On 09/25/2014 05:35 PM, Traiano Welcome wrote:
Hi Martin

On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 2:18 PM, Martin Kosek <mko...@redhat.com
<mailto:mko...@redhat.com>> wrote:

    On 09/24/2014 01:06 PM, Traiano Welcome wrote:
     > Hi List
     > I'm currently running IPA 3.3 on Centos 7, and successfully 
     > Linux clients (Centos 6.5).
     > I'd like to setup Solaris 10 as an IPA client, but this seems
     > problematic. I am following this guide:
     > I have the following setup:
     > Solaris client:
     > - Solaris 10u11 (SunOS  5.10 Generic_147148-26 i86pc i386 i86pc)
     > IdM Server:
     > - Linux kwtpocipa001.orion.local 3.10.0-123.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Jun 30
     > 12:09:22 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
     > Going through the steps in the guide: at step 3 ("Create the 
     > account"), ldapadd fails with the following error:
     > "ldapadd: invalid format (line 6) entry:
     > "cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=orion,dc=local""
     > ---
     > [root@kwtpocipa001 ~]# ldapadd -h -p 389 -D "cn=directory
     > manager" -w Cr4ckM0nk3y
     > dn: cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=orion,dc=local
     > objectClass: top
     > objectClass: person
     > sn: proxyagent
     > cn: proxyagent
     > userPassword::
     > e1NTSEF9Mm53KytGeU81Z1dka1FLNUZlaDdXOHJkK093TEppY2NjRmt6Wnc9PQ=
     > ldapadd: invalid format (line 6) entry:
     > "cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=orion,dc=local"
     > ---
     > I've made the assumption that  the extra ":" is a typo in the 
     > and removed it, so the command runs successfully as follows:
     > ---
     > [root@kwtpocipa001 ~]# ldapadd -h -p 389 -D "cn=directory
     > manager" -w Cr4ckM0nk3y
     > dn: cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=orion,dc=local
     > objectClass: top
     > objectClass: person
     > sn: proxyagent
     > cn: proxyagent
     > userPassword:
     > e1NTSEF9Mm53KytGeU81Z1dka1FLNUZlaDdXOHJkK093TEppY2NjRmt6Wnc9PQ=
     > adding new entry "cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=orion,dc=local"
     > ---
     > At step 9 (Configure NFS ), I get an error, seems to indicate the
     > "des-cbc-crc" encryption type is unsupported:
     > ---
     > [root@kwtpocipa001 ~]# ipa-getkeytab -s kwtpocipa001.orion.local -p
     > nfs/kwtpocipasol10u11.orion.local -k /tmp/kwtpocipasol10u11.keytab -e
     > des-cbc-crc
     > Operation failed! All enctypes provided are unsupported
     > [root@kwtpocipa001 ~]#
     > ---
     > (Question: How would I add support for des-cbc-crc encryption  in
     > freeipa?). I've now worked around this by not specifying any encryption
     > type:
     > ---
     > [root@kwtpocipa001 ~]# ipa-getkeytab -s kwtpocipa001.orion.local -p
     > nfs/kwtpocipasol10u11.orion.local -k /tmp/kwtpocipasol10u11.keytab
     > Keytab successfully retrieved and stored in: 
     > [root@kwtpocipa001 ~]#
     > ---
     > Testing that I can see nfs mounts on the centos IPA server from the 
     > machine:
     > ---
     > bash-3.2# showmount -e kwtpocipa001.orion.local
     > export list for kwtpocipa001.orion.local:
     > /data/centos-repo <>
     > bash-3.2#
     > ----
     > Checking we can kinit:
     > ---
     > bash-3.2#
     > bash-3.2# kinit admin
     > Password for admin@ORION.LOCAL:
     > bash-3.2#
     > bash-3.2#
     > bash-3.2# klist
     > Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
     > Default principal: admin@ORION.LOCAL
     > Valid starting                Expires                Service principal
     > 09/24/14 11:20:36  09/24/14 12:20:36  krbtgt/ORION.LOCAL@ORION.LOCAL
     >         renew until 10/01/14 11:20:36
     > bash-3.2#
     > bash-3.2#
     > bash-3.2#
     > bash-3.2# uname -a
     > SunOS kwtpocipasol10u11 5.10 Generic_147148-26 i86pc i386 i86pc
     > bash-3.2#
     > ---
     > Testing I can mount the remote FS (without Kerberos auth). This is
     > successful (when not using kerberos5 authentication):
     > ---
     > bash-3.2# mount -F nfs /remote/
     > bash-3.2# mount |grep remote
     > /remote on
     > remote/read/write/setuid/devices/rstchown/xattr/dev=4f0000a on Wed Sep 24
     > 13:45:32 2014
     > bash-3.2#
     > ---
     > Testing with KRB5:
     > ---
     > bash-3.2# mount -F nfs -o sec=krb5 
     > nfs mount: mount: /remote: Permission denied
     > bash-3.2#
     > ---
     > Looking at the krbkdc logs on the IPA master server, I get the following
     > error:
     > ---
     > Sep 24 13:48:17 kwtpocipa001.orion.local krb5kdc[2371](info): AS_REQ (6
     > etypes {18 17 16 23 3 1}) <>:
     > host/kwtpocipasol10u11.orion.local@ORION.LOCAL for
     > krbtgt/ORION.LOCAL@ORION.LOCAL, Additional pre-authentication required
     > Sep 24 13:48:17 kwtpocipa001.orion.local krb5kdc[2373](info): DISPATCH:
     > repeated (retransmitted?) request from, resending previous
     > response
     > Sep 24 13:48:17 kwtpocipa001.orion.local krb5kdc[2374](info): DISPATCH:
     > repeated (retransmitted?) request from, resending previous
     > response
     > .
     > .
     > .
     > Sep 24 13:48:18 kwtpocipa001.orion.local krb5kdc[2373](info): AS_REQ (6
     > etypes {18 17 16 23 3 1}) <>:
     > root/kwtpocipasol10u11.orion.local@ORION.LOCAL for
     > krbtgt/ORION.LOCAL@ORION.LOCAL, Client not found in Kerberos database
     > ---
     > So it seems the host is not correctly registered.
     > NOTE: Via the interface ,I can see the solaris client is
     > not properly enrolled (" Kerberos Key Not Present"), however the
     > documentation doesn't seem to indicate clearly how this should be done 
     > a Solaris client. I have regenerated the certificate though, so it shows
     > "valid certificate present".
     > My question is: Is the process described in this guide still
     > correct/functional for integrating Solaris 10 clients?
     > If so, is there some way I could debug further to pinpoint why the 
     > client is not being registered in the Kerberos DB?
     > Many thanks in advance!
     > Traiano

    Hello Traiano,

    This part of the documentation is wrong, as reported by ldapadd, 
    is not correct.

    If you specify the entry with clear text password, it would work. I.e.:

    dn: cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=orion,dc=local
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: person
    sn: proxyagent
    cn: proxyagent
    userPassword: agentpassword

    Note that Solaris related documentation is (unfortunately) known to be off:

    Also please note that the guide you are referring to is also pretty old 
    Fedora 18 times) and not updated. There is a related thread:


Indeed. There are some minor errata as well like the use of the "-t" flag with
Solaris' version of the mount command:
bash-3.2# mount -t nfs -o sec=krb5 /remote/
mount: illegal option -- t
  "-F" works.
I've adjusted the steps I've used to include the changes you mentioned in
https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/3731, attached is a step  by step
listing of the process with my output up to step 9, where mounting NFS fails.
Hopefully by a process of iteration I can document the updated process for
configuring Solaris 10 clients.

Thank you, that helps - I would hand over the updated steps to downstream RHEL guide maintainer.

Here is what I'm seeing at step 9 (referencing the old Fedora 18 docs with
adjusted steps)L
h) Mount the NFS share. [FAILS]
bash-3.2# mount -F nfs -o sec=krb5 /remote/
nfs mount: mount: /remote: Permission denied
/var/log/krbkdc.Log entries:
krb5kdc: Cannot determine realm for numeric host address - unable to find
realm of host
Sep 25 18:18:20 kwtpocipa001.orion.local krb5kdc[2373](info): TGS_REQ (6
etypes {18 17 16 23 3 1}) <>:
LOOKING_UP_SERVER: authtime 0,
admin@ORION.LOCAL <mailto:admin@ORION.LOCAL> for <unknown server>, Server not
found in Kerberos database
Sep 25 18:18:20 kwtpocipa001.orion.local krb5kdc[2373](info): TGS_REQ (6
etypes {18 17 16 23 3 1}) <>:
LOOKING_UP_SERVER: authtime 0,
admin@ORION.LOCAL <mailto:admin@ORION.LOCAL> for <unknown server>, Server not
found in Kerberos database
krb5kdc: Cannot determine realm for numeric host address - unable to find
realm of host
Sep 25 18:18:20 kwtpocipa001.orion.local krb5kdc[2373](info): TGS_REQ (6
etypes {18 17 16 23 3 1}) <>:
LOOKING_UP_SERVER: authtime 0,
admin@ORION.LOCAL <mailto:admin@ORION.LOCAL> for <unknown server>, Server not
found in Kerberos database
Sep 25 18:18:20 kwtpocipa001.orion.local krb5kdc[2373](info): TGS_REQ (6
etypes {18 17 16 23 3 1}) <>:
LOOKING_UP_SERVER: authtime 0,
admin@ORION.LOCAL <mailto:admin@ORION.LOCAL> for <unknown server>, Server not
found in Kerberos database
krb5kdc: Cannot determine realm for numeric host address - unable to find
realm of host
Sep 25 18:18:20 kwtpocipa001.orion.local krb5kdc[2373](info): TGS_REQ (6
etypes {18 17 16 23 3 1}) <>:
LOOKING_UP_SERVER: authtime 0,
admin@ORION.LOCAL <mailto:admin@ORION.LOCAL> for <unknown server>, Server not
found in Kerberos database
Sep 25 18:18:20 kwtpocipa001.orion.local krb5kdc[2373](info): TGS_REQ (6
etypes {18 17 16 23 3 1}) <>:
LOOKING_UP_SERVER: authtime 0,
admin@ORION.LOCAL <mailto:admin@ORION.LOCAL> for <unknown server>, Server not
found in Kerberos database

However DNS forward and reverse records DO seem to resolve:
[root@kwtpocipa001 ~]# host domain name pointer kwtpocipasol10u11.orion.local.
[root@kwtpocipa001 ~]# host kwtpocipasol10u11.orion.local
kwtpocipasol10u11.orion.local has address

I assume this is being run from your IPA server - it looks OK.

And we can kinit and get a ticket:
bash-3.2# kinit admin@ORION.LOCAL <mailto:admin@ORION.LOCAL>
Password for admin@ORION.LOCAL <mailto:admin@ORION.LOCAL>:
bash-3.2# klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: admin@ORION.LOCAL <mailto:admin@ORION.LOCAL>
Valid starting                Expires                Service principal
09/25/14 18:31:49  09/25/14 19:31:49 krbtgt/ORION.LOCAL@ORION.LOCAL
         renew until 10/02/14 18:31:49

Hmm, not sure what is the problem. Simo, do you know?

I would just make sure that /etc/krb5.keytab on the NFS server (klist -kt /etc/krb5.keytab) has keys for both NFS and host service and all use the right fully qualified hostname.


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