Sorry about that. So I am Looking at the Solaris 10 client documentation
here -

It says do the following on Solaris client -

ldapclient manual
 -a proxyPassword={NS1}fbc123a92116812

Whats that proxyPassword for?


On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 12:09 PM, Dmitri Pal <> wrote:

>  On 04/10/2014 11:41 AM, quest monger wrote:
> Thanks Rob, those bug reports help.
> One more question, in the official Solaris 10 documentation, i see this
> stuff -
> -a proxyPassword={NS1}*fbc123a92116812*
> userPassword:: 
> *e1NTSEF9Mm53KytGeU81Z1dka1FLNUZlaDdXOHJkK093TEppY2NjRmt6Wnc9PQ*=
>  Is there a way to generate that password hash for a new password. I
> think that should be part of the documentation, dont want all Solaris IPA
> users to be using the same password and corresponding hash.
>   Can you rephrase the question?
> It is unclear what hash you are asking about.
> If you are using IPA you do not need local password hashes.
>  Thanks.
> On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 4:36 PM, Rob Crittenden <>wrote:
>>  quest monger wrote:
>>> I have read through the official documentation here for Solaris-10 -
>>> I have found a few web posts on how to make it work for Solaris-11.
>>> Have any of you tried adding a Solaris-11 host to an existing IPA
>>> server? If so, do you have any documentation/how-tos/instructions that i
>>> could use to do the same. Any help is appreciated.
>>> I am trying to do this to so I can centralize SSH authentication for all
>>> my Solaris-11 and Linux hosts.
>>  That is pretty much all we've got. There is a bug open with some
>> documentation updates, 
>> some more in
>> We use sssd to help with centralized SSH auth so it probably won't work
>> as smoothly on Solaris as it does on sssd-based Linux systems. See
>> sss_ssh_authorizedkeys(1) and sss_ssh_knownhostsproxy(8).
>> This document describes how it works in IPA
>> rob
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> Dmitri Pal
> Sr. Engineering Manager IdM portfolio
> Red Hat, Inc.
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