Yes that helped fix 2012092520027 (thank you!!)

But I am still seeing an error with:

Request ID '20120615190133':
ca-error: Error setting up ccache for local "host" service using default
stuck: yes
key pair storage:
Certificate DB'
certificate: type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/nssdb',nickname='Server-Cert'
expires: unknown
track: yes
auto-renew: yes

I noticed that the request ID doesn't show up
in /var/lib/certmonger/requests/, does that make a difference?


On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 2:35 PM, Nalin Dahyabhai <> wrote:

> On Thu, May 02, 2013 at 01:23:04PM -0500, Toasted Penguin wrote:
> > /etc/ipa/ca.crt was issued by O=CTIDATA.NET, CN=Certificate Authority
> >
> > All the certs monitored by Certmonger show the same issuer.
> Ok, good.  (If that hadn't been the case, I wouldn't have had an
> explanation to offer.)
> > Wasn't getting anything back when running the ipahost script you
> provided,
> > ran  ipahost=`grep ^host= /etc/ipa/default.conf | cut -f2- -d=` and echo
> > $ipahost shows nothing so I just ran the openssl section manually:
> Hmm.  Curious.  That might be a leftover from having different releases
> installed at various times on my test box.  Thanks for continuing on.
> > openssl s_client -CAfile /etc/ipa/ca.crt -connect
> https
> > -showcerts < /dev/null
> >
> > Results:
> > CONNECTED(00000003)
> > depth=1 O = CTIDATA.NET, CN = Certificate Authority
> > verify return:1
> > depth=0 O = CTIDATA.NET, CN =
> > verify error:num=10:certificate has expired
> > notAfter=Mar 24 19:56:36 2013 GMT
> > verify return:1
> > depth=0 O = CTIDATA.NET, CN =
> > notAfter=Mar 24 19:56:36 2013 GMT
> > verify return:1
> > ---
> > Certificate chain
> >  0 s:/O=CTIDATA.NET/
> >    i:/O=CTIDATA.NET/CN=Certificate Authority
> > #####
> > -----END CERTIFICATE-----
> >  1 s:/O=CTIDATA.NET/CN=Certificate Authority
> >    i:/O=CTIDATA.NET/CN=Certificate Authority
> > ####
> > -----END CERTIFICATE-----
> > ---
> > Server certificate
> > subject=/O=CTIDATA.NET/
> > issuer=/O=CTIDATA.NET/CN=Certificate Authority
> > ---
> > No client certificate CA names sent
> > ---
> > SSL handshake has read 1959 bytes and written 463 bytes
> > ---
> > New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is AES256-SHA
> > Server public key is 2048 bit
> > Secure Renegotiation IS supported
> > Compression: NONE
> > Expansion: NONE
> > SSL-Session:
> >     Protocol  : TLSv1
> >     Cipher    : AES256-SHA
> >     Session-ID: #####
> >     Session-ID-ctx:
> >     Master-Key: ####
> >     Key-Arg   : None
> >     Krb5 Principal: None
> >     PSK identity: None
> >     PSK identity hint: None
> >     Start Time: 1367518514
> >     Timeout   : 300 (sec)
> >     Verify return code: 10 (certificate has expired)
> > ---
> > DONE
> Yup, that's the problem: the IPA server's certificate wasn't able to be
> replaced while it was still valid, and now it can no longer ask itself
> for a new one.
> With 2.1.4, I think the simplest way to sort this is to stop the
> services (ipactl stop; service certmonger stop), roll the system date
> back, start the services up again, possibly use 'ipa-getcert resubmit'
> to force updating (it should happen automatically, but forcing it to
> happen a second time won't hurt).  Then shut things down, set the
> correct time on the clock, and bring everything back up again.
> Hopefully there's a smarter way to do it, but I'm blanking on it if
> there is one.
> HTH,
> Nalin
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