Trying to learn to live without private groups.

I imported a bunch of users from OpenLDAP and that was good.

I created about 4 users and the private groups show up in odd places and I 
don't want them. The private groups offer little value since the bulk of the 
imported users don't have them anyway.

I have done...

ipa-managed-entries -e "UPG Definition" disable
ipa-managed-entries -e "NGP Definition" disable

ldapmodify -Y GSSAPI
dn: cn=UPG Definition,cn=Definitions,cn=Managed Entries,cn=etc,$SUFFIX
changetype: modify
replace: originfilter
originfilter: (objectclass=disabled)

and restarted dirsrv but they are still showing - and I can't delete them  ;-(

ipa group-del test
ipa: ERROR: Deleting a managed group is not allowed. It must be detached first.

In the 'stash' application, I am trying to obscure them with an LDAP filter but 
that isn't working either

How can I get rid of the these private groups?

Craig White
System Administrator
O 623-201-8179   M 602-377-9752


SkyTouch Technology     4225 E. Windrose Dr.     Phoenix, AZ 85032

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