On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 12:58 AM, Rob Crittenden <rcrit...@redhat.com>wrote:

> Andrew Lau wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've got an issue where I can't seem to remove a host from my freeipa
>> install. It gives me an error:
>> Certificate operation cannot be completed: EXCEPTION (Certificate serial
>> number 0xfff0006 not found)
>> I thought it might be a replica issue, so I forced sync and also tried
>> re-initializing the replica but no luck.
>> Any suggestions?
> Deleting a host does a number of additional things:
>  - revokes the certificate for the host if it exists
>  - deletes the services for that host, revoking their certificates as
> needed
> So in this case the host has a certificate associated with it and
> revocation is failing because the CA doesn't have a record of this
> certificate.
> If you can be sure that the certificate is not in the IPA CA you can clear
> the value with:
> # ipa host-mod --certificate= test.example.com
> This passes an empty value to --certificate which results in removing the
> value. Then you should be able to delete the host.
> rob
Thanks that worked.

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