On 01/21/2016 01:37 PM, thierry bordaz wrote:
Hi Thierry,
I have couple of comments to your patch:
there is a number of PEP8 errors in the patch
(http://paste.fedoraproject.org/313246/33893701), please fix them.
See http://www.freeipa.org/page/Python_Coding_Style for our conventions
used in Python code.
+ DNA_BIND_METHOD = "dnaRemoteBindMethod"
+ DNA_CONN_PROTOCOL = "dnaRemoteConnProtocol"
+ DNA_PLUGIN_DN = 'cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment
+ dna_config_base = 'cn=Posix IDs,%s' % DNA_PLUGIN_DN
Uppercase names are usually reserved for module-level constants. OTOH,
local variables should be lowercase. Also you can instantiate
dna_config_base directly as DN, using 2-member tuples, i. e:
dna_config_base = DN(('cn', 'posix IDs'), ('cn', 'Distributed Numeric
Assignment Plugin'), ('cn', 'plugins'), ('cn', 'config'))
When passing DN object to the formatting functions/operators, it is
automatically converted to string so no need to hold string and DN
object separately. This is done in other places (see function/methods in
+ for i in range(len(entries)) :
+ mod = []
+ if entries[i].single_value.get(DNA_BIND_METHOD) != method:
+ mod.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, DNA_BIND_METHOD, method))
+ if entries[i].single_value.get(DNA_CONN_PROTOCOL) != protocol:
+ mod.append((ldap.MOD_REPLACE, DNA_CONN_PROTOCOL, protocol))
please use idiomatic Python when handling list of entries, e.g.:
for entry in entries:
mod = []
if entry.single_value.get(DNA_BIND_METHOD) != method:
4.) I think that this method should in DSInstance class since it deals
with directory server configuration. Service is a parent object of all
other service installers/configurators and should contain only methods
common to more children.
5.) Since the method is called from every installer, it could be
beneficial to call it in DSInstance.__common_post_setup() as a part of
Directory server installation. Is there any reason why this is not the case?
+ while attempt != MAX_WAIT:
+ try:
+ entries = conn.get_entries(sharedcfgdn,
scope=ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL, filter='dnaHostname=%s' % self.fqdn)
+ break
+ except errors.NotFound:
+ root_logger.debug("So far enable not find DNA shared
config entry for dnaHostname=%s under %s. Retry in 2sec" % (self.fqdn,
+ attempt = attempt + 1
+ time.sleep(2)
+ continue
+ # safety checking
+ # there is no return, if there are several entries, as a
workaround of #5510
+ if len(entries) != 1:
I am quite afraid what would happen if the server does not return any
entries until 30 s timeout. The code will then continue to the condition
which can potentially test an uninitialized variable and blow up with
'NameError'. This should be handled more robustly, e. g. raise an
exception when a timeout is reached and no entries were returned.
+ if len(mod) > 0:
A Pythonic way to test for non-empty container is
if mods:
# do stuff
since an empty list/dict/set evaluates to False and non-empty containers
are True.
+ entry = conn.get_entry(entries[i].dn)
+ if entry.single_value.get(DNA_BIND_METHOD) != method:
+ root_logger.error("Fail to set SASL/GSSAPI bind
method to %s" % (entries[i].dn))
+ if entry.single_value.get(DNA_CONN_PROTOCOL) != protocol:
+ root_logger.error("Fail to set LDAP protocol to %s"
% (entries[i].dn))
rather than re-fetching the modified entry and testing what happened,
you can just catch an exception raised by unsuccessfull mod and log an
error like this:
conn.modify_s(entry.dn, mod)
except Exception as e:
root_logger.error("Failed to modify entry {}: {}".format(entry, e))
as a matter of fact, if the modify_s operation would fail for some
reason, an ldap exception would be raised and you checks would not even
be executed.
The debug message on line 219 should read "Unable to find DNA shared
config entry for dnaHostname=%s so far. Retry in 2 sec.". The errors at
the end of the method should have "Failed" instead of "Fail".
Martin^3 Babinsky
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