On 19.07.2016 17:45, Ganna Kaihorodova wrote:
Fix for ipatests/test_xmlrpc/test_dns_plugin.py
You can't have a DNS zone with the authoritative nameserver that does not have
a A or AAAA record in the local DNS.
Not true
Since in some test environments primary hostname of the master is managed by
an external DNS, this hostname can not be used as a NS-record for IPA-managed
zones. Therefore another existing fqdn corresponding to the master's ip and
managed by IPA DNS was used.
I really don't like using 'ipa-ca.<ipadomain>' domain name as server
name, this is not right.
I was digging deeper today to find what is the root case why it doesn't
work, and it looks that after some tests, named is not able to resolve
hostname, even if global forwarder is specified.
So this looks like bug on named/bind-dyndb-ldap side, because when I
restarted named-pkcs11 before the first test that is failing and all
forwardzone tests passed.
So I think this patch just hides the real issue and we should discard
it. I and pspacek will be continue investigating this tomorrow.
Notes to the patch format:
Please split that huge text in commit message to:
short summary (max 72 chars)
empty line
longer description
empty line
[ticket (if available)]
Best regards,
Ganna Kaihorodova
Associate Software Quality Engineer
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