Is there a option in SSSD or the plugin to turn off the normalization ?

On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 2:27 PM, Alexander Bokovoy <>

> On ti, 30 touko 2017, Robert Johnson via FreeIPA-users wrote:
>> So I took a brand new user that I have never used in the system before (I
>> checked that the entry was not in the compat tree) and just ran an "id"
>> command on Solaris system.  I then looked in the
>> /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-<ipa
>> domain>/access log file on the ipa server, for the query and from the log
>> file, the query came in as all caps.
>> example:
>> [~]$: id
>> [~]$: cat /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-<ipa domain>/access |grep 831413
>> [30/May/2017:13:34:38.637498942 -0400] conn=94124 op=622 SRCH
>> base="cn=users,cn=compat,dc=ipa,dc=mydomain,dc=com" scope=1
>> filter="(&(objectClass=posixAccount)("
>> attrs="cn uid uidNumber gidNumber gecos description homeDirectory
>> loginShell"
>> [30/May/2017:13:34:38.651811322 -0400] conn=94124 op=622 RESULT err=0
>> tag=101 nentries=1 etime=0
>> However, the entry in the compat tree is all lowercase just like I
>> reported.  I can reproduce this easily.
> memberUid value comes from SSSD look up. SSSD normalizes all names to
> low case.
> For group names, I'm not sure they are normalized, though.
>> Robert Johnson
>> On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 1:10 PM, Alexander Bokovoy <>
>> wrote:
>> On ti, 30 touko 2017, Robert Johnson via FreeIPA-users wrote:
>>> Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.3
>>>> ipa-server-4.4.0-14.el7_3.4.x86_64
>>>> 389-ds-base-
>>>> sssd-1.14.0-43.el7_3.11.x86_64
>>>> When looking at entries in the "cn=groups,cn=compat" tree, I noticed
>>>> that
>>>> the entries for windows groups have the realm portion of the group name
>>>> in
>>>> all caps.  This is true for the comment, the dn and the cn.
>>>> example:
>>>> # domain, groups, compat,
>>>> dn: cn=domain
>>>> ,cn=groups,cn=compat,dc=ipa,dc=mydomain,dc=com
>>>> memberUid:
>>>> cn: domain
>>>> When I look at the entries in the "cn=users,cn=compat" tree, the realm
>>>> portion of the user name is all lower case.  Incidentally, these same
>>>> user
>>>> names are also all lowercase in the "memberUid" option on the groups
>>>> above.
>>>> example:
>>>> #, users, compat,
>>>> dn:,cn=users,cn=compat,dc=ipa,dc=myd
>>>> omain,dc=com
>>>> homeDirectory: /home/
>>>> uid:
>>>> Was this by design ?
>>>> Users and groups for AD users are inserted into the compat tree on
>>> demand, when a request comes mentioning them via LDAP query. The name is
>>> taken from the LDAP query.
>>> So it is your application(s) that are asking fully qualified user/group
>>> names with domain part capitalized.
>>> The reason I ask, is that when I try to use the "kinit" feature on our
>>>> Solaris 10 systems (which is joined to the IPA domain) for this windows
>>>> user, I get an error.
>>>> [~]$ kinit
>>>> Password for
>>>> kinit(v5): KDC reply did not match expectations while getting initial
>>>> credentials
>>>> If I run it like this:
>>>> [~]$ kinit
>>>> Password for
>>>> [~]$ klist
>>>> Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1683378846
>>>> Default principal:
>>>> Valid starting                Expires                Service principal
>>>> 05/30/17 11:44:35  05/30/17 21:44:40  krbtgt/
>>>>        renew until 06/06/17 11:44:35
>>>> I believe this is due to the fact that the Solaris 10 system is using
>>>> the
>>>> lowercase entry in the compat tree above.  Here is the result of the ID
>>>> command on this user:
>>>> [~]$ id
>>>> uid=1683378846( gid=1683378846(
>>>> I know this is a work around but I would prefer to make this easier on
>>>> the
>>>> end users.  Any suggestions ?
>>>> You mix up Kerberos principals and user identities. They are different.
>>> In Kerberos protocol realm is case-sensitive. WIN.MYDOMAIN.COM is not
>>> the same realm as On Active Directory side this is
>>> hidden behind the Windows UI facade but on UNIX systems Kerberos
>>> libraries aren't hiding this fact.
>>> That's why you get "KDC reply did not match expectations .." error
>>> message -- a realm name is used as part of Kerberos exchange and it is
>>> expected to be all upper cases.
>>> On identity front you have probably configured your Solaris systems to
>>> look up identities with upper cased fqdn and compat tree plugin inserts
>>> those as it is. I certainly don't see this behavior with other systems.
>>> --
>>> / Alexander Bokovoy
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