Robinson Tiemuqinke wrote:
Hi Dmitri, Rich and all,

I am a newbie to Redhat IPA, It looks like pretty cool compared with
other solutions I've tried before. Thanks a lot for this great product! :)

But there are still some things I needs your help. My main question is:
How to restore the IPA setup with a daily machine-level IPA Replica backup?

Please let me explain my IPA setup background and backup/restore goals
trying to reach:

I'm running IPA 2.1.3 on Redhat Enterprise 6.2. The IPA master is setup
with Dogtag CA system. It is installed first. Then two IPA replicas are
installed -- with '--setup-ca' options -- for load balancing and
failover purposes.

To describe my problems/objectives, I'll name the IPA Master as machine
A, IPA replicas as B and C. and now I've one more extra IPA replica 'D'
(virtual machine) setup ONLY for backup purposes.
The setup looks like the following, A is the configuration Hub. B,C,D
are siblings.

/ | \

The following are the steps I backup IPA setups and LDAP backends daily
-- it is a whole machine-level backup (through virtual machine D).

1, First, IPA replica D is backed up daily. The backup happens like this:

1.1 on IP replica D, run 'service IPA stop'. Then run 'shutdown -h <D>'.
On the Hypervisor which holds virtual machine D, do a daily backup of
the whole virtual disk that D is on.
1.2 turn on the IP replica D again.
1.3 after virtual machine D is up, on D optionally run a
'ipa-replica-manage --force-sync --from <A>' to sync the IPA databases

Now comes to restore part, which is pretty confusing to me. I've tried
several times, and every times it comes this or that kinds of issues and
so I am wondering that correct steps/ineraction of IPA Master/replicas
are the king :(

2, case #1, A is broken, like disc failure, and then re-imaged after
several days.

2.1 How to rebuild the IPA Master/Hub A after A is re-imaged, with the
daily backup from IPA replica D?

The first thing you'll need to do is to connect your other replias together, either by picking a new hub or adding links to each one. Then you'll need to delete the replication agreement to A. You should be left with a set of servers that continues to replicate.

So, for arguments sake, we promote B to be the new hub:

On B:

# ipa-replica-manage connect C
# ipa-replica-manage connect D
# ipa-replica-manage del --force A
# ipactl restart

On C:

# ipa-replica-manage del --force A
# ipactl restart

On D:

# ipa-replica-manage del --force A
# ipactl restart

It is unclear what you mean by re-imaged. Are you restoring from backup or installing it fresh? I'll assume it is a new install. You'll need to prepare a replica file for A and install it as a replica. Then if you want to keep A as the primary you'll need to change the replication agreements back to it is the hub (using ipa-replica-manage connect and disconnect).

When you install the new A server it should get all the changes needed, you should be done.

You'll want to check the documentation on promoting a master to verify that only one server is the CRL generator (at this point there may be none).

2.2 do I have to check some files on A into subversion immediately after
A was initially installed?

The only thing you really need to save is the cacert.p12 file. This is your root CA.

2.3 Please describe the steps. I'll follow exactly and report the results.

3, case #2, A is working, but either B, or C is broken.

3.1 It looks that I don't need the daily backup of D to kick in, is that

No, D is unrelated.

3.2 What are the correct steps on A; and B after it is re-imaged?

On A:
# ipa-replica-manage del B
# ipactl restart
# ipa-replica-prepare B

On B
# ipa-replica-install B

You'll probably need/want to clean RUV,

3.3 Please describe the steps. I'll follow exactly and report the results.

4, case #3, If some un-expected IPA changes happens on A -- like all
users are deleted by human mistakes --, and even worse, all the changes
are propagated to B and C in minutes.

4.1 How can I recover the IPA setup from daily backup from D?

We have not yet documented how to recover from tombstones or an offline replica.

4.2 which IPA master/replicas I should recover first? IPA master A, or
IPA replicas B/C? and then how to recover others left one by one?

If the entries are re-added on any of the replicas it will be propogated out.

4.3 Do I have to disconnect replication agreement of B,C,D from A first?

Depends on how 4.1 gets answered which we are still investigating.

4.4 Please describe the steps. I'll follow exactly and report the results.

I've heard something about tombstone records too, Not sure whether the
problem still exists in 2.1.3, or 2.2.0(on 6.3Beta)? If so, How can I
avoid it with correct recovery steps/interactions.

It is RUV that is the problem. This 389-ds wiki page describes how to clean up:

The 389-ds team is working to make this less manual.


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