When attempting to run the second part of the installation with an external CA (Globalsign) using my signed certificate and CA certificate chain I get the following;

[root@ldapm6x00 ~]# ipa-server-install --external_cert_file=/root/ldapm6x00.sun.weather.com.crt --external_ca_file=/root/sun.weather.com.crt

The log file for this installation can be found in /var/log/ipaserver-install.log
Directory Manager password:

Subject of the external certificate is not correct (got CN=*.sun.weather.com,O=The Weather Channel Interactive\, Inc,L=Atlanta,ST=Georgia,C=US, expected CN=Certificate Authority,O=SUN.WEATHER.COM).

CN= and O= are correct, so why is IPA refusing to use the certificate? It appears to be expecting bogus data instead of using the provided identity. This doesnt appear to be an issue with the certificate, although I have never installed FreeIPA with a Globalsign certificate. I did nto see this problem with Network Solutions wildcard certificates though. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


James E. Scollard III

Senior Cloud Systems Architect
c: 615.730.4387

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