
We experienced issues with one of our IPA server(svgipa02) as it did not receive updates. It was the decided to run on svgipa02

ipa-replicate-manage re-initialize --from=svgipa01

[root@svgipa02 slapd-NO-EP-CORP-LOCAL]# date; ipa-replica-manage re-initialize --from=svgipa01.no.ep.corp.local;date

Mon Oct 15 10:33:26 CEST 2018

Directory Manager password:

Update in progress, 15 seconds elapsed

[ldaps://svgipa01.no.ep.corp.local:636] reports: Update failed! Status: [49  - LDAP error: Invalid credentials]

Mon Oct 15 10:33:52 CEST 2018

[root@svgipa02 slapd-NO-EP-CORP-LOCAL]#

From the dirsrv errors log

[15/Oct/2018:10:33:34.192011467 +0200] - DEBUG - schema-compat-plugin - searching from "cn=mapping tree,cn=config" for "(&(|(&(objectClass=nsds5ReplicationAgreement)(nsDS5ReplicaRoot=dc=no,dc=ep,dc=corp,dc=local))(objectClass=nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement))(nsDS5ReplicaHost=svgipa01.no.ep.corp.local))" with scope 2 (sub)

[15/Oct/2018:10:33:34.192823822 +0200] - DEBUG - cos-plugin - cos_cache_vattr_types - Failed to get class of service reference

[15/Oct/2018:10:33:34.193697399 +0200] - DEBUG - schema-compat-plugin - searching from "cn=schema" for "(objectClass=*)" with scope 0 (base)

[15/Oct/2018:10:33:34.456582623 +0200] - DEBUG - schema-compat-plugin - searching from "cn=mapping tree,cn=config" for "(&(|(&(objectClass=nsds5ReplicationAgreement)(nsDS5ReplicaRoot=dc=no,dc=ep,dc=corp,dc=local))(objectClass=nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement))(nsDS5ReplicaHost=svgipa01.no.ep.corp.local))" with scope 2 (sub)

[15/Oct/2018:10:33:34.457479057 +0200] - DEBUG - cos-plugin - cos_cache_vattr_types - Failed to get class of service reference

[15/Oct/2018:10:33:34.736019484 +0200] - DEBUG - schema-compat-plugin - searching from "cn=mapping tree,cn=config" for "(&(|(&(objectClass=nsds5ReplicationAgreement)(nsDS5ReplicaRoot=dc=no,dc=ep,dc=corp,dc=local))(objectClass=nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement))(nsDS5ReplicaHost=svgipa01.no.ep.corp.local))" with scope 2 (sub)

[15/Oct/2018:10:33:34.736561662 +0200] - DEBUG - cos-plugin - cos_cache_vattr_types - Failed to get class of service reference

The procedure did not finish and svgipa02 was left in an empty state

What is the producedure to solve this issue?


Karl Dag

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