On 08/21/2014 05:55 AM, Martin Kosek wrote:
On 08/20/2014 05:24 PM, Rich Megginson wrote:
On 08/20/2014 09:18 AM, Baird, Josh wrote:

We are attempting to run ipa-client-install in the %post section of a
Kickstart in order to join the host to an IPA domain (3.3/RHEL7 IdM).  We are
using something like:

/usr/sbin/ipa-client-install -w 'one-time-password' --realm=REALM.COM -U
--no-ssh --no-sshd --no-ntp --domain=realm.com

The machine does indeed join the domain correctly, but the certmonger request
fails.  Looking at the logs, we can see this:

2014-08-19T15:02:45Z DEBUG Starting external process
2014-08-19T15:02:45Z DEBUG args=/bin/systemctl is-active certmonger.service
2014-08-19T15:02:45Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0
2014-08-19T15:02:45Z DEBUG stdout=
2014-08-19T15:02:45Z DEBUG stderr=Running in chroot, ignoring request.

The error is occurring because the certmonger service fails to start.  This
is because systemd is not able to manipulate services in a chrooted
environment (ala the anaconda installation environment).  Prior to systemd,
this would work fine as services could start normally via init in a

Additionally, we see the error:

Unable to find 'admin' user with 'getent passwd ad...@domain.com'

Again, this is because systemd is unable to start sssd in the chrooted
installation environment.  I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced these
issues with systemd unable to start these required services during
installation and what you did to work around them.  One option would be to
move the ipa-client-install out of Kickstart and have Puppet join the host to
the domain post-installation (after firstboot), but this isn't really ideal.

Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.
Create a file that is run at boot, presumably after networking and certmonger
are started.
What I saw as the common approach in OpenStack or other projects are scripts
and configurations for Cloud-init [1].

Are there people using it for this purpose or are there other (better) 

Yes, you can do ipa-server-install/ipa-client-install from a cloud-init user-data runcmd script. However, there are selinux issues - some of the transitions from the cloud-init contexts are not handled correctly. What you can do is to first run with selinux in Permissive mode, audit2allow -M cloudinit < /var/log/audit/audit.log , then in subsequent runs do semodule -i cloudinit.pp with selinux Enforcing.

However, cloud-init and kickstart do not mix afaik.



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