On 06/09/2015 11:13 PM, Endi Sukma Dewata wrote:
> Please take a look at the attached patch to add symmetric & asymmetric vaults.
> Some comments about the patch:
> 1. The vault_add was split into a client-side vault_add and server-side
> vault_add_internal since the parameters are different (i.e. public key file 
> and
> future escrow-related params). Since vault_add inherits from Local all
> non-primary-key attributes have to be added explicitly.
> 2. Since the vault_archive_internal inherits from Update, it accepts all non
> primary-key attributes automatically. This is incorrect since we don't want to
> update these parameters during archival. Can this behavior be overridden?

Just for the record, this changes API, right? It would be better to have this
in Alpha planned for this week. Not a blocker for Alpha though, we can give
warning that the internal API may change before GA.

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