Thanks Martin, I found a few notes on FreeIPA and GADS but most were people
saying not to do it on principal but nothing saying if it's possible or not.

I like the SAML option, including the mysterious ipsilon (Is there anything
more than the git repo yet?), but wonder how much control it has.
Does it just allow them to SSO using their LDAP credentials?
If I disable a user in LDAP does it only recognize that only during login
or is it smart enough to kill their Google Apps sessions and make them
login again?

On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 3:03 AM, Martin Kosek <> wrote:

> On 04/25/2014 01:59 AM, Chris Whittle wrote:
> > I am wanting to use Free IPA as the authentication source for Google
> Apps.  I
> > can't seem to find any documentation on how to accomplish this.  Anyone
> have any
> > experience they would be willing to share?  Or install is on CentOS 6.5
> fyi.
> I did a brief googling and it seems to me that Google Apps should be
> capable of
> LDAP based auth/synchronization:
> Even better solution would be probably to use SAML:
> by utilizing a project Ipsilon that Simo (CCed) is working on.
> Martin
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