Re Florence.

I performed the following command :

ipa config-mod --searchtimelimit=5

It solved this "problem".

May I ask what can be the impacts on increasing searchtimelimit please ?

Best regards.


Le jeu. 20 déc. 2018 à 12:37, Florence Blanc-Renaud <> a
écrit :

> Hi,
> based on the err code err=3 I can see that I was wrong, it's not a size
> limit but rather a time limit issue. It looks like the LDAP server is
> busy after the modification on the cn=<MyBigGroup> entry and takes more
> than 33sec to answer.
> The default search time limit is 2 seconds at IPA level:
> dn: cn=ipaConfig,cn=etc,$BASEDN
> ipaSearchTimeLimit: 2
> There is also a search time limit set at 389-ds level:
> dn: cn=config
> nsslapd-timelimit: 3600
> and another one can be set per-user:
> dn: uid=<user>,cn=users,cn=accounts,$BASEDN
> nsTimeLimit: <value>
> Is there anything in the error log of 389-ds at the same time?
> Note that IPA 3.0.0 is quite old and we did improvements related to
> group management in more recent versions (for instance [1] or [2]).
> The failing search may simply be an internal search in order to get the
> size and time limits, needed to create the search that will check the
> content of the entry after the MOD has been done.
> flo
> [1]
> [2]
> On 12/20/18 11:38 AM, lune voo via FreeIPA-users wrote:
> > I tried to perform an ldapsearch using the same kind of command :
> >
> > ldapsearch -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" \
> >>   -h <MyIPAServer> \
> >>   -p 389 \
> >>   -W \
> >>   -b "cn=ipaconfig,cn=etc,dc=<myRealm>" \
> >>   -s sub \
> >> objectclass=*
> > Enter LDAP Password:
> >
> >
> > I got this result immediately :
> > # extended LDIF
> > #
> > # LDAPv3
> > # base <cn=ipaconfig,cn=etc,dc=<myRealm>> with scope subtree
> > # filter: objectclass=*
> > # requesting: ALL
> > #
> >
> > # ipaConfig, etc, <myRealm>
> > dn: cn=ipaConfig,cn=etc,dc=<myRealm>
> > objectClass: nsContainer
> > objectClass: top
> > objectClass: ipaGuiConfig
> > objectClass: ipaConfigObject
> > ipaUserSearchFields: uid,givenname,sn,telephonenumber,ou,title
> > ipaGroupSearchFields: cn,description
> > ipaSearchTimeLimit: 2
> > ipaSearchRecordsLimit: 100
> > ipaHomesRootDir: /home
> > ipaDefaultLoginShell: /bin/sh
> > ipaDefaultPrimaryGroup: users
> > ipaMaxUsernameLength: 64
> > ipaPwdExpAdvNotify: 4
> > ipaGroupObjectClasses: top
> > ipaGroupObjectClasses: groupofnames
> > ipaGroupObjectClasses: nestedgroup
> > ipaGroupObjectClasses: ipausergroup
> > ipaGroupObjectClasses: ipaobject
> > ipaUserObjectClasses: top
> > ipaUserObjectClasses: person
> > ipaUserObjectClasses: organizationalperson
> > ipaUserObjectClasses: inetorgperson
> > ipaUserObjectClasses: inetuser
> > ipaUserObjectClasses: posixaccount
> > ipaUserObjectClasses: krbprincipalaux
> > ipaUserObjectClasses: krbticketpolicyaux
> > ipaUserObjectClasses: ipaobject
> > ipaUserObjectClasses: ipasshuser
> > ipaDefaultEmailDomain: <myDomain>
> > ipaMigrationEnabled: FALSE
> > ipaConfigString: AllowNThash
> > ipaSELinuxUserMapOrder:
> > guest_u:s0$xguest_u:s0$user_u:s0$staff_u:s0-s0:c0.c102
> >   3$unconfined_u:s0-s0:c0.c1023
> > ipaSELinuxUserMapDefault: unconfined_u:s0-s0:c0.c1023
> > cn: ipaConfig
> > ipaCertificateSubjectBase: O=<myRealm>
> > ipaKrbAuthzData: MS-PAC
> >
> > # search result
> > search: 2
> > result: 0 Success
> >
> > # numResponses: 2
> > # numEntries: 1
> >
> > This query is fine and fast.
> >
> > Best regards.
> >
> > Lune
> >
> >
> > Le jeu. 20 déc. 2018 à 11:25, lune voo <
> > <>> a écrit :
> >
> >     Here is the value of nsslapd-sizelimit
> >
> >     nsslapd-sizelimit: 2000
> >
> >     For the anonymous queries, we disabled them long time ago.
> >
> >     If I understand well, the problem comes from this search :
> >     SRCH base="cn=ipaconfig,cn=etc,dc=<MyRealm>" scope=0
> >     filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs=ALL
> >
> >     Do you know why this search is performed once the member user has
> >     been removed from the group ?
> >
> >     Lune
> >
> >     Le jeu. 20 déc. 2018 à 11:08, lune voo <
> >     <>> a écrit :
> >
> >         Hello Florence.
> >
> >             Can you see in 389-ds logs which operation is triggering the
> >             size-limit
> >             error? In /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-domXXX/access, you will find
> >             a line with
> >             RESULT err=4, note the conn=xx and op=yy values, then look
> >             above for a
> >             line with conn=xx op=yy SRCH and finally another line above
> >             with conn=xx
> >             op=0 BIND. Please paste the 3 lines for analysis.
> >
> >
> >         How do you identify the lines concerned please ?
> >         Is "conn" a unique ID of the connection ?
> >
> >         I find this concerning the connection 33725735 that I think I am
> >         using :
> >         674:[20/Dec/2018:10:30:34 +0100] conn=33725735 fd=64 slot=64
> >         connection from <MyIPAServerIP> to <MyIPAServerIP>
> >         715:[20/Dec/2018:10:30:34 +0100] conn=33725735 op=0 BIND dn=""
> >         method=sasl version=3 mech=GSSAPI
> >         716:[20/Dec/2018:10:30:34 +0100] conn=33725735 op=0 RESULT
> >         err=14 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0, SASL bind in progress
> >         717:[20/Dec/2018:10:30:34 +0100] conn=33725735 op=1 BIND dn=""
> >         method=sasl version=3 mech=GSSAPI
> >         718:[20/Dec/2018:10:30:34 +0100] conn=33725735 op=1 RESULT
> >         err=14 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0, SASL bind in progress
> >         719:[20/Dec/2018:10:30:34 +0100] conn=33725735 op=2 BIND dn=""
> >         method=sasl version=3 mech=GSSAPI
> >         720:[20/Dec/2018:10:30:34 +0100] conn=33725735 op=2 RESULT err=0
> >         tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0
> >         dn="uid=<MyUser>,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=<MyRealm>"
> >         721:[20/Dec/2018:10:30:34 +0100] conn=33725735 op=3 MOD
> >         dn="cn=<MyBigGroup>,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=<MyRealm>"
> >         725:[20/Dec/2018:10:30:34 +0100] conn=33725735 op=3 RESULT err=0
> >         tag=103 nentries=0 etime=0
> >         735:[20/Dec/2018:10:30:34 +0100] conn=33725735 op=4 SRCH
> >         base="cn=ipaconfig,cn=etc,dc=<MyRealm>" scope=0
> >         filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs=ALL
> >         753:[20/Dec/2018:10:31:07 +0100] conn=33725735 op=4 RESULT err=3
> >         tag=101 nentries=0 etime=33
> >         841:[20/Dec/2018:10:31:08 +0100] conn=33725735 op=5 UNBIND
> >         842:[20/Dec/2018:10:31:08 +0100] conn=33725735 op=5 fd=64 closed
> >         - U1
> >
> >         I cannot find anything related to conn=33725735 between line
> >         #735 and line #753.
> >         So I find that there are 3 errors, but I don't have details of
> >         these errors.
> >
> >
> >             The size limits are configured at multiple levels:
> >             - at IPA level: with ipa config-show, you can see the
> >             settings that IPA
> >             is using for all the queries triggered by ipa *-find
> commands.
> >             - at 389-ds level: the attribute nsslapd-sizelimit of the
> entry
> >             cn=config is also limiting the number of returned entries
> >             - at 389-ds level: the attributes nsSizeLimit and
> >             nsLookThroughLimit of
> >
> >             the entry cn=anonymous-limits,cn=etc,$BASEDN limit the
> >             number of
> >             returned entries for anonymous queries
> >             - it is also possible to configure per-user limits, for
> >             instance in
> >             uid=user,cn=users,cn=accounts,$BASEDN with the attributes
> >             nsSizeLimit
> >             nsLookThroughLimit nsPagedLookThroughLimit and
> nsPagedSizeLimit
> >
> >
> >         config-show gave me this :
> >           Search time limit: 2
> >           Search size limit: 100
> >
> >         I need to check the values of "nsslapd-sizelimit" and
> >         "nsSizeLimit" I currently have.
> >         Will come back asap.
> >
> >         Lune
> >
> >         Le mer. 19 déc. 2018 à 21:59, lune voo <
> >         <>> a écrit :
> >
> >             Hello Florence.
> >
> >             Going to check that tomorrow and add these lines.
> >
> >             Thanks for this first answer.
> >
> >             Lune
> >
> >             Le mer. 19 déc. 2018 à 20:27, Florence Blanc-Renaud
> >             < <>> a écrit :
> >
> >                 On 12/19/18 12:15 PM, lune voo via FreeIPA-users wrote:
> >                  > Hello everyone.
> >                  >
> >                  > I send you this mail because I have a problem with an
> >                 ipa
> >                  > group-remove-member command which ends up with the
> >                 following error message :
> >                  > "Limits exceeded for this query".
> >                  >
> >                  > I'm using IPA 3.0.0.
> >                  > The group for which I want to remove a user contains
> >                 other groups also
> >                  > (281).
> >                  >
> >                  > I was wondering how I could solve this problem ?
> >                  >
> >                  > I tried to play with the configuration as described
> >                 here :
> >                  >
> >
> >                  >
> >                  > I tried to increase both limits but it did not solve
> >                 the problem.
> >                  > I guess as I'm not doing a search but group remove
> >                 member, this
> >                  > parameters are not used maybe ?
> >                  >
> >                  > Thanks for your help o/
> >                  >
> >                  > Best regards.
> >                  >
> >                  > Lune.
> >                  >
> >                  > _______________________________________________
> >                  > FreeIPA-users mailing list --
> >       
> >                 <>
> >                  > To unsubscribe send an email to
> >       
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> >                  > Fedora Code of Conduct:
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> >                  > List Guidelines:
> >       
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> >
> >                  >
> >
> >                 Hi,
> >
> >                 when you are running ipa group-remove-member, are you
> >                 authenticated as
> >                 admin or as another user?
> >
> >                 Can you see in 389-ds logs which operation is triggering
> >                 the size-limit
> >                 error? In /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-domXXX/access, you will
> >                 find a line with
> >                 RESULT err=4, note the conn=xx and op=yy values, then
> >                 look above for a
> >                 line with conn=xx op=yy SRCH and finally another line
> >                 above with conn=xx
> >                 op=0 BIND. Please paste the 3 lines for analysis.
> >
> >                 The size limits are configured at multiple levels:
> >                 - at IPA level: with ipa config-show, you can see the
> >                 settings that IPA
> >                 is using for all the queries triggered by ipa *-find
> >                 commands.
> >                 - at 389-ds level: the attribute nsslapd-sizelimit of
> >                 the entry
> >                 cn=config is also limiting the number of returned entries
> >                 - at 389-ds level: the attributes nsSizeLimit and
> >                 nsLookThroughLimit of
> >                 the entry cn=anonymous-limits,cn=etc,$BASEDN limit the
> >                 number of
> >                 returned entries for anonymous queries
> >                 - it is also possible to configure per-user limits, for
> >                 instance in
> >                 uid=user,cn=users,cn=accounts,$BASEDN with the
> >                 attributes nsSizeLimit
> >                 nsLookThroughLimit nsPagedLookThroughLimit and
> >                 nsPagedSizeLimit
> >
> >                 So we need to understand which user is performing the ipa
> >                 group-remove-member command, and which limit is
> >                 triggering the error.
> >
> >                 flo
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > FreeIPA-users mailing list --
> > To unsubscribe send an email to
> > Fedora Code of Conduct:
> > List Guidelines:
> > List Archives:
> >
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