On 2/25/2015 3:11 PM, Dmitri Pal wrote:
> I think you can start with adding ntUser object class into the list of
> the object classes in the IPA configuration in UI. That would apply it
> to the new entries automatically.

How is that done? I'd rather not have to tweak the package files, since
that will cause upgrades to be problematic, as you and Petr said.

> If that does not work it is probably a bug. If it works you will have
> the object class right there.
> Next step is creating attributes
> - ntUserDomainId - I wonder whether it can be auto-populated using
> managed entry or CoS configuration in DS. If that works it will be a
> config change rather than a code change which means it will survive
> upgrades (most likely).
> - ntUserCreateNewAccount - should be set to true AFAIU and I wonder if
> it can be set to true using same managed entry or CoS mechanism.
> I am not saying that would work but that might work and would avoid
> doing code changes.

I couldn't find any decent documentation on managed entries or class of
service functionality. Can you point me in the right direction?

> If you willing to do code changes than it should be possible to just
> update the user plugin to autopopulate the entries with these
> attributes. But that would definitely blow up during upgrade.

Yeah, that's pretty far down on the list of options for this project.
But, you never know ...


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