
please provide your version of bind-dyndb-ldap package. It is interface between BIND and LDAP database. Latest version is 0.2.0-7.el6.
# rpm -q bind-dyndb-ldap

If you reload BIND manually, it crashes also? Every time?
# rndc reload

How long is log rotation period?

What is Kerberos ticket lifetime?
# ipa krbtpolicy-show

If you can reproduce it (in worst case wait a day ...), please install debug informations:
# debuginfo-install bind bind-dyndb-ldap

and then send logs again.

Thanks for your time.

Petr^2 Spacek

On 05/20/2012 11:46 AM, Charlie Derwent wrote:
I'm running IPA server 2.1.3 on RHEL 6.2 and have been experiencing random DNS
failures on my Master and Replica servers. I thought it may have been down to
the version of bind I was running and updated it it to
bind-9.7.3-8.P3.el6_2.2.x86_64 yet the error still occurs it looks like there
is an automated process to reload zones as the log files show it working the
day before at the exact same time.
I've included the log files below. If anyone can help me get to the bottom of
the problem it would be greatly appreciated.
***Working zone reload***
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: received SIGHUP signal to reload zones
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: loading configuration from '/etc/named.conf'
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: using default UDP/IPv4 port range: [1024, 
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: using default UDP/IPv6 port range: [1024, 
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: no IPv6 interfaces found
May 17 03:46:01 ipa logrotate: ALERT exited abnormally with [1]
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: /etc/named.conf:12: no forwarders seen;
disabling forwarding
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: /etc/named.conf:12: no forwarders seen;
disabling forwarding
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: none:0: open: /etc/rndc.key: file not found
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: couldn't add command channel
file not found
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: zone [REMOVED].in-addr.arpa/IN: (master) 
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: zone [REMOVED].in-addr.arpa/IN: (master) 
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: zone [REMOVED].in-addr.arpa/IN: (master) 
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: zone [REMOVED].in-addr.arpa/IN: (master) 
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: zone [REMOVED].in-addr.arpa/IN: (master) 
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: zone [REMOVED].in-addr.arpa/IN: (master) 
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: zone [REMOVED].in-addr.arpa/IN: (master) 
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: zone [REMOVED].in-addr.arpa/IN: (master) 
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: zone [REMOVED]/IN: (master) removed
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: reloading configuration succeeded
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: reloading zones succeeded
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: zone [REMOVED].in-addr.arpa/IN: sending
notifies (serial [REMOVED])
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: zone [REMOVED].in-addr.arpa/IN: sending
notifies (serial [REMOVED])
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: zone [REMOVED].in-addr.arpa/IN: sending
notifies (serial [REMOVED])
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: zone [REMOVED].in-addr.arpa/IN: sending
notifies (serial [REMOVED])
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: zone [REMOVED].in-addr.arpa/IN: sending
notifies (serial [REMOVED])
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: zone [REMOVED]/IN: sending notifies
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: zone [REMOVED].in-addr.arpa/IN: sending
notifies (serial [REMOVED])
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: zone [REMOVED].in-addr.arpa/IN: sending
notifies (serial [REMOVED])
May 17 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: zone [REMOVED].in-addr.arpa/IN: sending
notifies (serial [REMOVED])
***Failed zone reload***
May 18 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: received SIGHUP signal to reload zones
May 18 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: loading configuration from '/etc/named.conf'
May 18 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: using default UDP/IPv4 port range: [1024, 
May 18 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: using default UDP/IPv6 port range: [1024, 
May 18 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: no IPv6 interfaces found
May 18 03:46:01 ipa logrotate: ALERT exited abnormally with [1]
May 18 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: GSSAPI Error: The referenced context has
expired (Unknown error)
May 18 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: bind to LDAP server failed: Local error
May 18 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: reloading configuration failed: failure
May 18 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: rbt.c:694: REQUIRE((((rbt) != ((void *)0)) &&
(((const isc__magic_t *)(rbt))->magic == ((('R') << 24 | ('B') << 16 | ('T')
<< 8 | ('+')))))) failed, back trace
May 18 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: #0 0x7f18f791632f in ??
May 18 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: #1 0x7f18f62e373a in ??
May 18 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: #2 0x7f18f71af880 in ??
May 18 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: #3 0x7f18f71afbf3 in ??
May 18 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: #4 0x7f18f11621fc in ??
May 18 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: #5 0x7f18f1164379 in ??
May 18 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: #6 0x7f18f791d597 in ??
May 18 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: #7 0x7f18f792119a in ??
May 18 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: #8 0x7f18f790d129 in ??
May 18 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: #9 0x7f18f6301fe8 in ??
May 18 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: #10 0x7f18f5ebc7f1 in ??
May 18 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: #11 0x7f18f540e70d in ??
May 18 03:46:01 ipa named[6938]: exiting (due to assertion failure)

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