
First question: according to the docs in
configuring autofs you can choose to enter LDAP_URI in two ways, the
lazy on (+1) or the specific one.

The 'lazy' one requires a srv record query, in the specific one one enters
the ldap server we want to query.

In my limited experience, the srv record query does not work., the other
one does.

This is the relevant piece of /etc/sysconfig/autofs config that does not


if I query this domain for an srv ldap record it works:

[root@ipaclient01 sysconfig]# dig -t srv _ldap._tcp.ipa.domain.nx +short
0 100 389 kdc.ipa.domain.nx.

But autofs cannot find it:

Mar 11 20:44:39 ipaclient01 automount[3236]: Starting automounter version
5.0.5-39.el6_2.1, master map auto.master
Mar 11 20:44:39 ipaclient01 automount[3236]: using kernel protocol version
Mar 11 20:44:39 ipaclient01 automount[3236]: lookup_nss_read_master:
reading master files auto.master
Mar 11 20:44:39 ipaclient01 automount[3236]: parse_init: parse(sun): init
gathered global options: (null)
Mar 11 20:44:39 ipaclient01 automount[3236]: lookup_read_master:
lookup(file): read entry /misc
Mar 11 20:44:39 ipaclient01 automount[3236]: lookup_read_master:
lookup(file): read entry /net
Mar 11 20:44:39 ipaclient01 automount[3236]: lookup_read_master:
lookup(file): read entry +auto.master
Mar 11 20:44:39 ipaclient01 automount[3236]: lookup_nss_read_master:
reading master files auto.master
Mar 11 20:44:39 ipaclient01 automount[3236]: parse_init: parse(sun): init
gathered global options: (null)
Mar 11 20:44:39 ipaclient01 automount[3236]: lookup_nss_read_master:
reading master ldap auto.master
Mar 11 20:44:39 ipaclient01 automount[3236]: parse_server_string:
lookup(ldap): Attempting to parse LDAP information from string
Mar 11 20:44:39 ipaclient01 automount[3236]: parse_server_string:
lookup(ldap): mapname auto.master
Mar 11 20:44:39 ipaclient01 automount[3236]: parse_ldap_config:
lookup(ldap): ldap authentication configured with the following options:
Mar 11 20:44:39 ipaclient01 automount[3236]: parse_ldap_config:
lookup(ldap): use_tls: 0, tls_required: 0, auth_required: 2, sasl_mech:
Mar 11 20:44:39 ipaclient01 automount[3236]: parse_ldap_config:
lookup(ldap): user: (null), secret: unspecified, client principal:
host/ipaclient01.ipa.domain...@ipa.domain.nx c
redential cache: (null)
Mar 11 20:44:39 ipaclient01 automount[3236]: parse_init: parse(sun): init
gathered global options: (null)
Mar 11 20:44:39 ipaclient01 automount[3236]: get_dc_list: Could not turn dn
"ipa.domain.nx" into a domain
Mar 11 20:44:39 ipaclient01 automount[3236]: do_reconnect: lookup(ldap):
failed to find available server

When I enter the LDAP_URI="kdc.ipa.domain.nx" with an specific search base,
it works perfectly.

Second question: is it normal that one has to restart the autofs service
after adding an automount key in a direct map for the client to see it? If
I do not do it, then the client does not see the new key so it cannot mount
it either.

Third question: is it safe to restart the autofs service when people have
mounted shares on a client?

Thanks in advance.
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