Morgan Cox via FreeIPA-users wrote:
> HI.
> For PCI DSS compliance I need to be able to disable users not logged in for X 
> amount of days (I think its 90). 
> I was going to create a script which checks last login time (I have a similar 
> one for expired passwords), however I cannot find a way of doing so.. 
> I have searched for info and found I should be able to get the info from the 
> krbLastSuccessfulAuth value using 
> # ipa user-find --all --raw
> But that field is not there.
> Also seen I can use 
> # ipa user-status user
> But the value always shows 
> '  Last successful authentication: N/A'
> Also seen using ldapsearch 
> # ldapsearch -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W uid=serviceuser  
> And the value is also missing.
> Reading about this is seems the value is cancelled when using replicas - is 
> that right ?  
> How can I perform what I need to - i.e how to check last login time for a 
> user from the IPA servers (not on a per ipa client basis) ? Or is there a 
> different way to disable in-active users ?

FWIW the freeIPA team is discussing implementing an MVP of this now. A
design should be up soon.

Storing the last successful auth was disabled for performance reasons.
You can re-enable it by removing the password policy option "KDC:Disable
Last Success". This will write the last login value per-master. It is
also disabled in all replication agreements. If you must enable
replication for this look in each agreement for
nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeList and remove krblastsuccessfulauth (not

Just know that on Monday mornings you are inviting either a write storm
or a replication storm (or both). YMMV.

This will count all Kerberos and LDAP auth requests.

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