Michał Dwużnik wrote:
Sorry for quick continuation...

Certificate added to nss DB in /etc/pki
certutil -A -d /etc/pki/ -n "IPA CA" -t CT,C,C -a -i pki/ca.crt

sssd configured according to

How do I test now, before changing PAM options that the pieces fit together?

Perhaps exercise nss with:

% id admin
% getent passwd admin
% getent group admin

You can substitute admin for any IPA user or group.

And really you can skip the cert step if you want. Unless you have something that will use it we put a cert on the system as a convenience right now. There isn't currently anything using it by default.


(Sorry for being a bit too tired...)


On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 1:49 AM, Michał Dwużnik
<michal.dwuz...@gmail.com <mailto:michal.dwuz...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Ok, going step by step I did the following on squeeze:

    set up ntp, time synced with ipa server

    test setup is done on
    ipa.localdomain (server)
    (client on Scientific Linux 6.4, looks ok after ipa-client-install,
    ssh works for test users tester and tester2)

    client2.localdomain is the Debian Squeeze client

    added host client2.localdomain on IPA server, added 'managedby', got
    the keytab and put the 'client2.keytab' in /etc/krb5.keytab on client2

    most important part of /etc/krb5.conf:

             LOCALDOMAIN = {
                     kdc = ipa.localdomain
                     admin_server = ipa.localdomain

             .localdomain = LOCALDOMAIN
             localdomain = LOCALDOMAIN
             default_domain = localdomain

             default_realm = LOCALDOMAIN

    The following lets me think the KRB5 part of the setup is done

    root@client2:/etc# kinit admin
    Password for admin@LOCALDOMAIN:
    root@client2:/etc# kdestroy
    root@client2:/etc# kinit tester
    Password for tester@LOCALDOMAIN:
    root@client2:/etc# klis
    -su: klis: command not found
    root@client2:/etc# klist
    Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
    Default principal: tester@LOCALDOMAIN

    Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
    08/30/13 00:35:50  08/31/13 00:35:47  krbtgt/LOCALDOMAIN@LOCALDOMAIN

    root@client2:/etc# kpasswd tester
    Password for tester@LOCALDOMAIN:
    Enter new password:
    Enter it again:
    Password changed.

    I guess that's the point of snapshotting 'KRB done' state (can I be

    DNS for all the hosts involved is similar to:
    root@client2:/etc# nslookup ipa

    Name:   ipa.localdomain

    root@client2:/etc# nslookup
    Address:     name = ipa.localdomain.

    Now I guess it's time for certificates, where I do have some doubts...

    I've added the SSH host keys via web interface, now the cert part:

    having generated the CSR afte creating the new database:

      certutil -R -d . -a -g 2048 -s 'CN=client2.localdomain,O=LOCALDOMAIN'
    (in the /etc/pki dir) I paste the CSR and Issue the certificate for host

    (/etc/pi contains newly created   cert8.db   key3.db    secmod.db )

    Which of those should be used to add the cert to?

    (like certutil -A -d /etc/pki/nssdb -n "IPA CA" -t CT,C,C -a -i

    All of the tries result in:
    root@client2:/etc/pki# certutil -A -d /etc/pki/cert8.db -n "IPA CA"
    -t CT,C,C -a -i ./ca.crt
    certutil: function failed: security library: bad database.
    root@client2:/etc/pki# certutil -A -d /etc/pki/secmod.db -n "IPA CA"
    -t CT,C,C -a -i ./ca.crt
    certutil: function failed: security library: bad database.
    root@client2:/etc/pki# certutil -A -d /etc/pki/key3.db -n "IPA CA"
    -t CT,C,C -a -i ./ca.crt
    certutil: function failed: security library: bad database.

    Could someone show me my mistake?


    On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 9:00 PM, Michał Dwużnik
    <michal.dwuz...@gmail.com <mailto:michal.dwuz...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        As for now I have set up a 'known good' client on RH based
        distro, to get the feeling how the config files
        look like when configured correctly.

        Thanks for the nice reference


        On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 7:56 PM, Rob Crittenden
        <rcrit...@redhat.com <mailto:rcrit...@redhat.com>> wrote:

            Michał Dwużnik wrote:

                Hi folks,

                did anyone succeed in connecting such an old thing
                recently to freeipa

                Is there a document (or an archive post) about
                connecting a 'non ipa
                aware' client step by step?
                I got as far as woing Kerberos with no issues, hit a
                wall with ldap part..

            You might try this:


        Michal Dwuznik

    Michal Dwuznik

Michal Dwuznik

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