On 23/07/15 14:43, Martin Basti wrote:

I tried to fix #5145 and I partially succeeded.

However, I cannot fix this part of ticket, where user is prompted to write name and surname.

$ ipa stageuser-add tuser --from-delete
First name: this will be ignored
Last name: this will be also ignored
Added stage user "tuser"

As the first name and last name are mandatory attributes of stageuser-add command, but they are not needed by when the --from-delete option is used. I would like to ask how to fix this issue, IMO this will be huge hack in internal API. Or should we just document this bug as known issue (thierry wrote that this is not use case that should be used often)?

The best solution would be separate command, but this idea was rejected in thread "[Freeipa-devel] User life cycle: question regarding the design"



as was mentioned before, we have issue with current internal API and the stageuser-add --from-delete command.

We discussed this today, and we did not find a nice way how to fix it, so we propose this (which is IMO the best solution):

* stageuser-add --from-delete should be deprecated
* create new option for user-undel: used-undel --to-staged (or create new command) that will handle moving deleted users to staged area as --from-delete did.

Instead of stageuser-add and option --from-delete, which work totally different, the command user-undel does similar operation than stage-user --from-delete, it just uses different container.

We need to do this in 4.2.1 to affect as least as possible users.

If you have any objections, please speak/write :)

Martin Basti

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