I found that 'kinit -n' was prompting me for the password for
WELLKNOWN/anonym...@ipa.example.com. This happened on everal, but not
all clients.

After setting the environment variable KRB5_TRACE=/dev/stderr, the
useful parts of the output of 'kinit -n' were:

    [826240] 1693432177.150062: PKINIT loading CA certs and CRLs from FILE 
    [826240] 1693432177.150063: PKINIT loading CA certs and CRLs from FILE 
    [826240] 1693432177.150064: PKINIT client computed kdc-req-body checksum 
    [826240] 1693432177.150066: PKINIT client making DH request
    [826240] 1693432177.150067: Preauth module pkinit (16) (real) returned: 
    [826240] 1693432177.150068: Produced preauth for next request: PA-FX-COOKIE 
(133), PA-PK-AS-REQ (16)
    [826240] 1693432177.150069: Sending request (1565 bytes) to IPA.EXAMPLE.COM
    [826240] 1693432177.150070: Initiating TCP connection to stream
    [826240] 1693432177.150071: Sending TCP request to stream
    [826240] 1693432177.150072: Received answer (1609 bytes) from stream
    [826240] 1693432177.150073: Terminating TCP connection to stream
    [826240] 1693432177.150074: Response was from primary KDC
    [826240] 1693432177.150075: Processing preauth types: PA-PK-AS-REP (17), 
    [826240] 1693432177.150076: Preauth module pkinit (147) (info) returned: 
    [826240] 1693432177.150077: PKINIT client could not verify DH reply
    [826240] 1693432177.150078: Preauth module pkinit (17) (real) returned: 
-1765328360/Preauthentication failed

Searching online for "PKINIT client could not verify DH reply" didn't
come up with anything useful so I am writing this message to help anyone
else who might experience a similar problem.

I noticed that all the failing clients were talking to the same IPA
server. And on that server, 'kinit -n' failed with the same message.

As for the underlying cause: it turns out that there was a problem with
the KDC's PKI certificate on the server.

    [root@ipa5 ~]# getcert list -f /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.crt
    Number of certificates and requests being tracked: 12.
    Request ID '20221103090547':
            status: MONITORING
            stuck: no
            key pair storage: type=FILE,location='/var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.key'
            certificate: type=FILE,location='/var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.crt'
            CA: SelfSign
            issuer: CN=ipa5.ipa.example.com,O=IPA.EXAMPLE.COM
            subject: CN=ipa5.ipa.example.com,O=IPA.EXAMPLE.COM
            issued: 2023-07-08 18:12:32 UTC
            expires: 2024-07-08 18:12:32 UTC
            dns: ipa5.ipa.example.com
            principal name: krbtgt/ipa.example....@ipa.example.com
            key usage: 
            eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-pkinit-KPKdc
            certificate template/profile: KDCs_PKINIT_Certs
            profile: KDCs_PKINIT_Certs
            pre-save command:
            post-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/renew_kdc_cert
            track: yes
            auto-renew: yes

Note the CA is "SelfSign", which caused certmonger to generate a
self-signed certificate on 2023-07-08 when it renewed, instead of
contacting the IPA CA.

The fix was to run:

    [root@ipa5 ~]# getcert start-tracking -f /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.crt -c 
    Request "20221103090547" modified.

    [root@ipa5 ~]# getcert resubmit -w -v -f /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.crt
    Resubmitting "20221103090547" to "IPA".
    State GENERATING_CSR, stuck: no.
    State SUBMITTING, stuck: no.
    State READING_CERT, stuck: no.
    State POST_SAVED_CERT, stuck: no.
    State MONITORING, stuck: no.

    [root@ipa5 ~]# getcert list -f /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.crt
    Number of certificates and requests being tracked: 12.
    Request ID '20221103090547':
        status: MONITORING
        stuck: no
        key pair storage: type=FILE,location='/var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.key'
        certificate: type=FILE,location='/var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.crt'
        CA: IPA
        issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=IPA.EXAMPLE.COM
        subject: CN=ipa5.ipa.example.com,O=IPA.EXAMPLE.COM
        issued: 2023-08-30 21:51:48 UTC
        expires: 2023-11-28 21:51:48 UTC
        dns: ipa5.ipa.example.com
        principal name: krbtgt/ipa.example....@ipa.example.com
        key usage: 
        eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-pkinit-KPKdc
        certificate template/profile: KDCs_PKINIT_Certs
        profile: KDCs_PKINIT_Certs
        pre-save command: 
        post-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/renew_kdc_cert
        track: yes
        auto-renew: yes

After this, 'kinit -n' on the server and clients was successful again.

I've no earthly idea how the tracking request was set up with the wrong
CA, but at least this appears to have fixed it.

There are some other differences between the tracking request on this
server and another server (both of which are running fully-updated RHEL

    [root@ipa3 ~]# getcert list -f /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.crt
    Number of certificates and requests being tracked: 12.
    Request ID '20210423163239':
            status: MONITORING
            stuck: no
            key pair storage: type=FILE,location='/var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.key'
            certificate: type=FILE,location='/var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.crt'
            CA: IPA
            issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=IPA.EXAMPLE.COM
            subject: CN=ipa3.ipa.example.com,O=IPA.EXAMPLE.COM
            issued: 2023-07-29 16:33:03 UTC
            expires: 2023-10-27 16:33:03 UTC
            principal name: krbtgt/ipa.example....@ipa.example.com
            key usage: 
            eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-pkinit-KPKdc
            profile: KDCs_PKINIT_Certs
            pre-save command:
            post-save command: /usr/libexec/ipa/certmonger/renew_kdc_cert
            track: yes
            auto-renew: yes

On ipa3 the tracking request has no 'dns' line (subsequently, in the
issued certificate there is no dnsName in the subjectAltName extension).
There's also no 'certificate template/profile' line. Neither of these
seem to affect any functionality, but I do wonder where the difference
came from. Perhaps this is a chance in behaviour in freeipa between when
ipa3 and ipa5 were installed?

The tracking request with the wrong CA wasn't picked up by
ipa-healthcheck, I can file an issue about that if it's helpful.

Hopefully someone else could find this info useful.

Sam Morris <https://robots.org.uk/>
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