On 7.3.2017 15:14, Simo Sorce wrote:
On Tue, 2017-03-07 at 09:38 +0100, Martin Babinsky wrote:
On 03/06/2017 01:48 PM, Simo Sorce wrote:
On Mon, 2017-03-06 at 07:47 +0100, Martin Babinsky wrote:
On 03/02/2017 02:54 PM, Simo Sorce wrote:
On Thu, 2017-03-02 at 08:10 +0100, Martin Babinsky wrote:
In this case it would probably be a good idea to think about "forward
compatibility" and define a new AUX objectclass bringing in
'ipaDomainResolutionOrder' instead of extending two separate
objectclasses. In this way we may the just extend whathever object we
desire to carry the override in an easy and clean way.

I agree.

Now the most difficult question remains... How to name this objectclass.
I personally am out of ideas but will try my best to come up with
something meaningful.

Try to describe what the option ultimately does with as few words as


I was thinking about this and since we are performing name qualification
(short-name -> fully-qualified name incl. domain/realm part), I would
like to propose the following naming schema:

objectlasses: ( OID_TBD NAME ipaNameQualificationData Desc 'data used
for short name qualification data' SUP top AUXILIARY MAY
(ipaNameQualificationDomainList) X-ORIGIN 'IPA 4.5' )

attributeTypes: ( OID_TBD NAME 'ipaNameQualificationDomainList' DESC
'List of domains used to qualify user short name' EQUALITY
X-ORIGIN 'IPA v4.5' )

Let me know if you are ok with this or am I overengineering the names?

I would like to solve this quickly so that I can finish the design and
start implementation.

I was thinking that we can use acronyms here to make it less of a
mouthful and also more easily recognizable:
My idea is:
- ipaNameQualificationData -> ipaFQDNPolicies
- ipaNameQualificationDomainList -> ipaFQDNCheckOrder

TBH I liked ipaDomainResolutionOrder the best, both ipaNameQualificationDomainList and ipaFQDNCheckOrder sound overengineered to me :-)

If ipaDomainResolutionOrder is not good enough, we could draw some inspiration from resolv.conf and use e.g. ipaDomainSearchList.

Jan Cholasta

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