On 12/18/2012 01:26 PM, Andre Rodrigues wrote:
Hi all,
I'm testing AD trust following this how to:
but when I set "ipa dnszone-add" I get this:
[root@m ~] ipa dnszone-add <AD.DOMAIN> --name-server=<AD.NAME
<http://AD.NAME>> --admin-email=<MY.EMAIL> --force --forwarder=<AD.IP>
ipa: ERROR: unable to parse cookie header
'ipa_session=f963e8e4006fdcd79e1a2a5a989b4d01; Domain=<IPA.DOMAIN>;
Path=/ipa; Expires=Thu, 18 Dec 2012 13:54:33 GMT; Secure; HttpOnly':
unable to parse expires datetime 'Thu, 18 Dec 2012 13:54:33'

This is an error message from something I wrote. I can't explain why it can't parse the expires cookie attribute because using the value cited in the error message it parses just fine. The only thing I can think of is that the time module was not imported in cookie.py, but in my copy of the file it is imported.

However one thing I did immediately notice, the cookie has Domain=<IPA.DOMAIN>, that's not valid, it's supposed to be a FQDN. What is the value of xmlrpc_uri in your /etc/ipa/default.conf?

and when I set "ipa trust-add" I get the following error:
[root@m ~] ipa trust-add --type=ad <AD.DOMAIN> --admin Adminstrator
Active directory domain administrator's password:
ipa: ERROR: unable to parse cookie header
'ipa_session=7d6aeb2c92ff3197a9d3c04421f6ba15; Domain=<IPA.DOMAIN>;
Path=/ipa; Expires=Tue, 18 Dec 2012 18:32:05 GMT; Secure; HttpOnly':
unable to parse expires datetime 'Tue, 18 Dec 2012 18:32:05'

Sorry, someone else will have to help you with the below:

ipa: ERROR: Cannot perform join operation without Samba 4 support installed.
                               Make sure you have installed
server-trust-ad sub-package of IPA

but I have the server-trust-ad installed:--
John Dennis <jden...@redhat.com>

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