On 02/15/2013 05:12 PM, John Dennis wrote:
> On 02/15/2013 04:54 PM, Orion Poplawski wrote:
>> On 02/15/2013 02:34 PM, John Dennis wrote:
>>> On 02/15/2013 04:16 PM, Orion Poplawski wrote:
>>>> Hmm, that is the filter in TB for me too, but:
>>>>     [15/Feb/2013:11:17:21 -0700] conn=931 op=1 SRCH
>>>> base="ou=people,dc=nwra,dc=com" scope=2
>>>> filter="(|(mail=*apache*)(cn=*apache*)(givenName=*apache*)(sn=*apache*))"
>>>> attrs="description notes title sn sn mozillaHomeLocalityName givenName
>>>> mozillaHomeState mail mozillaWorkUrl workurl labeledURI o company
>>>> mozillaNickname mozillaNickname mobile cellphone carphone
>>>> modifyTimestamp
>>>> nsAIMid nsAIMid telephoneNumber birthyear c c mozillaHomeStreet cn cn
>>>> postalCode zip mozillaCustom1 custom1 mozillaHomeCountryName
>>>> homePhone st
>>>> region mozillaCustom2 custom2 mozillaSecondEmail mozillaSecondEmail
>>>> facsimileTelephoneNumber facsimileTelephoneNumber mozillaCustom3
>>>> custom3
>>>> mozillaUseHtmlMail mozillaUseHtmlMail mozillaHomeStreet2 birthday
>>>> street
>>>> street postOfficeBox mozillaCustom4 custom4 mozillaHomeUrl homeurl
>>>> l l pager
>>>> pagerphone ou department departmentNumber orgunit birthmonth
>>>> mozillaWorkStreet2 mozillaHomePostalCode objectClass"
>>>> is what I see in the LDAP server log
>>> I don't know, beats me as to why there is no objectclass filter
>>> component.
>>> Perhaps TB is smart enough to know (objectclass=*) is effectively a
>>> no-op and
>>> ignores it when it builds the final filter.
>>> What happens if you set the TB filter to (objectclass=person)?
>> Yup, then it adds it:
>> filter="(&(objectClass=person)(|(mail=*apac*)(cn=*apac*)(givenName=*apac*)(sn=*apac*)))"
> O.K. I presume it's obvious the consequence of this little experiment
> is that if we do an an RFE that results in removing the person
> objectclass from non-human users you'll have to configure a custom
> LDAP search filter in every client in your enterprise if you don't
> want them to see non-human users in their search results.
Can it be managed via Puppet?

Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager for IdM portfolio
Red Hat Inc.

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