Hi Gerardo,

On Tue, 3 Feb 2015, Gerardo Cuppari wrote:

Hello there again! I'm bothering you again because I am having some problems with autofs/NFS and IPA. All files created from a regular user (enrolled client) gets the nfsnobody user and group. Folder gets auto mounted.

just a guess: I had this symptom with a non-Redhat, self-configured client. It turned out, that it was required to set

Domain = my.domain.de

in /etc/idmapd.conf

Maybe worth a try.

Thanks in advance!

Here is what I did to configure it at server (server.estudio) and client (pc01.estudio):


ipa service-add nfs/server.estudio
ipa-getkeytab -s server.estudio -p nfs/server.estudio -k /etc/krb5.keytab

mkdir /export
chmod 777 /export
echo /export *(rw,sync,sec=sys:krb5:krb5i:krb5p) >> /etc/exports




ipa-getkeytab -s server.estudio -p host/server.estudio@ESTUDIO -k


echo aaa >> /export/aaa

[user@pc01 /]$ ls -la /export
total 12
drwxrwxrwx.  2 root      root      4096 feb  3 13:36 .
dr-xr-xr-x. 21 root      root      4096 feb  3 13:36 ..
-rw-rw-r--.  1 nfsnobody nfsnobody    4 feb  3 13:36 aaa

Mit freundlichen Gruessen/With best regards,


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