On 09/27/2013 08:13 AM, Ade wrote:
> Hi
> I have a dirsrv server using the slapi-nis plugin to provide 190+ nis
> maps. It works well apart from one issue - boot up
> If I do a reboot, the dirsrv starts up ok, but slapi-nis doesnt seem
> to register to rpc - logging in and restarting dirsrv fixes it
> I tried disabling dirsrv and putting a start into rc.local - exactly the same
> I tried disabling dirsrv and putting a start into rc.local with a
> sleep 120 first, and this works !!
> So it seems like it needs something to startup and settle first - any
> ideas?   I can see that rpcbind starts before dirsrv. I even wrote a
> small script that waits for rpcinfo -p to return non zero before
> continuing to start dirsrv - didnt work
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Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager for IdM portfolio
Red Hat Inc.

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