On a clean Fedora 20, minimal install, system using the netinstall iso, I'm 
getting an error all the way at the end of the ipa-server-install process (when 
it tries to run ipa-client-install). I put the fqdn of the hostname in 
/etc/hostname and "ipaddr ipa.usfs-i2.umt.edu ipa" in /etc/hosts and rebooted. 
Hostname returns the fqdn. DNS A, SRV, and TXT entries are in place. Reverse 
DNS works.

Copr repository installed, and fedora-updates-testing enabled (for required 
version of dirsrv). Yum refused to install freeipa-server for reason of 
unsatisfied dependencies, but dnf succeeded.

Tail end of ipa-server-install is here, followed by a successful kinit and a 
failed "ipa" command. I can fix the cert issue on the server by following 
 This allows ipa commands on the server to work. However, ipa-client-install on 
the client fails with the same "Peer's certificate issuer has been marked as 
not trusted by the user."
Is this a dorky new user problem or should I file a bug?


Done configuring the web interface (httpd).
Applying LDAP updates
Restarting the directory server
Restarting the KDC
Restarting the certificate server
Sample zone file for bind has been created in /tmp/sample.zone.dr0fFP.db
Restarting the web server
Configuration of client side components failed!
ipa-client-install returned: Command ''/usr/sbin/ipa-client-install' 
'--on-master' '--unattended' '--domain' 'usfs-i2.umt.edu' '--server' 
'ipa.usfs-i2.umt.edu' '--realm' 'USFS-I2.UMT.EDU' '--hostname' 
'ipa.usfs-i2.umt.edu'' returned non-zero exit status 1
[root@ipa yum.repos.d]# kinit admin
Password for ad...@usfs-i2.umt.edu:
[root@ipa yum.repos.d]# klist
Ticket cache: KEYRING:persistent:0:0
Default principal: ad...@usfs-i2.umt.edu

Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
07/16/2014 13:29:51  07/17/2014 13:29:45  krbtgt/usfs-i2.umt....@usfs-i2.umt.edu
[root@ipa yum.repos.d]# ipa user-find
ipa: ERROR: cert validation failed for 
"CN=ipa.usfs-i2.umt.edu,O=USFS-I2.UMT.EDU" ((SEC_ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ISSUER) Peer's 
certificate issuer has been marked as not trusted by the user.)
ipa: ERROR: cannot connect to 'https://ipa.usfs-i2.umt.edu/ipa/json': 
(SEC_ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ISSUER) Peer's certificate issuer has been marked as not 
trusted by the user.

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