Grant Janssen via FreeIPA-users wrote:
> When I upgraded the servers to EL8 (I rebuilt from scratch using the old
> hostnames), I had neglected to assign an IPA CA renewal master after the
> old “boss” was retired.
> This crime is of course it’s own punishment.
> I found the documentation for handling this to actually be pretty good.
> fraser’s blog was also helpful (in confirming I executed this correctly)
> I progressed through the other three IPA servers, but the last one still
> has a bad expiration on the CA cert.
>     [root@ef-idm01 ~]# date
>     Wed Feb 14 07:08:38 PST 2024
>     [root@ef-idm01 ~]# getcert list | egrep
>     '^Request|status:|subject:|expir'
>     Request ID '20230530175932':
>             status: MONITORING
>             subject:
>             expires: 2025-05-30 10:59:53 PDT
>     Request ID '20230530180022':
>             status: MONITORING
>             subject:
>             expires: 2025-05-30 11:00:30 PDT
>     Request ID '20230530180438':
>             status: NEED_CA
>             subject: CN=IPA RA,O=PRODUCTION.EFILM.COM
>             expires: 2024-01-02 07:58:28 PST
>     [root@ef-idm01 ~]# ipa-cert-fix
>                               WARNING
>     ipa-cert-fix is intended for recovery when expired certificates
>     prevent the normal operation of IPA.  It should ONLY be used
>     in such scenarios, and backup of the system, especially certificates
>     and keys, is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED.
>     The following certificates will be renewed:
>     IPA IPA RA certificate:
>       Serial:  162
>       Expires: 2024-01-02 15:58:28
>     Enter "yes" to proceed: yes
>     Proceeding.
>     Renewed IPA IPA RA certificate:
>       Serial:  1341915142
>       Expires: 2026-02-03 20:18:20
>     Becoming renewal master.
>     Restarting IPA
>     Note: Monitor the certmonger-initiated renewal of
>     certificates after ipa-cert-fix and wait for its completion before
>     any other administrative task.
>     The ipa-cert-fix command was successful
>     [root@ef-idm01 ~]#
> I checked the cert expiration several times yesterday, but it never
> updated on this server.
> I waited a full day to let certmonger do its thing, below is my result
> this morning.
>     [root@ef-idm01 ~]#ipactl restart
>     Restarting Directory Service
>     Restarting krb5kdc Service
>     Restarting kadmin Service
>     Restarting httpd Service
>     Restarting ipa-custodia Service
>     Restarting pki-tomcatd Service
>     Restarting ipa-otpd Service
>     ipa: INFO: The ipactl command was successful
>     [root@ef-idm01 ~]# ipactl status
>     Directory Service: RUNNING
>     krb5kdc Service: RUNNING
>     kadmin Service: RUNNING
>     httpd Service: RUNNING
>     ipa-custodia Service: RUNNING
>     pki-tomcatd Service: RUNNING
>     ipa-otpd Service: RUNNING
>     ipa: INFO: The ipactl command was successful
>     [root@ef-idm01 ~]# getcert list | egrep
>     '^Request|status:|subject:|expir'
>     Request ID '20230530175932':
>             status: MONITORING
>             subject:
>             expires: 2025-05-30 10:59:53 PDT
>     Request ID '20230530180022':
>             status: MONITORING
>             subject:
>             expires: 2025-05-30 11:00:30 PDT
>     Request ID '20230530180438':
>             status: NEED_CA
>             subject: CN=IPA RA,O=PRODUCTION.EFILM.COM
>             expires: 2024-01-02 07:58:28 PST
>     [root@ef-idm01 ~]#ipa-cert-fix
>     Nothing to do.
>     The ipa-cert-fix command was successful
>     [root@ef-idm01 ~]# getcert list | egrep
>     '^Request|status:|subject:|expir'
>     Request ID '20230530175932':
>             status: MONITORING
>             subject:
>             expires: 2025-05-30 10:59:53 PDT
>     Request ID '20230530180022':
>             status: MONITORING
>             subject:
>             expires: 2025-05-30 11:00:30 PDT
>     Request ID '20230530180438':
>             status: NEED_CA
>             subject: CN=IPA RA,O=PRODUCTION.EFILM.COM
>             expires: 2024-01-02 07:58:28 PST
>     [root@ef-idm01 ~]#
> How can I sort out this one remaining issue?
> Do I just make assign another server as the renewal master?

You only need to run ipa-cert-fix on the CA renewal master. Once that is
done the RA Agent can be renewed on the machine and made available to
the replicas.

Updated CA/RA certificates are stored in LDAP. Once replication is
working then all replicas will pick up the necessary certificates from
there. In fact you don't want to renew the CA/RA certificates
per-machine. They all must be the same.

I'd need to see the full RA cert tracking to be able to tell what is
going on but I'd suggest running ipa-server-upgrade first. That will fix
any bad tracking. Then manually resubmit it with getcert if it is still
in the NEED_CA state and it should pull the updated cert out of LDAP.

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