On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 02:31:26PM +0530, Rakesh Rajasekharan wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having some issues with freeipa. Whenever  I change the password for
> any user,
> He is not able to change the password. and he gets error "authentication
> token manipualtion error"
> Changing password for user hq-testuser.
> Current Password:
> New password:
> Retype new password:
> passwd: Authentication token manipulation error
> I was able to get this running on another environment not sure whats went
> wrong here.
> I have migrated my exisitng users from openldap .
> Thanks,
> Rakesh

What is the sssd version?

Is the password changed despite the error (you can test with kinit and
either the new or the old password) ?

Increasing sssd log verbosity and checking krb5_child.log might help,

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