On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 03:51:08PM +0200, David Kupka wrote:
> In fact it is almost enough complete for us. The only operation I can't find
> is 'write ca_external_helper'.
> add_principal_to_cas and remove_principal_from_cas are modifying this entry
> in ca file. Certmonger provide 'get_location' DBus method that returns value
> of this entry but I can't find any 'set_location' method, writable property
> or other way to modify it over DBus.

Yeah, it wasn't originally expected that those'd need to be edited after
they were added.

> Am I searching wrong? If not I looked in certmonger code and think that I
> will be able to add the missing functionality. But I'm unsure what is the
> preferred way, I can think of two:
> 1. set_location method
> 2. read-write location/ca_external_helper property

Probably the latter, since it's slightly less code and I think more in
keeping with the way D-Bus clients generally expect to be doing things.
That's assuming you don't need to kill any in-progress attempts to
contact a CA and restart them with the new value.



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