My misunderstanding, sorry. This is from the existing CA since that's where I 
thought the problem would be. Okay, going back and looking at the debug log on 
the new server to see if it's more revealing.

  Bret Wortman

On Tue, Jun 8, 2021, at 2:27 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:
> Bret Wortman via FreeIPA-users wrote:
> > I was tailing several logs in /var/log/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/ (debug, system, 
> > and transactions) and though the replica installation failed again at the 
> > same point, this is what I got from the logs throughout the installation 
> > process:
> This doesn't seem to show any errors. Reading the pki logs can be
> problematic as it often charges on after an error is encountered so
> subsequent errors are basically red herrings but I don't see anything
> wrong here at all, or I'm missing something.
> The IPA installer calls pki-spawn <bunch of options> so not much comes
> back to us. It's a black box. Can you provide the whole debug log,
> out-of-band is fine too. I'd also suggest looking at the debug log on
> the existing CA as it may be part of the communication as well.
> rob
> > 
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > AuthMethodInterceptor: SecurityDomainResource.getDomainInfo()
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > AuthMethodInterceptor: mapping: default
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > AuthMethodInterceptor: required auth methods: [*]
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > AuthMethodInterceptor: anonymous access allowed
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: ACLInterceptor: 
> > SecurityDomainResource.getDomainInfo()
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: ACLInterceptor: No 
> > ACL mapping.
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > MessageFormatInterceptor: SecurityDomainResource.getDomainInfo()
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > MessageFormatInterceptor: content-type: null
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > MessageFormatInterceptor: accept: [application/json]
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > MessageFormatInterceptor: response format: application/json
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: according to ccMode, 
> > authorization for servlet: securitydomain is LDAP based, not XML {1}, use 
> > default authz mgr: {2}.
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > LdapBoundConnFactory: init 
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > LdapBoundConnFactory:doCloning true
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: LdapAuthInfo: init()
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: LdapAuthInfo: init 
> > begins
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: LdapAuthInfo: init 
> > ends
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: init: before 
> > makeConnection errorIfDown is false
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: makeConnection: 
> > errorIfDown false
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: LdapJssSSLSocket set 
> > client auth cert nicknamesubsystemCert cert-pki-ca
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: SSL handshake 
> > happened
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: Established LDAP 
> > connection with SSL client auth to
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: initializing with 
> > mininum 3 and maximum 15 connections to host port 636, secure 
> > connection, true, authentication type 2
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: increasing minimum 
> > connections by 3
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: new total available 
> > connections 3
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: new number of 
> > connections 3
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: In 
> > LdapBoundConnFactory::getConn()
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: masterConn is 
> > connected: true
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: getConn: conn is 
> > connected true
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: getConn: mNumConns 
> > now 2
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > SecurityDomainProcessor: name: IPA
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > SecurityDomainProcessor: subtype: CA
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > SecurityDomainProcessor:  -,cn=CAList,ou=Security 
> > Domain,o=ipaca
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > SecurityDomainProcessor:    - objectClass: top
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > SecurityDomainProcessor:    - host:
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > SecurityDomainProcessor:    - SecurePort: 443
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > SecurityDomainProcessor:    - SecureAgentPort: 443
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > SecurityDomainProcessor:    - SecureAdminPort: 443
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > SecurityDomainProcessor:    - SecureEEClientAuthPort: 443
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > SecurityDomainProcessor:    - UnSecurePort: 80
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > SecurityDomainProcessor:    - Clone: FALSE
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > SecurityDomainProcessor:    - SubsystemName: CA 8443
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > SecurityDomainProcessor:    - cn:
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > SecurityDomainProcessor:    - DomainManager: TRUE
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > SecurityDomainProcessor: subtype: OCSP
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > SecurityDomainProcessor: subtype: KRA
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > SecurityDomainProcessor: subtype: RA
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > SecurityDomainProcessor: subtype: TKS
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > SecurityDomainProcessor: subtype: TPS
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: Releasing ldap 
> > connection
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: returnConn: 
> > mNumConns now 3
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: Authentication: 
> > UID=admin
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: In 
> > LdapBoundConnFactory::getConn()
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: masterConn is 
> > connected: true
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: getConn: conn is 
> > connected true
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: getConn: mNumConns 
> > now 2
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > LdapAnonConnFactory::getConn
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: 
> > LdapAnonConnFactory.getConn(): num avail conns now 2
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: returnConn: 
> > mNumConns now 3
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: SSL handshake 
> > happened
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: returnConn: 
> > mNumConns now 2
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: In 
> > LdapBoundConnFactory::getConn()
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: masterConn is 
> > connected: true
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: getConn: conn is 
> > connected true
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:45][ajp-bio-]: getConn: mNumConns 
> > now 2
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: returnConn: 
> > mNumConns now 3
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: In 
> > LdapBoundConnFactory::getConn()
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: masterConn is 
> > connected: true
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: getConn: conn is 
> > connected true
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: getConn: mNumConns 
> > now 2
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: returnConn: 
> > mNumConns now 3
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: In 
> > LdapBoundConnFactory::getConn()
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: masterConn is 
> > connected: true
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: getConn: conn is 
> > connected true
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: getConn: mNumConns 
> > now 2
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: returnConn: 
> > mNumConns now 3
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: 
> > AuthMethodInterceptor: AccountResource.login()
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: 
> > AuthMethodInterceptor: mapping: account
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: 
> > AuthMethodInterceptor: required auth methods: [passwdUserDBAuthMgr, 
> > certUserDBAuthMgr]
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: 
> > AuthMethodInterceptor: authentication manager: passwdUserDBAuthMgr
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: 
> > AuthMethodInterceptor: access granted
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: ACLInterceptor: 
> > AccountResource.login()
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: ACLInterceptor: 
> > mapping: account.login
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: ACLInterceptor: 
> > principal: admin
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: ACLInterceptor: ACL: 
> >,login
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: checkACLS(): 
> > ACLEntry expressions= user="anybody"
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: evaluating 
> > expressions: user="anybody"
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: evaluated 
> > expression: user="anybody" to be true
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: DirAclAuthz: 
> > authorization passed
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: ACLInterceptor: 
> > access granted
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: 
> > MessageFormatInterceptor: AccountResource.login()
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: 
> > MessageFormatInterceptor: content-type: null
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: 
> > MessageFormatInterceptor: accept: [application/json]
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: 
> > MessageFormatInterceptor: response format: application/json
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: 
> > AuthMethodInterceptor: AccountResource.logout()
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: 
> > AuthMethodInterceptor: mapping: account
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: 
> > AuthMethodInterceptor: required auth methods: [passwdUserDBAuthMgr, 
> > certUserDBAuthMgr]
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: 
> > AuthMethodInterceptor: authentication manager: passwdUserDBAuthMgr
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: 
> > AuthMethodInterceptor: access granted
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: ACLInterceptor: 
> > AccountResource.logout()
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: ACLInterceptor: 
> > mapping: account.logout
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: ACLInterceptor: 
> > principal: admin
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: ACLInterceptor: ACL: 
> >,logout
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: checkACLS(): 
> > ACLEntry expressions= user="anybody"
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: evaluating 
> > expressions: user="anybody"
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: evaluated 
> > expression: user="anybody" to be true
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: DirAclAuthz: 
> > authorization passed
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: ACLInterceptor: 
> > access granted
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: 
> > MessageFormatInterceptor: AccountResource.logout()
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: 
> > MessageFormatInterceptor: content-type: null
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: 
> > MessageFormatInterceptor: accept: [application/json]
> > [08/Jun/2021:06:35:46][ajp-bio-]: 
> > MessageFormatInterceptor: response format: application/json
> > 
> > It again failed at this point:
> > 
> > Configuring certificate server (pki-tomcatd). Estimated time: 3 minutes
> >   [1/30]: configuring certificate server instance
> > ipaserver.install.dogtaginstance: CRITICAL Failed to configure CA instance: 
> > Command '/usr/sbin/pkispawn -s CA -f /tmp/tmph2SUT4' returned non-zero exit 
> > status 1
> > ipaserver.install.dogtaginstance: CRITICAL See the installation logs and 
> > the following files/directories for more information:
> > ipaserver.install.dogtaginstance: CRITICAL   /var/log/pki/pki-tomcat
> >   [error] RuntimeError: CA configuration failed.
> > Your system may be partly configured.
> > Run /usr/sbin/ipa-server-install --uninstall to clean up.
> > 
> > ipapython.admintool: ERROR    CA configuration failed.
> > ipapython.admintool: ERROR    The ipa-replica-install command failed. See 
> > /var/log/ipareplica-install.log for more information
> > 
> > 
> > Is there another way to transfer or duplicate the CA? We are ultimately 
> > planning to shut this box down due to its age, and currently it is the only 
> > CA, but it seems to be trying to hang on to its job security... ;-)
> > 
> > 
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