber: <unchanged> (if it was '-1' DNA generates it)
               ipaUniqueID: <unchanged> (if it was 'autogenerate' ipa
               uuid generates it)
               description: value __no_upg__ is removed
               DN syntax attributes are cleared (but kept for schema
               checking) except: manager, managedby and secretary
               (those values must be active DN entries)
               userPassword/krb keys: copied from source entry if they

           Then removes the source entry from the 'Staging' container.

         * ipa stageuser-find <login>
         * ipa stageuser-show <login>
         * ipa stageuser-mod <login>

               DN syntax attributes: checks that the DN is an active user

         * ipa stageuser-del <login>

    1. Active (container: cn=users,cn=accounts,SUFFIX)
       plugins scoping Staging:

         * ipa_pwd_extop (kerberos keys  generated)
         * attribute uniqueness (ipaUniqueID, uid, krbprincipalname,
         * referential integrity
         * memberof
         * managed entries
         * ipa uuid

       In order to allow simple bind, there is pre-bind plugin or cos
       (nsAccoutLock: False).
       A new entry (user-add or stageuser-activate) is updated by DS
       plugins (UUID, memberof, managed entries, and DNA plugins)

         * ipa user-add <login>
         * ipa user-mod <login>
           DN syntax attributes: checks that the DN is an active user
         * ipa user-show <login>
         * ipa user-find <login>
         * ipa user-delete <login>
           The entry is moved (modrdn) to Delete container:
             o all memberships attributes updated by plugins (managed
             o group members updated by referential integrity

           then updated (mod)
             o all DN syntax attributes are wiped except: manager,
               managedby, secretary
             o description: add __no_upg__ value
             o userPassword is deleted
             o kerberos keys are deleted
         * ipa user-undelete <login>
           The entry is possibly updated (MOD-delete) to delete attributes
             o userPassword (no simple bind on undeleted entry,
               requires to create a password)
             o kerberos keys (no kerberos bind on undeleted entry,
               requires to recreate user password)
           Then is moved (modrdn) to Active container

    1. Delete (container is cn=deleted users,cn=accounts,SUFFIX)
       plugins scoping Delete:

             * ipa_pwd_extop (not required as Delete account should not
               have userPassword nor krb keys)
             * attribute uniqueness (ipaUniqueID, uid,
               krbprincipalname, krbcanonicalName)

       In order to prevent simple bind (in addition to userPassword
       being cleared), there is pre-bind plugin or cos (nsAccoutLock:


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