On 04/07/2013 05:44 AM, Simon Williams wrote:
> Hi
> I ran a yum update on my CentOS 6 server that runs FreeIPA a couple of
> days ago and it upgraded FreeIPA to version 3. I use a couple of web
> applications that cannot use Kerberos, but can use LDAP to
> authenticate.  These stopped working. When I investigated the issue, I
> discovered that the LDAP server wasn't there any more. Google searches
> have proved fruitless and I can't find any documentation for v3. Can
> anyone tell me how to get my LDAP server back?
> Regards
> Simon

Hello Simon,

Can you please clarify:
Did you have an earlier version of the apps that used IPA via LDAP or
you had a different LDAP instance and FreeIPA now took over the whole
machine and you do not have access to those instances?
I assume you had 389 DS, right? Or OpenLDAP?

What is the general goal? Do you want to have the apps be able to access
IPA data via LDAP or you want to be able to use different LDAP databases
on the same machine?

If the apps you mention used to work against IPA and now they do not I
would suggest checking the logs from those applications to see what is
failing. It might be that they have been using an insecure way to
authenticate and the upgraded bits enforce a higher security standard.
If this is the case you either need to lower the authentication
requirements on the server (not recommended) or provide a more secure
way to authenticate from those apps (recommended).

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Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager for IdM portfolio
Red Hat Inc.

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