I have setup freeipa server, and added a centos client that my ipa users
can now ssh too by using the freeipa account credentials.
Now, i would like my users to be able to ssh to this centos client using
I read this - http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/18/html/FreeIPA
I generated the key-pair, and added the public key to user account in
freeipa web console.

 Towards the end of that document, i found this -
"After uploading the user keys, configure SSSD to use FreeIPA as one of its
identity domains and set up OpenSSH to use the SSSD tooling for managing
user keys."
No instructions in the document on how to do this.

Do i need to do anything on the centos client-side to make this work?
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