Yes, that is the fix!

After I added it to the ipaservers hostgroup, ran ipa-healthcheck, this
error is gone!

Thank you, Rob and Florence!


On Fri, Aug 20, 2021 at 11:12 AM Rob Crittenden <> wrote:

> Kathy Zhu wrote:
> > Hi Florence,
> >
> > Thank you for your help here!
> >
> > Please see attached details. As you expected, dn="
> > <>,cn=computers,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com".
> > How to correct this? Thanks.
> See if this host is in the ipaservers host group. If not add it.
> rob
> >
> > Kathy.
> >
> > [root@ipa2 ~]# klist -A
> >
> > Ticket cache: KEYRING:persistent:0:0
> >
> > Default principal: <>
> >
> >
> > Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
> >
> > 08/19/2021 16:23:24  08/20/2021 16:22:52
> > HTTP/ <>
> >
> > 08/19/2021 16:23:17  08/20/2021 16:22:52  krbtgt/
> > <>
> >
> > [root@ipa2 ~]#
> >
> > [root@ipa2 ~]# klist -k /etc/krb5.keytab
> >
> > Keytab name: FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab
> >
> > KVNO Principal
> >
> > ----
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >    1 host/ <mailto:
> >
> >    1 host/ <mailto:
> >
> > [root@ipa2 ~]#
> >
> > [root@ipa2 tmp]# grep "cn=Posix IDs,cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment
> > Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config" access
> >
> > [20/Aug/2021:10:29:27.781656511 -0700] conn=129591 op=3 SRCH
> > base="cn=Posix IDs,cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment
> > Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config" scope=0 filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs=ALL
> >
> > [root@ipa2 tmp]#
> >
> > [root@ipa2 tmp]# grep "conn=129591" access | grep "BIND dn="
> >
> > [20/Aug/2021:10:29:27.774670410 -0700] conn=129591 op=0 BIND dn=""
> > method=sasl version=3 mech=GSSAPI
> >
> > [20/Aug/2021:10:29:27.778256471 -0700] conn=129591 op=1 BIND dn=""
> > method=sasl version=3 mech=GSSAPI
> >
> > [20/Aug/2021:10:29:27.780236168 -0700] conn=129591 op=2 BIND dn=""
> > method=sasl version=3 mech=GSSAPI
> >
> > [root@ipa2 tmp]#
> >
> > [root@ipa2 tmp]# grep "conn=129591 op=2" access | grep RESULT
> >
> > [20/Aug/2021:10:29:27.780808034 -0700] conn=129591 op=2 RESULT err=0
> > tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0.000631206 dn="
> > <>,cn=computers,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com"
> >
> > [root@ipa2 tmp]#
> >
> > [root@ipa2 ~]#
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 11:25 PM Florence Renaud <
> > <>> wrote:
> >
> >     Hi,
> >
> >     What is the output of
> >     klist -A
> >     klist -k /etc/krb5.keytab
> >     on the machine where ipa-healthcheck command fails?
> >     ipa-healthcheck is using a kerberos ticket to authenticate to the
> >     LDAP server (obtained from /etc/krb5.keytab), and has different
> >     access rights depending on the identity mapped to this ticket. I
> >     suspect that the LDAP operations don't return any entry because they
> >     are mapped to a wrong identity.
> >
> >     You can also have a look at the directory server access logs to
> >     check which identity is used:
> >     1. open /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-DOMAIN-COM/access
> >     2. look for a line containing the following:
> >     SRCH base="cn=Posix IDs,cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment
> >     Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config"
> >     3. In this line, note the conn=<value>. In my machine I see for
> >     instance:
> >     [20/Aug/2021:08:14:03.982502295 +0200] *conn=17816* op=3 SRCH
> >     base="cn=Posix IDs,cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment
> >     Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config" scope=0 filter="(objectClass=*)"
> attrs=ALL
> >     4. Go up in the logs and find the BIND operation that took place on
> >     this connection: the line must contain the same *conn=<value>* and
> >     *BIND dn=*:
> >     [20/Aug/2021:08:14:03.978879492 +0200] *conn=17816* *op=2* *BIND
> >     dn=*"" method=sasl version=3 mech=GSSAPI
> >     5. Find the correspond result: the line must contain the same
> >     *conn=<value> op=<value>* and will give you the dn used for the LDAP
> >     operation:
> >     [20/Aug/2021:08:14:03.981131807 +0200] *conn=17816 op=2* RESULT
> >     err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 wtime=0.000152828 optime=0.002257466
> >     etime=0.002407324
> >     *dn="uid=idmuser,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=domain,dc=com"*
> >
> >     In my example ipa-healthcheck fails to find the cn=Posix IDs entry
> >     because it is using a LDAP connection bound as uid=idmuser, who
> >     doesn't have the required read permissions.
> >
> >     HTH,
> >     flo
> >
> >     On Fri, Aug 20, 2021 at 3:19 AM Kathy Zhu via FreeIPA-users
> >     <
> >     <>> wrote:
> >
> >         I ran the same ldapsearch on a good server and compared the
> >         outputs. Here are the differences:
> >
> >         dnaMaxValue: 1889657499                                       |
> >         dnaMaxValue: 1889607999
> >
> >         dnaNextValue: 1889650758                                      |
> >         dnaNextValue: 1889601276
> >
> >
> >         Thanks.
> >
> >
> >         Kathy.
> >
> >
> >         On Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 6:02 PM Kathy Zhu <
> >         <>> wrote:
> >
> >             Hi Rob,
> >
> >             Thanks for replying!
> >
> >             It is not missing and I can create new user or group on it:
> >
> >             [root@ipa2 ~]#  ldapsearch -D "cn=directory manager" -W -b
> >             "cn=Posix IDs,cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment
> >             Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config"
> >
> >             Enter LDAP Password:
> >
> >             # extended LDIF
> >
> >             #
> >
> >             # LDAPv3
> >
> >             # base <cn=Posix IDs,cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment
> >             Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config> with scope subtree
> >
> >             # filter: (objectclass=*)
> >
> >             # requesting: ALL
> >
> >             #
> >
> >
> >             # Posix IDs, Distributed Numeric Assignment Plugin, plugins,
> >             config
> >
> >             dn: cn=Posix IDs,cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment
> >             Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config
> >
> >             cn: Posix IDs
> >
> >             dnaExcludeScope: cn=provisioning,dc=example,dc=com
> >
> >             dnaFilter:
> >
>  (|(objectClass=posixAccount)(objectClass=posixGroup)(objectClass=ip
> >
> >              aIDobject))
> >
> >             dnaMagicRegen: -1
> >
> >             dnaMaxValue: 1889657499
> >
> >             dnaNextValue: 1889650758
> >
> >             dnaScope: dc=example,dc=com
> >
> >             dnaSharedCfgDN:
> >             cn=posix-ids,cn=dna,cn=ipa,cn=etc,dc=example,dc=com
> >
> >             dnaThreshold: 500
> >
> >             dnaType: uidNumber
> >
> >             dnaType: gidNumber
> >
> >             objectClass: top
> >
> >             objectClass: extensibleObject
> >
> >
> >             # search result
> >
> >             search: 2
> >
> >             result: 0 Success
> >
> >
> >             # numResponses: 2
> >
> >             # numEntries: 1
> >
> >             [root@ipa2 ~]#
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >             On Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 5:14 PM Rob Crittenden
> >             < <>> wrote:
> >
> >                 Kathy Zhu via FreeIPA-users wrote:
> >                 > Hello,
> >                 >
> >                 > ipa-healthcheck is a great tool! Really appreciate Rob
> >                 to make it
> >                 > working for Centos.
> >                 >
> >                 > When I ran it on all of our IPA servers, one server
> >                 reported:
> >                 >
> >                 > [root@ipa2 ~]# ipa-healthcheck--failures-only
> >                 --output-type human
> >                 >
> >                 > CRITICAL: ipahealthcheck.ipa.dna.IPADNARangeCheck: no
> >                 matching entry found
> >                 >
> >                 > [root@ipa2 ~]#
> >                 >
> >                 >
> >                 > I created a user and a group on this server then
> >                 deleted them,
> >                 > rerun ipa-healthcheck, I still get the same error.
> >                 Here is the jason
> >                 > format of it:
> >                 >
> >                 >   {
> >                 >
> >                 >     "source": "ipahealthcheck.ipa.dna",
> >                 >
> >                 >     "kw": {
> >                 >
> >                 >       "exception": "no matching entry found"
> >                 >
> >                 >     },
> >                 >
> >                 >     "uuid": "aaf4da70-64ca-435f-8011-b40da74b874e",
> >                 >
> >                 >     "duration": "0.136489",
> >                 >
> >                 >     "when": "20210819224225Z",
> >                 >
> >                 >     "check": "IPADNARangeCheck",
> >                 >
> >                 >     "result": "CRITICAL"
> >                 >
> >                 >   }
> >                 >
> >                 >
> >                 > We have 7 ipa servers, this is the only server with
> >                 this error.
> >                 >
> >                 > The success one looks like below:
> >                 >
> >                 >   {
> >                 >     "source": "ipahealthcheck.ipa.dna",
> >                 >     "kw": {
> >                 >       "range_start": 1889601184,
> >                 >       "next_start": 0,
> >                 >       "next_max": 0,
> >                 >       "range_max": 1889625999
> >                 >     },
> >                 >     "uuid": "1ce671b9-76cf-46ce-b7d2-d5eec4079d63",
> >                 >     "duration": "0.309565",
> >                 >     "when": "20210630231006Z",
> >                 >     "check": "IPADNARangeCheck",
> >                 >     "result": "SUCCESS"
> >                 >   }
> >                 >
> >                 >
> >                 > Any suggestions/ideas to fix it?
> >
> >                 It looks in here for the configuration. It could thrown
> >                 a not found if
> >                 it is missing (though why/how it could be I don't know):
> >
> >                 cn=Posix IDs,cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment
> >                 Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config
> >
> >                 rob
> >
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