On 12/14/2016 03:42 AM, Martin Babinsky wrote:
On 12/14/2016 09:00 AM, Standa Laznicka wrote:
On 12/14/2016 02:53 AM, Ben Lipton wrote:
Hi all,

I'm pretty sure this is unrelated to the CI issues discussed in other
threads recently, but they reminded me that I've been having this odd

https://travis-ci.org/freeipa/freeipa/jobs/183756995 is the most
recent run on my pull request,
https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa/pull/10. For a while now, every
time the CI runs on my PR, it fails due to several PEP8 errors that
are not detected when I run `git diff master -U0 | pep8 --diff` on my
local copy. In fact, the errors are all in files not touched by my PR,
which doesn't make much sense to me based on the behavior of `git diff`.

I noticed that the top of the travis build says:

 - Commit 1f50550
 - #10: Client-side CSR autogeneration
 - Branch master

I'm not sure what the "commit" link actually means, but that commit
seems to have nothing to do with my PR nor the current master. Could
Travis be diffing against the wrong code? Or if not, do you have any
idea what might be causing these failures?


Hi Ben,

I was going through the Travis CI log of and noticed what might have
caused the issue:

$ cd freeipa/freeipa
$ git fetch origin +refs/pull/109/merge:

It seems that for your pull request #10 (and for some reason for your
pull request only), Travis fetched a different (old) pull request which
it then tried to merge with current master, hence the errors. I don't
think it was testing your code at all.

I do not have an explanation for this other than it might be a Travis
bug, CCing Martin for a better answer.


Yes indeed for some reason Travis fetches completely wrong PR for tests. I have no idea why it does this. I have tried to restart the build with the same results.

We will probably have to contact Travis support for this issue. In the meanwhile, can you prepare a separate PR from completely new branch with the same commits so that we can see if it catches up this time?

Evidently there was something special about my first pull request, since the new one works fine (as you pointed out). Thanks for confirming that it wasn't something I was doing wrong.

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