On 02/19/2016 10:51 AM, Petr Vobornik wrote:
On 02/16/2016 10:10 AM, Lenka Doudova wrote:

On 02/11/2016 11:13 AM, Lenka Doudova wrote:
Hi all,

most of webUI tests fail with

AssertionError: Can't click on checkbox label: table.table
Message: Element is not clickable at point (37, 340.3999938964844).
Other element would receive the click:
<input class="standalone" id="cn18" value="itest-group" name="cn"

The problem seems to be that the tests attempt to click on a checkbox
label that is no longer there. Since the checkbox is clickable
directly, I changed the code accordingly. Most of the tests should now
proceed successfully.


Attaching updated patch with minor fix.


would ACK but the commit message is so generic that it doesn't say anything.

Also the description in the mail should be in commit message to be usable in a future.

Fix attached, hope this is better.

From df577030af9e29f41a18838d2d8c83b5cca95154 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lenka Doudova <ldoud...@redhat.com>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2016 16:16:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] WebUI tests: fix failing of tests due to unclicable label

Checkbox label is no longer clickable, most tests fail with error like this:

AssertionError: Can't click on checkbox label: table.table
Message: Element is not clickable at point (37, 340.3999938964844). Other element would receive the click:
<input class="standalone" id="cn18" value="itest-group" name="cn" type="checkbox">

The checkbox is clickable directly without the label, this patch provides according fix.
 ipatests/test_webui/ui_driver.py | 6 +-----
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ipatests/test_webui/ui_driver.py b/ipatests/test_webui/ui_driver.py
index fc22f8612d49e300437eb91cb58add1a0376eb2c..ad3a9100f65f8ce64aaaf707df04a2bd411c3299 100644
--- a/ipatests/test_webui/ui_driver.py
+++ b/ipatests/test_webui/ui_driver.py
@@ -933,12 +933,8 @@ class UI_driver(object):
         s = self.get_table_selector(table_name)
         input_s = s + " tbody td input[value='%s']" % pkey
         checkbox = self.find(input_s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, strict=True)
-        checkbox_id = checkbox.get_attribute('id')
-        label_s = s + " tbody td label[for='%s']" % checkbox_id
-        print(label_s)
-        label = self.find(label_s, By.CSS_SELECTOR, parent, strict=True)
-            ActionChains(self.driver).move_to_element(label).click().perform()
+            ActionChains(self.driver).move_to_element(checkbox).click().perform()
         except WebDriverException as e:
             assert False, 'Can\'t click on checkbox label: %s \n%s' % (s, e)

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