On 09/08/2014 05:56 PM, Martin Basti wrote:
On 02/09/14 16:55, David Kupka wrote:
The patch now depends on freeipa-dkupka-0012 as both modifies the same
part of code.

freeipa-dkupka-0012 is now accepted and merged upstream so there is no need to take this dependency into account.

On 09/02/2014 10:29 AM, David Kupka wrote:
Forget to add str() conversion to some places when removing map(). Now
it should be working again.

On 08/27/2014 02:24 PM, David Kupka wrote:
Patch modified according to jcholast's personally-delivered feedback:

 > 1) use action='append' instead of that ugly parsing

 > 2) do not use map(), FreeIPA doesn't like it

On 08/25/2014 05:04 PM, David Kupka wrote:

Also should fix https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1128380 as
installation is no longer interrupted when multiple IPs are resolved.
But it does not add the option to change the IP address during second

I haven't tested it yet, I only take a look because there may be
conflict with 'dns root zone support' refactoring

+        for ns_ip_address in nameserver_ip_address:
+            add_zone(self.domain, self.zonemgr,
+                    ns_hostname=api.env.host, ns_ip_address=ns_ip_address,
+                    force=True)
Are you sure this will work? Domain name is the same, so no new zone
will be created (DuplicateEntry exception is handled inside add_zone
IMO you should call add_zone only once.

Fixed, thanks.

BTW: I will change the add_zone function in refactoring , ns_hostname
wil be remove, and ns_ip_address will take an p+ipv6 address

+        resolv_txt = ''
+        for ip_address in self.ip_address:
+            resolv_txt += "search "+self.domain+"\nnameserver
There is multiple search statements.

search example.com
search example.com
nameserver 2001:db8::1

and also there si a limit of namesevers which can be in resolv.conf, but
I dont know if we care,  statements over limit should be just ignored.

Since now, only localhost addresses (::1, are placed inside this file when DNS server is part of the installation.

self.ip_address is confusing for me, I'm expecting only one address.
Could it be ip_addresses or ip_address_list? Ask the framework gurus :-)

Changed to plural as there are other variables named this way.

David Kupka
From 7c5bc742b08403a1a6d878b21dc725a2f71f48da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Kupka <dku...@redhat.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 13:50:21 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Detect and configure all usable IP addresses.

Find, verify and configure all IP addresses that can be used to reach the server
FreeIPA is being installed on. Ignore some IP address only if user specifies
subset of detected addresses using --ip-address option.
This change simplyfies FreeIPA installation on multihomed and dual-stacked servers.

 install/tools/ipa-replica-install        | 69 ++++++++++++++---------
 install/tools/ipa-server-install         | 63 ++++++++++++---------
 ipaserver/install/bindinstance.py        | 74 +++++++++++++++----------
 ipaserver/install/installutils.py        | 94 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 ipaserver/install/ipa_replica_prepare.py | 66 ++++++++++++----------
 5 files changed, 207 insertions(+), 159 deletions(-)

diff --git a/install/tools/ipa-replica-install b/install/tools/ipa-replica-install
index 7c9e27e2b9d248653681c85236d3541ec9ab0ec7..6ca78a9c60d61d811ab09eb898966fb55bb3daf6 100755
--- a/install/tools/ipa-replica-install
+++ b/install/tools/ipa-replica-install
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ def parse_options():
                       default=False, help="configure a dogtag CA")
     basic_group.add_option("--setup-kra", dest="setup_kra", action="store_true",
                       default=False, help="configure a dogtag KRA")
-    basic_group.add_option("--ip-address", dest="ip_address",
-                      type="ip", ip_local=True,
+    basic_group.add_option("--ip-address", dest="ip_addresses",
+                      type="ip", ip_local=True, action="append", default=[],
                       help="Replica server IP Address")
     basic_group.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password", sensitive=True,
                       help="Directory Manager (existing master) password")
@@ -112,7 +112,8 @@ def parse_options():
                       type="ip", help="Add a DNS forwarder")
     dns_group.add_option("--no-forwarders", dest="no_forwarders", action="store_true",
                       default=False, help="Do not add any DNS forwarders, use root servers instead")
-    dns_group.add_option("--reverse-zone", dest="reverse_zone", help="The reverse DNS zone to use")
+    dns_group.add_option("--reverse-zone", dest="reverse_zones", default=[],
+                         action="append", help="The reverse DNS zone to use")
     dns_group.add_option("--no-reverse", dest="no_reverse", action="store_true",
                       default=False, help="Do not create new reverse DNS zone")
     dns_group.add_option("--no-host-dns", dest="no_host_dns", action="store_true",
@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ def parse_options():
             parser.error("You cannot specify a --forwarder option without the --setup-dns option")
         if options.no_forwarders:
             parser.error("You cannot specify a --no-forwarders option without the --setup-dns option")
-        if options.reverse_zone:
+        if options.reverse_zones:
             parser.error("You cannot specify a --reverse-zone option without the --setup-dns option")
         if options.no_reverse:
             parser.error("You cannot specify a --no-reverse option without the --setup-dns option")
@@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ def parse_options():
         parser.error("You cannot specify a --forwarder option together with --no-forwarders")
     elif not options.forwarders and not options.no_forwarders:
         parser.error("You must specify at least one --forwarder option or --no-forwarders option")
-    elif options.reverse_zone and options.no_reverse:
+    elif options.reverse_zones and options.no_reverse:
         parser.error("You cannot specify a --reverse-zone option together with --no-reverse")
     return safe_options, options, args[0]
@@ -269,22 +270,36 @@ def install_bind(config, options):
         forwarders = ()
     bind = bindinstance.BindInstance(dm_password=config.dirman_password)
-    if options.reverse_zone:
-        if not bindinstance.verify_reverse_zone(options.reverse_zone, config.ip):
-            sys.exit(1)
-        reverse_zone = bindinstance.normalize_zone(options.reverse_zone)
-    else:
-        reverse_zone = bindinstance.find_reverse_zone(config.ip)
-        if reverse_zone is None and not options.no_reverse:
-            reverse_zone = util.get_reverse_zone_default(config.ip)
-            if not options.unattended and bindinstance.create_reverse():
-                reverse_zone = bindinstance.read_reverse_zone(reverse_zone, config.ip)
+    reverse_zones = []
+    # there is at least one ip address in every zone
+    if options.reverse_zones:
+        for reverse_zone in options.reverse_zones:
+            for ip in config.ips:
+                if bindinstance.verify_reverse_zone(reverse_zone, ip):
+                    reverse_zones.append(bindinstance.normalize_zone(reverse_zone))
+                    break
+            else:
+                sys.exit(1)
+    # there is reverse zone for every ip address 
+    for ip in config.ips:
+        for reverse_zone in options.reverse_zones:
+            if bindinstance.verify_reverse_zone(reverse_zone, ip):
+                if reverse_zone not in reverse_zones:
+                    reverse_zones.append(bindinstance.normalize_zone(reverse_zone))
+                break
+        else:
+            reverse_zone = bindinstance.find_reverse_zone(ip)
+            if reverse_zone is None and not options.no_reverse:
+                reverse_zone = util.get_reverse_zone_default(ip)
+                if not options.unattended and bindinstance.create_reverse():
+                    reverse_zone = bindinstance.read_reverse_zone(reverse_zone, ip)
+                reverse_zones.append(bindinstance.normalize_zone(reverse_zone))
-    if reverse_zone is not None:
-        print "Using reverse zone %s" % reverse_zone
+    if reverse_zones is not None:
+        print "Using reverse zone(s) %s" % ', '.join(reverse_zones)
     bind.setup(config.host_name, config.ip_address, config.realm_name,
-               config.domain_name, forwarders, options.conf_ntp, reverse_zone,
+               config.domain_name, forwarders, options.conf_ntp, reverse_zones,
@@ -331,12 +346,16 @@ def install_dns_records(config, options):
             config.master_host_name, config.dirman_password):
             bind = bindinstance.BindInstance(dm_password=config.dirman_password)
-            reverse_zone = bindinstance.find_reverse_zone(config.ip)
+            for ip, ip_address in zip(config.ips, config.ip_addresses):
+                reverse_zone = bindinstance.find_reverse_zone(ip)
-            bind.add_master_dns_records(config.host_name, config.ip_address,
-                                        config.realm_name, config.domain_name,
-                                        reverse_zone, options.conf_ntp,
-                                        options.setup_ca)
+                bind.add_master_dns_records(config.host_name,
+                                            ip_address,
+                                            config.realm_name,
+                                            config.domain_name,
+                                            reverse_zone,
+                                            options.conf_ntp,
+                                            options.setup_ca)
         except errors.NotFound, e:
             root_logger.debug('Replica DNS records could not be added '
                               'on master: %s', str(e))
@@ -539,8 +558,8 @@ def main():
     # check replica host IP resolution
-    config.ip = installutils.get_server_ip_address(config.host_name, fstore, True, options)
-    config.ip_address = str(config.ip)
+    config.ips = installutils.get_server_ip_address(config.host_name, fstore, True, options)
+    config.ip_addresses = [str(ip) for ip in config.ips]
     # Create the management framework config file
     # Note: We must do this before bootstraping and finalizing ipalib.api
diff --git a/install/tools/ipa-server-install b/install/tools/ipa-server-install
index 6e77b434a018faec36a2808626c99a54bd493908..ebc85b897059a978517e44a1de94c56b497ce5eb 100755
--- a/install/tools/ipa-server-install
+++ b/install/tools/ipa-server-install
@@ -175,8 +175,8 @@ def parse_options():
                            help="create home directories for users "
                                 "on their first login")
     basic_group.add_option("--hostname", dest="host_name", help="fully qualified name of server")
-    basic_group.add_option("--ip-address", dest="ip_address",
-                      type="ip", ip_local=True,
+    basic_group.add_option("--ip-address", dest="ip_addresses",
+                      type="ip", ip_local=True, action="append", default=[],
                       help="Master Server IP Address")
     basic_group.add_option("-N", "--no-ntp", dest="conf_ntp", action="store_false",
                       help="do not configure ntp", default=True)
@@ -236,7 +236,8 @@ def parse_options():
                       type="ip", help="Add a DNS forwarder")
     dns_group.add_option("--no-forwarders", dest="no_forwarders", action="store_true",
                       default=False, help="Do not add any DNS forwarders, use root servers instead")
-    dns_group.add_option("--reverse-zone", dest="reverse_zone", help="The reverse DNS zone to use")
+    dns_group.add_option("--reverse-zone", dest="reverse_zones", help="The reverse DNS zone to use",
+                      action="append", default=[])
     dns_group.add_option("--no-reverse", dest="no_reverse", action="store_true",
                       default=False, help="Do not create reverse DNS zone")
     dns_group.add_option("--zonemgr", action="callback", callback=bindinstance.zonemgr_callback,
@@ -280,13 +281,13 @@ def parse_options():
             parser.error("You cannot specify a --forwarder option without the --setup-dns option")
         if options.no_forwarders:
             parser.error("You cannot specify a --no-forwarders option without the --setup-dns option")
-        if options.reverse_zone:
+        if options.reverse_zones:
             parser.error("You cannot specify a --reverse-zone option without the --setup-dns option")
         if options.no_reverse:
             parser.error("You cannot specify a --no-reverse option without the --setup-dns option")
     elif options.forwarders and options.no_forwarders:
         parser.error("You cannot specify a --forwarder option together with --no-forwarders")
-    elif options.reverse_zone and options.no_reverse:
+    elif options.reverse_zones and options.no_reverse:
         parser.error("You cannot specify a --reverse-zone option together with --no-reverse")
     if options.uninstall:
@@ -832,11 +833,11 @@ def main():
     realm_name = ""
     host_name = ""
     domain_name = ""
-    ip_address = ""
+    ip_addresses = []
     master_password = ""
     dm_password = ""
     admin_password = ""
-    reverse_zone = None
+    reverse_zones = []
     if not options.setup_dns and not options.unattended:
         if ipautil.user_input("Do you want to configure integrated DNS (BIND)?", False):
@@ -895,11 +896,14 @@ def main():
     domain_name = domain_name.lower()
-    ip = get_server_ip_address(host_name, fstore, options.unattended, options)
-    ip_address = str(ip)
+    ip_addresses = get_server_ip_address(host_name, fstore, options.unattended, options)
-    if options.reverse_zone and not bindinstance.verify_reverse_zone(options.reverse_zone, ip):
-        sys.exit(1)
+    for ip in ip_addresses:
+        for rev_zone in reverse_zones:
+            if bindinstance.verify_reverse_zone(rev_zone, str(ip)):
+                break
+            else:
+                sys.exit(1)
     if not options.realm_name:
         realm_name = read_realm_name(domain_name, options.unattended)
@@ -971,27 +975,34 @@ def main():
             dns_forwarders = read_dns_forwarders()
-        if options.reverse_zone:
-            reverse_zone = bindinstance.normalize_zone(options.reverse_zone)
+        if options.reverse_zones:
+            for rz in options.reverse_zones:
+                reverse_zones.append(bindinstance.normalize_zone(rz))
         elif not options.no_reverse:
             if options.unattended:
-                reverse_zone = util.get_reverse_zone_default(ip)
+                for ip in ip_addresses:
+                    rz = util.get_reverse_zone_default(str(ip))
+                    if not rz in reverse_zones:
+                        reverse_zones.append(rz)
             elif bindinstance.create_reverse():
-                reverse_zone = util.get_reverse_zone_default(ip)
-                reverse_zone = bindinstance.read_reverse_zone(reverse_zone, ip)
+                for ip in ip_addresses:
+                    rz = util.get_reverse_zone_default(str(ip))
+                    rz = bindinstance.read_reverse_zone(rz, str(ip))
+                    if not rz in reverse_zones:
+                        reverse_zones.append(rz)
-        if reverse_zone is not None:
-            print "Using reverse zone %s" % reverse_zone
+        if reverse_zones:
+            print "Using reverse zone(s) %s" % ", ".join(str(rz) for rz in reverse_zones)
         dns_forwarders = ()
     root_logger.debug("will use dns_forwarders: %s\n" % str(dns_forwarders))
     print "The IPA Master Server will be configured with:"
-    print "Hostname:      %s" % host_name
-    print "IP address:    %s" % ip_address
-    print "Domain name:   %s" % domain_name
-    print "Realm name:    %s" % realm_name
+    print "Hostname:       %s" % host_name
+    print "IP address(es): %s" % ", ".join(str(ip) for ip in ip_addresses)
+    print "Domain name:    %s" % domain_name
+    print "Realm name:     %s" % realm_name
     if options.setup_dns:
@@ -999,7 +1010,7 @@ def main():
         print "Forwarders:    %s" % ("No forwarders" if not dns_forwarders \
                 else ", ".join([str(ip) for ip in dns_forwarders]))
         print "Reverse zone:  %s" % ("No reverse zone" if options.no_reverse \
-                or reverse_zone is None else reverse_zone)
+                or reverse_zones is None else ", ".join(str(rz) for rz in reverse_zones))
     # If domain name and realm does not match, IPA server will not be able
@@ -1111,7 +1122,7 @@ def main():
             options.host_name = host_name
             options.unattended = True
             options.forwarders = dns_forwarders
-            options.reverse_zone = reverse_zone
+            options.reverse_zones = reverse_zones
             ca.configure_instance(host_name, domain_name, dm_password,
                                   dm_password, csr_file=paths.ROOT_IPA_CSR,
@@ -1205,8 +1216,8 @@ def main():
     # Create a BIND instance
     bind = bindinstance.BindInstance(fstore, dm_password)
-    bind.setup(host_name, ip_address, realm_name, domain_name, dns_forwarders,
-               options.conf_ntp, reverse_zone, zonemgr=options.zonemgr,
+    bind.setup(host_name, ip_addresses, realm_name, domain_name, dns_forwarders,
+               options.conf_ntp, reverse_zones, zonemgr=options.zonemgr,
     if options.setup_dns:
         api.Backend.ldap2.connect(bind_dn=DN(('cn', 'Directory Manager')), bind_pw=dm_password)
diff --git a/ipaserver/install/bindinstance.py b/ipaserver/install/bindinstance.py
index 9a27c781764f3dc311d20cfcf9150fde31307b03..dac15077be8f776707f9d17063f88752ed909dea 100644
--- a/ipaserver/install/bindinstance.py
+++ b/ipaserver/install/bindinstance.py
@@ -467,11 +467,11 @@ class BindInstance(service.Service):
         self.named_user = None
         self.domain = None
         self.host = None
-        self.ip_address = None
+        self.ip_addresses = []
         self.realm = None
         self.forwarders = None
         self.sub_dict = None
-        self.reverse_zone = None
+        self.reverse_zones = []
         self.dm_password = dm_password
         if fstore:
@@ -481,19 +481,19 @@ class BindInstance(service.Service):
     suffix = ipautil.dn_attribute_property('_suffix')
-    def setup(self, fqdn, ip_address, realm_name, domain_name, forwarders, ntp,
-              reverse_zone, named_user="named", zonemgr=None,
+    def setup(self, fqdn, ip_addresses, realm_name, domain_name, forwarders, ntp,
+              reverse_zones, named_user="named", zonemgr=None,
         self.named_user = named_user
         self.fqdn = fqdn
-        self.ip_address = ip_address
+        self.ip_addresses = ip_addresses
         self.realm = realm_name
         self.domain = domain_name
         self.forwarders = forwarders
         self.host = fqdn.split(".")[0]
         self.suffix = ipautil.realm_to_suffix(self.realm)
         self.ntp = ntp
-        self.reverse_zone = reverse_zone
+        self.reverse_zones = reverse_zones
         self.ca_configured = ca_configured
         if not zonemgr:
@@ -539,8 +539,9 @@ class BindInstance(service.Service):
         # get a connection to the DS
-        if installutils.record_in_hosts(self.ip_address, self.fqdn) is None:
-            installutils.add_record_to_hosts(self.ip_address, self.fqdn)
+        for ip_address in self.ip_addresses:
+            if installutils.record_in_hosts(str(ip_address), self.fqdn) is None:
+                installutils.add_record_to_hosts(str(ip_address), self.fqdn)
         # Make sure generate-rndc-key.sh runs before named restart
         self.step("generating rndc key file", self.__generate_rndc_key)
@@ -552,7 +553,7 @@ class BindInstance(service.Service):
             self.step("adding NS record to the zone", self.__add_self_ns)
             self.step("setting up our zone", self.__setup_zone)
-        if self.reverse_zone is not None:
+        if self.reverse_zones:
             self.step("setting up reverse zone", self.__setup_reverse_zone)
         self.step("setting up our own record", self.__add_self)
@@ -603,18 +604,17 @@ class BindInstance(service.Service):
             optional_ntp = ""
-        addr = netaddr.IPAddress(self.ip_address)
-        if addr.version in (4, 6):
-            ipa_ca = "%s\t\t\tIN %s\t\t\t%s\n" % (
-                IPA_CA_RECORD,
-                "A" if addr.version == 4 else "AAAA",
-                self.ip_address)
-        else:
-            ipa_ca = ""
+        ipa_ca = ""
+        for addr in self.ip_addresses:
+            if addr.version in (4, 6):
+                ipa_ca += "%s\t\t\tIN %s\t\t\t%s\n" % (
+                    IPA_CA_RECORD,
+                    "A" if addr.version == 4 else "AAAA",
+                    str(addr))
         self.sub_dict = dict(
-            IP=self.ip_address,
+            IP=[str(ip) for ip in self.ip_addresses],
@@ -630,14 +630,17 @@ class BindInstance(service.Service):
         self._ldap_mod("dns.ldif", self.sub_dict)
     def __setup_zone(self):
-        nameserver_ip_address = self.ip_address
+        nameserver_ip_address = self.ip_addresses
         if not self.host_in_default_domain():
             # Nameserver is in self.host_domain, no forward record added to self.domain
             nameserver_ip_address = None
         # Always use force=True as named is not set up yet
         add_zone(self.domain, self.zonemgr, dns_backup=self.dns_backup,
-                ns_hostname=api.env.host, ns_ip_address=nameserver_ip_address,
-                force=True)
+                 ns_hostname=api.env.host, ns_ip_address=None, force=True)
+        #for ns_ip_address in nameserver_ip_address:
+        #    add_zone(self.domain, self.zonemgr, dns_backup=self.dns_backup,
+        #            ns_hostname=api.env.host, ns_ip_address=ns_ip_address,
+        #            force=True)
         add_rr(self.domain, "_kerberos", "TXT", self.realm)
@@ -646,7 +649,8 @@ class BindInstance(service.Service):
     def __setup_reverse_zone(self):
         # Always use force=True as named is not set up yet
-        add_zone(self.reverse_zone, self.zonemgr, ns_hostname=api.env.host,
+        for reverse_zone in self.reverse_zones:
+            add_zone(reverse_zone, self.zonemgr, ns_hostname=api.env.host,
                 dns_backup=self.dns_backup, force=True)
     def __add_master_records(self, fqdn, addrs):
@@ -682,7 +686,7 @@ class BindInstance(service.Service):
             root_logger.debug("Add DNS zone for host first.")
             if normalize_zone(zone) == normalize_zone(self.host_domain):
-                ns_ip_address = self.ip_address
+                ns_ip_address = self.ip_addresses
                 ns_ip_address = None
@@ -699,7 +703,7 @@ class BindInstance(service.Service):
                 add_ptr_rr(reverse_zone, addr, fqdn)
     def __add_self(self):
-        self.__add_master_records(self.fqdn, [self.ip_address])
+        self.__add_master_records(self.fqdn, self.ip_addresses)
     def __add_others(self):
         entries = self.admin_conn.get_entries(
@@ -744,7 +748,7 @@ class BindInstance(service.Service):
     def __add_ipa_ca_record(self):
-        self.__add_ipa_ca_records(self.fqdn, [self.ip_address],
+        self.__add_ipa_ca_records(self.fqdn, self.ip_addresses,
         if self.first_instance:
@@ -832,7 +836,17 @@ class BindInstance(service.Service):
     def __setup_resolv_conf(self):
-        resolv_txt = "search "+self.domain+"\nnameserver "+self.ip_address+"\n"
+        resolv_txt = "search "+self.domain+"\n"
+        for ip_address in self.ip_addresses:
+            if ip_address.version == 4:
+                resolv_txt += "nameserver\n"
+                break
+        for ip_address in self.ip_addresses:
+            if ip_address.version == 6:
+                resolv_txt += "nameserver ::1\n"
+                break
             resolv_fd = open(RESOLV_CONF, 'w')
@@ -846,16 +860,16 @@ class BindInstance(service.Service):
-    def add_master_dns_records(self, fqdn, ip_address, realm_name, domain_name,
-                               reverse_zone, ntp=False, ca_configured=None):
+    def add_master_dns_records(self, fqdn, ip_addresses, realm_name, domain_name,
+                               reverse_zones, ntp=False, ca_configured=None):
         self.fqdn = fqdn
-        self.ip_address = ip_address
+        self.ip_addresses = ip_addresses
         self.realm = realm_name
         self.domain = domain_name
         self.host = fqdn.split(".")[0]
         self.suffix = ipautil.realm_to_suffix(self.realm)
         self.ntp = ntp
-        self.reverse_zone = reverse_zone
+        self.reverse_zones = reverse_zones
         self.ca_configured = ca_configured
         self.first_instance = False
         self.zonemgr = 'hostmaster.%s' % self.domain
diff --git a/ipaserver/install/installutils.py b/ipaserver/install/installutils.py
index 3b9138fef6ca0d907a8dc11d70d7732bc84836e6..7bf692712dfba7a13a6f6631033a0ce029a61ae2 100644
--- a/ipaserver/install/installutils.py
+++ b/ipaserver/install/installutils.py
@@ -437,74 +437,72 @@ def get_server_ip_address(host_name, fstore, unattended, options):
     ip_add_to_hosts = False
+    ips = []
     if len(hostaddr) > 1:
-        print >> sys.stderr, "The server hostname resolves to more than one address:"
-        for addr in hostaddr:
-            print >> sys.stderr, "  %s" % addr
-        if options.ip_address:
-            if str(options.ip_address) not in hostaddr:
-                print >> sys.stderr, "Address passed in --ip-address did not match any resolved"
-                print >> sys.stderr, "address!"
-                sys.exit(1)
-            print "Selected IP address:", str(options.ip_address)
-            ip = options.ip_address
-        else:
+        for ha in hostaddr:
+            try:
+                ips.append(ipautil.CheckedIPAddress(ha, match_local=True))
+            except ValueError, e:
+                root_logger.warning("Invalid IP address %s for %s: %s", ha, host_name, unicode(e))
+        if not ips:
             if unattended:
                 print >> sys.stderr, "Please use --ip-address option to specify the address"
-                ip = read_ip_address(host_name, fstore)
+                ips.append(read_ip_address(host_name, fstore))
     elif len(hostaddr) == 1:
-            ip = ipautil.CheckedIPAddress(hostaddr[0], match_local=True)
+            ips.append(ipautil.CheckedIPAddress(hostaddr[0], match_local=True))
         except ValueError, e:
             sys.exit("Invalid IP Address %s for %s: %s" % (hostaddr[0], host_name, unicode(e)))
-    else:
+    elif options.ip_addresses:
         # hostname is not resolvable
-        ip = options.ip_address
+        ips = options.ip_addresses
         ip_add_to_hosts = True
-    if ip is None:
+    if not ips:
         print "Unable to resolve IP address for host name"
         if unattended:
-    if options.ip_address:
-        if options.ip_address != ip and not options.setup_dns:
-            print >>sys.stderr, "Error: the hostname resolves to an IP address that is different"
-            print >>sys.stderr, "from the one provided on the command line.  Please fix your DNS"
-            print >>sys.stderr, "or /etc/hosts file and restart the installation."
-            sys.exit(1)
+    if options.ip_addresses:
+        if options.setup_dns:
+            ips = options.ip_addresses
+        else:
+            # all specified addresses was resolved for this host
+            if set(options.ip_addresses) <= set(ips):
+                ips = options.ip_addresses
+            else:
+                print >>sys.stderr, "Error: the hostname resolves to an IP address that is different"
+                print >>sys.stderr, "from the one provided on the command line.  Please fix your DNS"
+                print >>sys.stderr, "or /etc/hosts file and restart the installation."
+                sys.exit(1)
-        ip = options.ip_address
+    if not ips:
+        ips.append(read_ip_address(host_name, fstore))
+        root_logger.debug("read ip_address: %s\n" % ips[0])
-    if ip is None:
-        ip = read_ip_address(host_name, fstore)
-        root_logger.debug("read ip_address: %s\n" % str(ip))
+    for ip_address in ips:
+        # check /etc/hosts sanity, add a record when needed
+        hosts_record = record_in_hosts(str(ip_address))
-    ip_address = str(ip)
+        if hosts_record is None:
+            if ip_add_to_hosts:
+                print "Adding ["+str(ip_address)+" "+host_name+"] to your /etc/hosts file"
+                fstore.backup_file(paths.HOSTS)
+                add_record_to_hosts(str(ip_address), host_name)
+        else:
+            primary_host = hosts_record[1][0]
+            if primary_host != host_name:
+                print >>sys.stderr, "Error: there is already a record in /etc/hosts for IP address %s:" \
+                        % ip_address
+                print >>sys.stderr, hosts_record[0], " ".join(hosts_record[1])
+                print >>sys.stderr, "Chosen hostname %s does not match configured canonical hostname %s" \
+                        % (host_name, primary_host)
+                print >>sys.stderr, "Please fix your /etc/hosts file and restart the installation."
+                sys.exit(1)
-    # check /etc/hosts sanity, add a record when needed
-    hosts_record = record_in_hosts(ip_address)
-    if hosts_record is None:
-        if ip_add_to_hosts or options.setup_dns:
-            print "Adding ["+ip_address+" "+host_name+"] to your /etc/hosts file"
-            fstore.backup_file(paths.HOSTS)
-            add_record_to_hosts(ip_address, host_name)
-    else:
-        primary_host = hosts_record[1][0]
-        if primary_host != host_name:
-            print >>sys.stderr, "Error: there is already a record in /etc/hosts for IP address %s:" \
-                    % ip_address
-            print >>sys.stderr, hosts_record[0], " ".join(hosts_record[1])
-            print >>sys.stderr, "Chosen hostname %s does not match configured canonical hostname %s" \
-                    % (host_name, primary_host)
-            print >>sys.stderr, "Please fix your /etc/hosts file and restart the installation."
-            sys.exit(1)
-    return ip
+    return ips
 def expand_replica_info(filename, password):
diff --git a/ipaserver/install/ipa_replica_prepare.py b/ipaserver/install/ipa_replica_prepare.py
index 1099046dd672d9810556569a248a1be96baf9847..5ca11c1b45da5b98d43c6bd912ede2f94b36e64c 100644
--- a/ipaserver/install/ipa_replica_prepare.py
+++ b/ipaserver/install/ipa_replica_prepare.py
@@ -51,9 +51,11 @@ class ReplicaPrepare(admintool.AdminTool):
         parser.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password",
             help="Directory Manager password (for the existing master)")
-        parser.add_option("--ip-address", dest="ip_address", type="ip",
+        parser.add_option("--ip-address", dest="ip_addresses", type="ip",
+            action="append", default=[],
             help="add A and PTR records of the future replica")
-        parser.add_option("--reverse-zone", dest="reverse_zone",
+        parser.add_option("--reverse-zone", dest="reverse_zones",
+            action="append", default=[],
             help="the reverse DNS zone to use")
         parser.add_option("--no-reverse", dest="no_reverse",
             action="store_true", default=False,
@@ -89,14 +91,14 @@ class ReplicaPrepare(admintool.AdminTool):
         super(ReplicaPrepare, self).validate_options(needs_root=True)
-        if not options.ip_address:
-            if options.reverse_zone:
+        if not options.ip_addresses:
+            if options.reverse_zones:
                 self.option_parser.error("You cannot specify a --reverse-zone "
                     "option without the --ip-address option")
             if options.no_reverse:
                 self.option_parser.error("You cannot specify a --no-reverse "
                     "option without the --ip-address option")
-        elif options.reverse_zone and options.no_reverse:
+        elif options.reverse_zones and options.no_reverse:
             self.option_parser.error("You cannot specify a --reverse-zone "
                 "option together with --no-reverse")
@@ -186,7 +188,7 @@ class ReplicaPrepare(admintool.AdminTool):
         except installutils.BadHostError, e:
             msg = str(e)
             if isinstance(e, installutils.HostLookupError):
-                if options.ip_address is None:
+                if not options.ip_addresses:
                     if dns_container_exists(
                             api.env.host, api.env.basedn,
@@ -200,7 +202,7 @@ class ReplicaPrepare(admintool.AdminTool):
-        if options.ip_address:
+        if options.ip_addresses:
             if not dns_container_exists(api.env.host, api.env.basedn,
                                         ldapi=True, realm=api.env.realm):
@@ -209,9 +211,14 @@ class ReplicaPrepare(admintool.AdminTool):
                     "because DNS is not managed by IPA. Please create DNS "
                     "record manually and then omit --ip-address option.")
                 raise admintool.ScriptError("Cannot add DNS record")
-            if options.reverse_zone and not bindinstance.verify_reverse_zone(
-                    options.reverse_zone, options.ip_address):
-                raise admintool.ScriptError("Invalid reverse zone")
+            for reverse_zone in options.reverse_zones:
+                for ip_address in options.ip_addresses:
+                    if bindinstance.verify_reverse_zone(reverse_zone,
+                            ip_address):
+                        break
+                    else:
+                        raise admintool.ScriptError("Invalid reverse zone %s"
+                                                    % reverse_zone)
         if options.http_pkcs12:
             if options.http_pin is None:
@@ -279,7 +286,7 @@ class ReplicaPrepare(admintool.AdminTool):
-        if options.ip_address:
+        if options.ip_addresses:
     def copy_ds_certificate(self):
@@ -412,40 +419,39 @@ class ReplicaPrepare(admintool.AdminTool):
         name, domain = self.replica_fqdn.split(".", 1)
-        ip = options.ip_address
-        ip_address = str(ip)
-        if options.reverse_zone:
-            reverse_zone = bindinstance.normalize_zone(options.reverse_zone)
-        else:
-            reverse_zone = bindinstance.find_reverse_zone(ip)
-            if reverse_zone is None and not options.no_reverse:
-                reverse_zone = bindinstance.get_reverse_zone_default(ip)
         except errors.PublicError, e:
             raise admintool.ScriptError(
                 "Could not create forward DNS zone for the replica: %s" % e)
-        try:
-            add_fwd_rr(domain, name, ip_address)
-        except errors.PublicError, e:
-            raise admintool.ScriptError(
-                "Could not add forward DNS record for the replica: %s" % e)
-        if reverse_zone is not None:
+        for rz in options.reverse_zones:
+            reverse_zone = bindinstance.normalize_zone(rz)
             self.log.info("Using reverse zone %s", reverse_zone)
             except errors.PublicError, e:
                 raise admintool.ScriptError(
                     "Could not create reverse DNS zone for replica: %s" % e)
+        for ip in options.ip_addresses:
+            ip_address = str(ip)
-                add_ptr_rr(reverse_zone, ip_address, self.replica_fqdn)
+                add_fwd_rr(domain, name, ip_address)
             except errors.PublicError, e:
                 raise admintool.ScriptError(
-                    "Could not add reverse DNS record for the replica: %s" % e)
+                    "Could not add forward DNS record for the replica: %s" % e)
+            if not options.no_reverse:
+                reverse_zone = bindinstance.get_reverse_zone(ip)
+                if reverse_zone not in options.reverse_zones:
+                    add_zone(reverse_zone)
+                try:
+                    add_ptr_rr(reverse_zone, ip_address, self.replica_fqdn)
+                except errors.PublicError, e:
+                    raise admintool.ScriptError(
+                        "Could not add reverse DNS record for the replica: %s"
+                        % e)
     def copy_info_file(self, source, dest):
         """Copy a file into the info directory

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