Trevor T Kates (Services - 6) wrote:
I apologize for the weird subject. The problem I'm facing feels a little
weird and I could use some help.

I'm running IPA in a test environment and trying to find different ways
in which I can break it and then repair it. My IPA is running on CentOS 6.4:

Linux 2.6.32-358.18.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Aug 28
17:19:38 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I seem to have created a problem for myself involving the original
master server. At the beginning, I created a master IPA server with the
dogtag CA and several replicas with replica dogtag CAs. I stored the
/root/cacert.p12 file in a backup, reimaged the original master and
turned it into a replica. In doing so, I seem to have eliminated my
ability to create additional replicas due to not completely backing up
everything related to the CA on the master. After preparing a replica on
my reimaged master and attemping to install it on a different test
server, I ran into the following error:

I think some clarification is needed. Every server in IPA is a master, on equal footing with the exception of some optional services like the CA and DNS. The initial CA is also responsible for CRL generation and distributing renewed certificates, but those can be moved.

I think we need to know what state the machine is in an how it got there. What does reimaging mean in this case?


[root@ipa04 ~]# ipa-replica-install --setup-ca -N --setup-dns
Directory Manager (existing master) password:

Run connection check to master
Check connection from replica to remote master '':
    Directory Service: Unsecure port (389): OK
    Directory Service: Secure port (636): OK
    Kerberos KDC: TCP (88): OK
    Kerberos Kpasswd: TCP (464): OK
    HTTP Server: Unsecure port (80): OK
    HTTP Server: Secure port (443): OK
    PKI-CA: Directory Service port (7389): OK

The following list of ports use UDP protocol and would need to be
checked manually:
    Kerberos KDC: UDP (88): SKIPPED
    Kerberos Kpasswd: UDP (464): SKIPPED

Connection from replica to master is OK.
Start listening on required ports for remote master check
Get credentials to log in to remote master password:

Execute check on remote master's password:
Check connection from master to remote replica '':
    Directory Service: Unsecure port (389): OK
    Directory Service: Secure port (636): OK
    Kerberos KDC: TCP (88): OK
    Kerberos KDC: UDP (88): OK
    Kerberos Kpasswd: TCP (464): OK
    Kerberos Kpasswd: UDP (464): OK
    HTTP Server: Unsecure port (80): OK
    HTTP Server: Secure port (443): OK
    PKI-CA: Directory Service port (7389): OK

Connection from master to replica is OK.

Connection check OK
Configuring directory server for the CA (pkids): Estimated time 30 seconds
   [1/3]: creating directory server user
   [2/3]: creating directory server instance
   [3/3]: restarting directory server
Done configuring directory server for the CA (pkids).
Configuring certificate server (pki-cad): Estimated time 3 minutes 30
   [1/17]: creating certificate server user
   [2/17]: creating pki-ca instance
   [3/17]: configuring certificate server instance
ipa         : CRITICAL failed to configure ca instance Command
'/usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/pkisilent ConfigureCA -cs_hostname -cs_port 9445 -client_certdb_dir /tmp/tmp-krRAM2
-client_certdb_pwd XXXXXXXX -preop_pin 2e3Wsf8VDR8lEXLi3HyX -domain_name
IPA -admin_user admin -admin_email root@localhost -admin_password
XXXXXXXX -agent_name ipa-ca-agent -agent_key_size 2048 -agent_key_type
rsa -agent_cert_subject CN=ipa-ca-agent,O=TESTDOMAIN.COM -ldap_host -ldap_port 7389 -bind_dn cn=Directory Manager
-bind_password XXXXXXXX -base_dn o=ipaca -db_name ipaca -key_size 2048
-key_type rsa -key_algorithm SHA256withRSA -save_p12 true -backup_pwd
XXXXXXXX -subsystem_name pki-cad -token_name internal
-ca_subsystem_cert_subject_name CN=CA Subsystem,O=TESTDOMAIN.COM
-ca_subsystem_cert_subject_name CN=CA Subsystem,O=TESTDOMAIN.COM
-ca_ocsp_cert_subject_name CN=OCSP Subsystem,O=TESTDOMAIN.COM
-ca_audit_signing_cert_subject_name CN=CA Audit,O=TESTDOMAIN.COM
-ca_sign_cert_subject_name CN=Certificate Authority,O=TESTDOMAIN.COM
-external false -clone true -clone_p12_file ca.p12 -clone_p12_password
XXXXXXXX -sd_hostname -sd_admin_port 443
-sd_admin_name admin -sd_admin_password XXXXXXXX -clone_start_tls true
-clone_uri' returned non-zero exit
status 255

Your system may be partly configured.
Run /usr/sbin/ipa-server-install --uninstall to clean up.

Configuration of CA failed


Attempting to connect to:
Posting Query =
RESPONSE HEADER:  Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
RESPONSE HEADER:  Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8
RESPONSE HEADER:  Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 17:49:16 GMT
RESPONSE HEADER:  Connection: close
Exception in SecurityDomainLoginPanel(): java.lang.Exception: Invalid
ERROR: ConfigureSubCA: SecurityDomainLoginPanel() failure
ERROR: unable to create CA


2013-09-17T17:49:17Z DEBUG stderr=java.lang.Exception: Invalid clone_uri
         at ConfigureCA.SecurityDomainLoginPanel(
         at ConfigureCA.ConfigureCAInstance(
         at ConfigureCA.main(

2013-09-17T17:49:17Z CRITICAL failed to configure ca instance Command
'/usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/pkisilent ConfigureCA -cs_hostname -cs_port 9445 -client_certdb_dir /tmp/tmp-krRAM2
-client_certdb_pwd XXXXXXXX -preop_pin 2e3Wsf8VDR8lEXLi3HyX -domain_name
IPA -admin_user admin -admin_email root@localhost -admin_password
XXXXXXXX -agent_name ipa-ca-agent -agent_key_size 2048 -agent_key_type
rsa -agent_cert_subject CN=ipa-ca-agent,O=VANCPOWER.COM -ldap_host -ldap_port 7389 -bind_dn cn=Directory Manager
-bind_password XXXXXXXX -base_dn o=ipaca -db_name ipaca -key_size 2048
-key_type rsa -key_algorithm SHA256withRSA -save_p12 true -backup_pwd
XXXXXXXX -subsystem_name pki-cad -token_name internal
-ca_subsystem_cert_subject_name CN=CA Subsystem,O=VANCPOWER.COM
-ca_subsystem_cert_subject_name CN=CA Subsystem,O=VANCPOWER.COM
-ca_ocsp_cert_subject_name CN=OCSP Subsystem,O=VANCPOWER.COM
-ca_audit_signing_cert_subject_name CN=CA Audit,O=VANCPOWER.COM
-ca_sign_cert_subject_name CN=Certificate Authority,O=VANCPOWER.COM
-external false -clone true -clone_p12_file ca.p12 -clone_p12_password
XXXXXXXX -sd_hostname -sd_admin_port 443
-sd_admin_name admin -sd_admin_password XXXXXXXX -clone_start_tls true
-clone_uri' returned non-zero exit
status 255
2013-09-17T17:49:17Z INFO   File
line 614, in run_script
     return_value = main_function()

   File "/usr/sbin/ipa-replica-install", line 467, in main
     (CA, cs) = cainstance.install_replica_ca(config)

"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ipaserver/install/", line
1604, in install_replica_ca

"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ipaserver/install/", line
617, in configure_instance

   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ipaserver/install/",
line 358, in start_creation

"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ipaserver/install/", line
879, in __configure_instance
     raise RuntimeError('Configuration of CA failed')

2013-09-17T17:49:17Z INFO The ipa-replica-install command failed,
exception: RuntimeError: Configuration of CA failed


In the event that there is no recovery from this short of rebuilding the
master, is there a way for me to repopulate it with existing data from
the name server and user store? As always, your help is greatly appreciated.


Trevor T. Kates

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