Hi Flo,

Thanks for the information. I've tried to run the cert fix utility just now and 
I'm hitting an issue, ironically with the SSL certificate:

[root@red-auth01 ~]# ipa-cert-fix 
Failed to get Server-Cert
The ipa-cert-fix command failed.

From the message log:
Nov 18 11:18:32 red-auth01 dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent-submit: Forwarding request 
to dogtag-ipa-renew-agent
Nov 18 11:18:32 red-auth01 dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent-submit: 
dogtag-ipa-renew-agent returned 3
Nov 18 11:18:33 red-auth01 certmonger: 2020-11-18 11:18:33 [1164] Error 58 
connecting to https://red-auth01.int.i-neda.com:8443/ca/agent/ca/profileReview: 
Problem with the local SSL certificate.
Nov 18 11:18:35 red-auth01 dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent-submit: Forwarding request 
to dogtag-ipa-renew-agent
Nov 18 11:18:35 red-auth01 dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent-submit: 
dogtag-ipa-renew-agent returned 3
Nov 18 11:18:35 red-auth01 certmonger: 2020-11-18 11:18:35 [1164] Error 58 
connecting to https://red-auth01.int.i-neda.com:8443/ca/agent/ca/profileReview: 
Problem with the local SSL certificate.

Any advice?


-----Original Message-----
From: Florence Blanc-Renaud <f...@redhat.com> 
Sent: 17 November 2020 10:57
To: Marc Pearson | i-Neda Ltd <mpear...@i-neda.com>; FreeIPA users list 
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] subsystemCert appears out of date

On 11/17/20 10:19 AM, Marc Pearson | i-Neda Ltd wrote:
> Hi Flo,
> Thanks for the help. Included is the output of all the commands as you 
> requested. These were all run from a single freeIPA server (red-auth01).
> kinit admin; ipa server-role-find --role "CA server"
> Password for ad...@int.i-neda.com:
> ----------------------
> 8 server roles matched
> ----------------------
>    Server name: power-auth03.int.i-neda.com    Role name: CA server  
>   Role status: enabled
>    Server name: power-auth04.int.i-neda.com    Role name: CA server  
>   Role status: absent
>    Server name: red-auth01.int.i-neda.com    Role name: CA server    
> Role status: enabled
>    Server name: red-auth02.int.i-neda.com    Role name: CA server    
> Role status: enabled
>    Server name: red-auth03.int.i-neda.com    Role name: CA server    
> Role status: enabled
>    Server name: red-auth04.int.i-neda.com    Role name: CA server    
> Role status: enabled
>    Server name: white-auth01.int.i-neda.com    Role name: CA server  
>   Role status: enabled
>    Server name: white-auth02.int.i-neda.com    Role name: CA server  
>   Role status: enabled
> ----------------------------
> Number of entries returned 8
> ----------------------------
>   kinit admin; ipa config-show | grep "renewal"
> Password for ad...@int.i-neda.com:
>    IPA CA renewal master: red-auth01.int.i-neda.com
> rpm -qa | grep ipa-server
> ipa-server-common-4.6.8-5.el7.centos.noarch
> ipa-server-4.6.8-5.el7.centos.x86_64
> ipa-server-dns-4.6.8-5.el7.centos.noarch
> getcert list
> Number of certificates and requests being tracked: 8.
> Request ID '20171101175244':
> status: MONITORING
> stuck: no
> key pair storage: type=FILE,location='/var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.key'
> certificate: type=FILE,location='/var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.crt'
> CA: SelfSign
> issuer: CN=red-auth01.int.i-neda.com,O=INT.I-NEDA.COM
> subject: CN=red-auth01.int.i-neda.com,O=INT.I-NEDA.COM
> expires: 2021-08-10 14:04:07 UTC
> principal name: krbtgt/int.i-neda....@int.i-neda.com
> certificate template/profile: KDCs_PKINIT_Certs pre-save command:
> post-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/renew_kdc_cert
> track: yes
> auto-renew: yes
> Request ID '20180722081853':
> status: MONITORING
> stuck: no
> key pair storage: 
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias',nickname='auditSigning
> Cert cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB',pin set
> certificate: 
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias',nickname='auditSigning
> Cert cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB'
> CA: dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent
> issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=INT.I-NEDA.COM
> subject: CN=CA Audit,O=INT.I-NEDA.COM
> expires: 2022-09-16 12:36:41 UTC
> key usage: digitalSignature,nonRepudiation pre-save command: 
> /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/stop_pkicad
> post-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/renew_ca_cert
> "auditSigningCert cert-pki-ca"
> track: yes
> auto-renew: yes
> Request ID '20180722081854':
> status: MONITORING
> stuck: no
> key pair storage: 
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias',nickname='ocspSigningC
> ert cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB',pin set
> certificate: 
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias',nickname='ocspSigningC
> ert cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB'
> CA: dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent
> issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=INT.I-NEDA.COM
> subject: CN=OCSP Subsystem,O=INT.I-NEDA.COM
> expires: 2022-09-16 12:35:31 UTC
> eku: id-kp-OCSPSigning
> pre-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/stop_pkicad
> post-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/renew_ca_cert
> "ocspSigningCert cert-pki-ca"
> track: yes
> auto-renew: yes
> Request ID '20180722081855':
> ca-error: Error 58 connecting to
> https://red-auth01.int.i-neda.com:8443/ca/agent/ca/profileReview: 
> Problem with the local SSL certificate.
> stuck: no
> key pair storage: 
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias',nickname='subsystemCer
> t cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB',pin set
> certificate: 
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias',nickname='subsystemCer
> t cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB'
> CA: dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent
> issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=INT.I-NEDA.COM
> subject: CN=CA Subsystem,O=INT.I-NEDA.COM
> expires: 2020-10-24 07:04:35 UTC
> key usage: 
> digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment
> eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth pre-save command: 
> /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/stop_pkicad
> post-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/renew_ca_cert
> "subsystemCert cert-pki-ca"
> track: yes
> auto-renew: yes
> Request ID '20180722081856':
> status: MONITORING
> stuck: no
> key pair storage: 
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias',nickname='caSigningCer
> t cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB',pin set
> certificate: 
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias',nickname='caSigningCer
> t cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB'
> CA: dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent
> issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=INT.I-NEDA.COM
> subject: CN=Certificate Authority,O=INT.I-NEDA.COM
> expires: 2040-10-10 07:51:04 UTC
> key usage: digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,keyCertSign,cRLSign
> pre-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/stop_pkicad
> post-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/renew_ca_cert
> "caSigningCert cert-pki-ca"
> track: yes
> auto-renew: yes
> Request ID '20180722081857':
> ca-error: Error 58 connecting to
> https://red-auth01.int.i-neda.com:8443/ca/agent/ca/profileReview: 
> Problem with the local SSL certificate.
> stuck: no
> key pair storage: type=FILE,location='/var/lib/ipa/ra-agent.key'
> certificate: type=FILE,location='/var/lib/ipa/ra-agent.pem'
> CA: dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent
> issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=INT.I-NEDA.COM
> expires: 2020-10-24 07:03:24 UTC
> key usage: 
> digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment
> eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth pre-save command: 
> /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/renew_ra_cert_pre
> post-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/renew_ra_cert
> track: yes
> auto-renew: yes
> Request ID '20180722081858':
> status: MONITORING
> stuck: no
> key pair storage: 
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias',nickname='Server-Cert
> cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB',pin set
> certificate: 
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias',nickname='Server-Cert
> cert-pki-ca',token='NSS Certificate DB'
> CA: dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent
> issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=INT.I-NEDA.COM
> subject: CN=red-auth01.int.i-neda.com,O=INT.I-NEDA.COM
> expires: 2021-02-09 11:59:57 UTC
> key usage: 
> digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment
> eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth,id-kp-emailProtection
> pre-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/stop_pkicad
> post-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/renew_ca_cert
> "Server-Cert cert-pki-ca"
> track: yes
> auto-renew: yes
> Request ID '20200530130439':
> stuck: yes
> key pair storage: 
> type=NSSDB,location='/etc/httpd/alias',nickname='Server-Cert'
> certificate: type=NSSDB,location='/etc/httpd/alias',nickname='Server-Cert'
> issuer:
> subject:
> expires: unknown
> pre-save command:
> post-save command:
> track: yes
> auto-renew: yes
Hi Marc,

so the current situation is the following:
- red-auth01 is the renewal master, with multiple replicas hosting the CA role.
- on this server, 'subsystemCert cert-pki-ca' is expired (expires: 
2020-10-24 07:04:35 UTC) as well as /var/lib/ipa/ra-agent.pem (expires: 
2020-10-24 07:03:24 UTC).
- there is also an issue with the tracking of the cert used by HTTP

But one of your comments is puzzling me:

> The signing SSL (int.i-neda.com) is a full wildcard block chain that 
> is authorized by a recognised 3rd party. It's worth noting though, 
> that we had some issues with the block chain back in April as the 
> thrid parties block chain expired. So it's possible that this is as a 
> result of that issue, and may require some fettling to resolve. All help is 
> appreciated.
Did you import the new CA chain at that time using ipa-cacert-manage install / 

According to getcert output, the IPA CA is now self-signed. It looks a lot like 
issue https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/8176 where the externally-signed IPA CA 
is renewed/replaced with a self-signed CA.

As you have ipa 4.6.8-5, the ipa-cert-fix utility is available on your system. 
It will be easier to use this tool to fix the server:

Once the systems are up again, you can switch back to an externally-signed ipa 
- import the external CA chain using ipa-cacert-manage install + run 
ipa-certupdate on all the ipa nodes
- switch to externally-signed CA with ipa-cacert-manage renew --external-ca 

> My current tempory work around is to set the local clock of the OS 
> back by over a month so the server belives the expired CA's are still valid.
> Kind Regards,
> Marc.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> *From:* Florence Blanc-Renaud <f...@redhat.com>
> *Sent:* 16 November 2020 14:35
> *To:* FreeIPA users list <freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org>
> *Cc:* Marc Pearson | i-Neda Ltd <mpear...@i-neda.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [Freeipa-users] subsystemCert appears out of date On 
> 11/16/20 10:03 AM, Marc Pearson | i-Neda Ltd via FreeIPA-users wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> My subsystem cert appears to have gone out of date, and Iââ,¬â"¢m 
>> unable to get it to update. This has become an issue on my production 
>> environment, and my current work around has been to take the system 
>> date back by a month. Iââ,¬â"¢ve tried the cert renew tool, but this 
>> doesnââ,¬â"¢t seem to have updated this cert.
>> Is anyone able to point me in the right direction to be able to 
>> update this specific certificate as Iââ,¬â"¢ve been unable to find anything 
>> online.
>> [auth01 ~]# certutil -L -d /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias -n 
>> 'subsystemCert cert-pki-ca'
>> Certificate:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã,  Data:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Version: 3 (0x2)
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Serial Number: 42 (0x2a)
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Signature Algorithm: PKCS #1 SHA-256 
>>With RSA Encryption
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Issuer: "CN=Certificate 
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Validity:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Not Before: Sun Nov 04 
>>08:04:35 2018
>> Not After : Sat Oct 24 07:04:35 2020
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Subject: "CN=CA Subsystem,O=INT.I-NEDA.COM"
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Subject Public Key Info:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Public Key Algorithm: 
>>PKCS #1 RSA Encryption
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  RSA Public Key:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Modulus:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, 
>>Ã,  c6:7e:e6:40:8f:6e:77:07:8f:2a:ca:ca:63:63:cf:c6:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, 
>>Ã, 5f:1c:09:63:4a:bb:17:68:17:cd:20:9b:f3:b0:5b:c0:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, 
>>Ã,  f7:ff:72:07:1d:a2:29:93:61:62:5c:9f:04:d3:cb:7b:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, 
>>Ã,  bf:53:de:bb:dd:d6:3f:a1:14:95:04:53:64:87:73:24:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, 
>>Ã,  e3:61:66:96:ab:99:1f:2c:da:ec:22:e5:21:b1:5c:d5:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, 
>>Ã,  0a:dd:4e:3f:f8:e2:90:a1:55:31:ad:11:2f:3b:d3:90:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, 
>>Ã,  14:dc:b7:9d:fc:35:1a:ab:48:27:68:0a:9f:cb:95:14:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, 
>>Ã,  00:93:b8:d4:d4:30:de:4e:be:20:a3:01:24:e8:f2:4a:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, 
>>Ã,  1a:d2:b6:e0:09:77:3d:24:e3:5a:cf:51:d6:ca:d2:65:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, 
>>Ã,  53:62:72:64:fe:7d:53:09:0e:97:b8:61:c9:c8:6d:24:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, 
>>Ã,  52:15:f2:bf:40:04:38:24:22:73:fb:80:a0:ff:16:57:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, 
>>Ã,  e1:0b:3c:71:02:d7:e6:2e:94:0a:e7:4e:aa:5e:6f:91:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Ã, Ã, Ã, 
>>Ã, a5:68:65:21:cd:68:0c:2d:5d:53:fa:e0:10:75:47:43:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, 
>>Ã,  04:f2:8b:e1:1c:1c:ed:a6:c1:ee:5c:6c:72:51:b5:e6:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, 
>>Ã,  cd:f9:06:45:17:00:2b:d7:34:75:8a:59:f2:21:97:c6:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, 
>>Ã, Ã,  63:d3:6f:54:d9:00:42:74:88:9e:94:d0:d4:d2:a1:b7
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  
>>Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Signed Extensions:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Name: Certificate 
>>Authority Key Identifier
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Key ID:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Name: Authority 
>>Information Access
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Method: PKIX Online 
>>Certificate Status Protocol
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Location:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, URI: 
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Name: Certificate Key 
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Critical: True
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Usages: Digital 
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, 
>>Ã, Ã,  Non-Repudiation
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, 
>>Ã, Ã,  Key Encipherment
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, 
>>Ã, Ã,  Data Encipherment
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Name: Extended Key 
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  TLS 
>>Web Server Authentication Certificate
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  TLS 
>>Web Client Authentication Certificate
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã,  Signature Algorithm: PKCS #1 SHA-256 With RSA 
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã,  Signature:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã,  Fingerprint (SHA-256):
>> 4F:2A:1B:54:65:B6:09:3E:AD:68:08:92:CB:8D:FE:13:EF:B8:4C:F1:1E:0F:E1:
>> 15:13:92:D3:7A:3D:F8:54:44
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã,  Fingerprint (SHA1):
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã,  Mozilla-CA-Policy: false (attribute missing)
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã,  Certificate Trust Flags:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  SSL Flags:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  User
>>  Ã, Ã,  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Email Flags:
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  User
>>  Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã,  Object Signing Flags:
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>> Thanks for the help,
>> Marc.
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> Hi Marc,
> we need more information in order to help you:
> - do you have multiple master/replicas with the CA role:
> # kinit admin; ipa server-role-find --role "CA server"
> - which server is the renewal master:
> # kinit admin ; ipa config-show | grep "renewal"
> - which version is installed:
> # rpm -qa | grep ipa-server
> - Is the subsystemCert cert-pki-ca the only expired certificate:
> # getcert list
> flo
FreeIPA-users mailing list -- freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org
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