Our team have been discussing the best way to back and restore a FreeIPA
infrastructure for some time. In FreeIPA 3.2, we introduced ipa-backup and
ipa-restore scripts which we are evaluating (and welcome feedback from real
user deployments), but we still think that the best way to backup and restore
may be simply creating multiple FreeIPA replicas and/or system snapshots.

We have created an article on this subject, which discusses this topic, shows
various backup and restore user cases and presents our recommendations:


We welcome feedback and discussion on the topic of back up restore, how our
users think that backup and restore should be done or if you do backup and
restore in any custom way already. This input is useful for us to plan the next
steps with backup and restore in FreeIPA.

Thank you.

Martin Kosek <mko...@redhat.com>
Supervisor, Software Engineering - Identity Management Team
Red Hat Inc.

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