On 11.11.2016 15:25, Christian Heimes wrote:

I have released the first version of a new design document. It describes
how I'm going to improve integration of FreeIPA's client libraries
(ipalib, ipapython, ipaclient, ipaplatform) for third party developers.



Hello, I have a few questions:

1) dynamic platform files

Currently all RHEL/fedora-derived platforms work with the same rhel/fedora packages. How do you want to achieve this with dynamic platform files, do you want to keep mappings between platforms and platform file? What about distributions that have in /etc/release just mess?

2) if I understand correctly, you want to separate client installer code and client CLI code. In past we had freeipa-admintools but it was removed because it was really tightly bounded to installed client. Do you want to revive it and make it independent?

3) why instead of environ variable we cannot have specified paths with priority where IPA config can be located?
For example:
1) ./.ipa.conf
2) ~/.ipa.conf
3) /etc/ipa/default.conf  <-- as last resort
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