Hello team,

As we are about to very soon release the FreeIPA 4.0, I triaged all the pending
tickets and divided them to following milestones:

1) FreeIPA 4.0 GA - last work that is required for the release. When this
milestone is completed, we will release. All tickets in this milestone are thus
the top priority for people working on 4.0 - this applies both for development
and for reviews.

2) FreeIPA 4.0.1 - stabilization tickets that do not affect the release in any
significant way and can be done after GA.

RFEs and bugs that did not make it to these buckets were pushed out to next
releases - 4.1, 4.2 or even farther, based on their scope and importance. If I
missed anything or you think that some ticket I pushed out must make it to 4.0
(and you have a patch), please ping me.

Thank you.

Martin Kosek <mko...@redhat.com>
Supervisor, Software Engineering - Identity Management Team
Red Hat Inc.

Freeipa-devel mailing list

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