On 12/01/2013 06:34 PM, Les Stott wrote:
> Alexander, Petr, Martin,
> Sorry for the delay, was the weekend. 
> With your guidance I have figured out the issue. Using tcpdump I saw some 
> references to a NIS domain that had been setup on the box. This was different 
> to the domain name I setup for freeipa. Arp was also only showing short 
> hostnames.
> I modified /etc/nsswitch.conf so that nis was not in the picture....
> Hosts files dns
> Then the ipa-client-install ran without problems. (It reset nsswitch.conf 
> back to include nis afterwards)
> Installing keyutils fixed the other error too.
> Thanks for all your help.
> Regards,
> Les
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alexander Bokovoy [mailto:aboko...@redhat.com] 
> Sent: Saturday, 30 November 2013 12:32 AM
> To: Les Stott
> Cc: freeipa-users@redhat.com
> Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] gssapi sasl error - only picking up short 
> hostname when running ipa-client-install (and failing)
> On Fri, 29 Nov 2013, Les Stott wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Recently installed freeipa on two servers in multi-master mode. We want to 
>> have a central authentication system for many hosts. Environment is RHEL 6.4 
>> for servers, RHEL 6.1 for the first client host, standard rpm packages used 
>> - ipa-server-3.0.0-26.el6_4.4.x86_64 and  ipa-client-3.0.0-37.el6.x86_64.
>> I am now trying to add the first linux host to freeipa via 
>> ipa-client-install.
>> When I run ipa-client-install on a host in debug mode it fails with 
>> errors below  (I have changed hostnames and ip's, 
>> freeipa-1.mydomain.com and freeipa-2.mydomain.com 
>>, host client - host1
>> trying to retrieve CA cert via LDAP from ldap://freeipa-1.mydomain.com
>> get_ca_cert_from_ldap() error: Local error SASL(-1): generic failure: 
>> GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more 
>> information (Server ldap/freeip...@mydomain.com not found in Kerberos 
>> database)
>> {'info': 'SASL(-1): generic failure: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS 
>> failure.  Minor code may provide more information (Server 
>> ldap/freeip...@mydomain.com not found in Kerberos database)', 'desc': 
>> 'Local error'}
>> The Kerberos logs on the server (free-ipa-1) show Nov 29 01:46:14 
>> freeipa-1.mydomain.com krb5kdc[1616](info): TGS_REQ (4 etypes {18 17 16 
>> 23}) UNKNOWN_SERVER: authtime 0,  admin@ MYDOMAIN.COM for 
>> HTTP/ freeip...@mydomain.com, Server not found in Kerberos database
>> The logs indicate that the service name is being used with the short 
>> hostname (HTTP/ freeip...@mydomain.com<mailto:freeip...@mydomain.com>). The 
>> FreeIPA server has records for HTTP/ 
>> freeipa-1.mydomain....@mydomain.com<mailto:freeipa-1.mydomain....@mydomain.com>.
>>  I can see these in the web interface. I believe this is where it is 
>> stumbling.
>> I've been banging my head against the wall on this one for a couple of days. 
>> Everything I've found says make sure you have working dns, make sure you can 
>> reverse lookup ip's, make sure hostnames are fqdn, make sure /etc/hosts on 
>> server has ip's for servers listed with fqdn first and shortname second. 
>> I've done all that.
>> I am using external dns (not integrated with freeipa), and have populated 
>> all records required as per sample config files provided during install. My 
>> time servers are other servers too, but that shouldn't matter, everything is 
>> in sync.
>> ; for Kerberos Auto Discovery
>> ; ldap servers
>> _ldap._tcp              IN SRV 0 100 389        freeipa-1.mydomain.com.
>> _ldap._tcp              IN SRV 0 100 389        freeipa-2.mydomain.com.
>> ;kerberos realm
>> _kerberos               IN TXT MYDOMAIN.COM
>> ; kerberos servers
>> _kerberos._tcp          IN SRV 0 100 88         freeipa-1.mydomain.com.
>> _kerberos._tcp          IN SRV 0 100 88         freeipa-2.mydomain.com.
>> _kerberos._udp          IN SRV 0 100 88         freeipa-1.mydomain.com.
>> _kerberos._ucp          IN SRV 0 100 88         freeipa-2.mydomain.com.
>> _kerberos-master._tcp   IN SRV 0 100 88         freeipa-1.mydomain.com.
>> _kerberos-master._tcp   IN SRV 0 100 88         freeipa-2.mydomain.com.
>> _kerberos-master._udp   IN SRV 0 100 88         freeipa-1.mydomain.com.
>> _kerberos-master._udp   IN SRV 0 100 88         freeipa-2.mydomain.com.
>> _kpasswd._tcp           IN SRV 0 100 464        freeipa-1.mydomain.com.
>> _kpasswd._tcp           IN SRV 0 100 464        freeipa-2.mydomain.com.
>> _kpasswd._udp           IN SRV 0 100 464        freeipa-1.mydomain.com.
>> _kpasswd._udp           IN SRV 0 100 464        freeipa-2.mydomain.com.
>> ;ntp server
>> _ntp._udp               IN SRV 0 100 123        ntp1.mydomain.com.
>> _ntp._udp               IN SRV 0 100 123        ntp2.mydomain.com.
>> Reverse dns entries are also available and both freeipa servers and the host 
>> I am trying to configure ipa-client on can do lookups and receive fqdn's. 
>> They can all do reverse lookups that resolve correctly.
>> I have read that when using SASL/GSSAPI (Kerberos) authentication, its 
>> possible that the service provider sets the principal name (SPN) to 
>> "ldap/servername" in the TGS_REQ based on a dns query of the PTR record. I 
>> do have PTR's configured, and they have FQDN's. Is it true that this happens 
>> with GSSAPI? If so how can I get around that?
>> Reverse Zone File for 192.168.1
>> 22  PTR   freeipa-1.mydomain.com.
>> 23  PTR   freeipa-2.mydomain.com.
>> Nslookup results for each IP:
>>      name = freeipa-1.mydomain.com.
>>      name = freeipa-2.mydomain.com.
>> I can authenticate using kinit before running the script and it still 
>> doesn't work.
>> The short version of running the install shows:
>> Discovery was successful!
>> Hostname: host1.mydomain.com
>> DNS Domain: mydomain.com
>> IPA Server: freeipa-1.mydomain.com
>> BaseDN: dc=mydomain,dc=com
>> It authenticates correctly with the admin user for enrolling the host, but 
>> joining the realm fails.
>> I've tried everything I can think of.
> Can you show your resolv.conf?
> Can it be that it actually misses
>     domain mydomain.com
> stanza?
> --
> / Alexander Bokovoy
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Marking the thread as solved.

Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager for IdM portfolio
Red Hat Inc.

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