On 06/07/2016 10:07 AM, Pavel Vomacka wrote:
> On 06/06/2016 07:51 PM, Martin Basti wrote:
>> On 05.06.2016 18:34, Pavel Vomacka wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> please review attached patches which add WebUI part of DNS Locations 
>>> feature.
>>> -- 
>>> Pavel^3 Vomacka
>> 1)
>> When I edit location description and click on revert button, then that nice 
>> location table just disappear :)
> It's the same situation as with using 'Save' button - reported here: 
> https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/5776 . I'll write there a comment 
> that 
> revert button hides values in association tables.
>> 2)
>> Can we put a placeholder "100" (gray font or something) to Location weight 
>> in 
>> server detail view? Because when weight is not specified then default is 100
> Placeholder added.

1. please add "disable_facet_tabs: true," to location details page.
There is no point to display single facet tab.

2. can we extend location_association_table the same witth as rule
tables are extended in sudo and hbac rules? IIRC it needs to use
specific section type of 'servers' section.

3. the placeholder 100 should be also added to adder dialog in

4. Description could be textarea - to be consistent with hbac, sudo rules.

5. "Information" section is called "General" or "$Entity Settings" on
other parts of Web UI. It should be consistent.

Petr Vobornik

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